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A car for my Dad to keep his job

My dad had an incident and broke his car. To keep his job he needs to repair it or get a "used" one.


A car for my Dad to keep his job

A car for my Dad to keep his job

A car for my Dad to keep his job

A car for my Dad to keep his job

A car for my Dad to keep his job

My dad had an incident and broke his car. To keep his job he needs to repair it or get a "used" one.

My dad had an incident and broke his car. To keep his job he needs to repair it or get a "used" one.

My dad had an incident and broke his car. To keep his job he needs to repair it or get a "used" one.

My dad had an incident and broke his car. To keep his job he needs to repair it or get a "used" one.

Wave Sea
Wave Sea
Wave Sea
Wave Sea
1 Campaign |
North, Italy
$6 USD $6 USD 2 backers
0% of $3,668 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Help my Dad, #hedeservesit

My Dad is a good worker, even after all the bad things that happened to us in these years.

  • I'm his son, the only one, I'm nineteen years old and I live in Italy. I'm trying to do the best I can to help my dad to repair his car or get a used one for less.
  • Why? Because my Dad needs his car to go to work everyday, and if he can't go because of the broken car, he will lose his job and that means that we will lose our house.
  • Even with a small contribution you could help him. He lost his wife (my Mother) in 2012, but he is still strong, he has never made me miss anything even with all the problems we had.
  • We ran out of money to pay lawyers in a bank case, where we are the injured party, where we are right, but the bank is prolonging the terms so we have to pay a lot untill it will be ended.

We are standing still, even with all the problems we have, but we need your help.

How much he needs?

He has to pay the mechanic for the broken car parts that he has to change, and also his workforce.

If it will be possibile, we will buy a used car to replace the smashed one.

Whether we will exceed the goal we will also give half of the "extra" money to charity! 

Since we care about people less lucky than us, if we will reach the goal of 3500 euros and get extra money, we will use half ot the extra money to pay our lawyer and the other half will go to charity.

For example: If we will have 500 euros of extra money, we will use 250 euros to pay our lawyer and the other 250 euros will go to charity.

We will prove the donation by posting a picture of the donation bill.

What will happen if we don't reach the goal?

If we will not reach the goal, we will keep what we got anyway to help us pay a part of the mechanic bill.

If you can't donate you could share this campaign

I know that there are a lot of people less lucky than us, so if you can't donate, you can still help us by sharing this campaign! We will really appreciate that.

Sincerely, son.

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Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Thank you for the donation! We really appreciate your help.
1 out of 500 of claimed


Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Thanks for the donation! This is really helping us a lot!
1 out of 100 of claimed

Many thanks!

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
Thanks for the donation! You are helping us so much! With this per you will receive a personal thanks e-mail written by me (e-mail address needed);
0 out of 100 of claimed

Stay updated live!

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
Thanks for the donation! You are helping us so much! With this per you will receive a personal thanks e-mail written by me (e-mail address needed); With this perk, you will be able to get updated live (via e-mail) about the status of the car and its repair (e-mail address needed).
0 out of 20 of claimed

Great contributor

Currency Conversion $105 USD
€100 EUR
Thanks for the donation! You are helping us so much! With this per you will receive a personal thanks e-mail written by me (e-mail address needed); With this perk, you will be able to get updated live (via e-mail) about the status of the car and its repair (e-mail address needed). With this perk you will receive a personal thanks video (e-mail address needed).
0 out of 20 of claimed

Auto part contributor

Currency Conversion $524 USD
€500 EUR
Thanks for the donation! You are helping us so much! With this perk you are basically donating us an auto part to replace! With this perk you will get all of the above perks: With this perk you will get a personal digital drawing made by me (Draw + coloration + dedication) sent via e-mail.
0 out of 3 of claimed

Name the car!

Currency Conversion $1,048 USD
€1,000 EUR
Thanks for the donation! You are helping us so much! With this perk you are basically donating us an auto part to replace! With this perk you will get all of the above perks: With this perk you will get a personal digital drawing made by me (Draw + coloration + dedication) sent via e-mail. With this perk you will be able to give a NAME to our car that will be written on the back side of the car (e-mail address needed).
0 out of 1 of claimed
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