CAMBA's Beyond Hunger Emergency Food Pantry
CAMBA's Flatbush food pantry opened its doors in 1996 to serve people in the community who need help putting food on their tables. Today, the pantry serves 4,300 people each month, providing emergency food and much-needed support: assistance with public benefit screening and applications, nutritional education, recipe demonstrations and access to community resources. Our clients include families, the elderly and other individuals simply struggling to get by.
Why 500 Turkeys for 500 Families?
Throughout the year, hungry people line up outside the pantry's doors on Church Avenue looking for the food they need to live. But come November, they hope for a little more---for their children to be able to take part in the season's bounty. Parents ask us: "Do you have turkeys? Do you have meat or anything we can use on our table for the holidays?"
Last year, in partnership with Ditmas Park Corner, "500 Turkeys for 500 Families" was a huge success. Over six weeks, support flooded in from our community (from people like you and your neighbors). By late November, we had met our goal. And on Thanksgiving week, when the line for turkeys stretched down Church Avenue, no one left without a Thanksgiving meal in-hand.
So this year, CAMBA and Ditmas Park Corner are asking again for your help---to bring Thanksgiving dinners to 500 families in our community.
For $30, you can buy a meal for a family of six. You'll be providing a turkey and all the trimmings: vegetables, stuffing, even the roasting pan. For $60, you'll bring that to two families. And for $120, four families will have the holiday meal and create the kind of memories that we enjoy and cherish every year.
Like last year, 500 turkeys started to meet the need we see. Help us get there again: buy a dinner, two or even four. You'll enjoy the feeling,.. almost as much as our clients enjoy the meals.
CAMBA was started in 1977 and, today, helps 45,000 people around New York City transform their lives each year. Our services include economic development, education & youth development, family support, health, housing and legal services. Learn more at