Have you ever felt the thrive to give back to your society and show your appreciation; however, you wondered how?
The answer is quite simple, and the process of supporting people in need is not only an exceptional thought, but also fun. My friend Alisher and I are both two passionate cyclists. We go to the same boarding school and during the past fall we went mountain-biking together on a daily basis. With a small group of fellow students we explored some the greatest tracks on the East coast of the United States of America. At the end of the season we had shared so many experiences and cycling became a more important part of our daily lives. Furthermore, we were up for something new: a biking tour through central Europe – entirely for a good cause. We are determined to spread the joy of cycling in the world for two key principles.
First, we want to draw attention to alternative transportation to save the environment.
Secondly, we are eager to donate for charity which provides bicycles to people living developing countries and that are in need of transportation for their survival.
The idea of our project is to ride from Vienna, Austria, to Venice, Italy. Throughout our tour we are going to cross the Alps and Dolomites which is going the most challenging part. The total distance is going to be about 800 kilometers and the trip is going to be divided into several stages. We are going to plan in days of rest, the goal, however, is to arrive in Venice after 12 days.
Our trip is entirely voluntarily and has the sole purpose to serve the global community.
One of the key ideas behind the tour is to give people in need the possibility to ride a bicycle. We came across an organization called Bicycles for Humanity (www.bicycles-for-humanity.org) that has successfully provided bikes for people in developing countries. The charity was created in 2005 and is present in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe (also in Germany: www.fahrraeder-fuer-afrika.de). Since its creation the institution has shipped more than 100,000 bikes to developing countries, and hundreds trained in how to manage the bike initiatives for the betterment of all in their community. The organization is active predominantly in Africa (Namibia, Angola, South Africa and Uganda). It is impressive how much a bike can change the lives of the people living in these countries. Not only is the daily commute to get water shorter, but also there is easier and faster access to health care and education for children.