“Real bands save fans, real fans save bands” - Michael Clifford
It’s incredible to see how much 5 Seconds of Summer have grown since they first started in 2011. It’s an incredible story that gets to be shared globally. From media outlets, social media and even their own book. But what about the people they impact?
This project is time to shine a light to show how much music and bands can actually change a person. Whether it’s something small like creating new friendships or actually helping someone in their darkest hour, it would be incredible to shine a light on what this band has done to help their fans.
Now, a fan book may sound very typical, but this is something on another level. The aim is to compile real stories from real fans from around the world and put them into an actual book. A properly printed book. At first, it will just be the one copy which we will contact 5SOS’ PR and ask for a direct address for them to guarantee they can give this book to the boys themselves. If the book is proven to build a popular interest, then this could potentially lead to getting multiple copies printed and putting them for sale online for fans to purchase and read themselves. Either way, let’s make a book and show people how beautiful music is and how it can change lives.
In order for us to be able to get this book to 5SOS, we need to raise the money to print and ship to them. We have the details, we just need to fundraise. We're also aiming to be able to get a few extra copies to be able to give away to some fans!
Want to be in the book?
You can submit your story to 5sosfanstory@gmail.com along with your name, age and country (no more than 1,000 words) for us to be able to help share to the boys how they’ve changed your life. Made an amazing friend because of the band? Been inspired to follow your dreams? Seen light at the end of the darkness? Tell us and we’ll put your story in the book! We’d also love to hear about any fan projects, too!
If you don't want to share a big story but still want to be in the book, click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11g-2hffBmKLvz0Tux4k7pJu9XR5GXZehxUymcXGmrmc/viewform
We’ll also be looking for fan artists to put designs in to make the book really stand out. You can email your artwork to 5sosfanstory@gmail.com and we can add them in.