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A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

Help launch a self-sustaining project to give away A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition to those who cannot afford them, supported by those who can.

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A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition

Help launch a self-sustaining project to give away A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition to those who cannot afford them, supported by those who can.

Help launch a self-sustaining project to give away A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition to those who cannot afford them, supported by those who can.

Help launch a self-sustaining project to give away A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition to those who cannot afford them, supported by those who can.

Help launch a self-sustaining project to give away A Course In Miracles Sparkly Edition to those who cannot afford them, supported by those who can.

Ted Poppe
Ted Poppe
Ted Poppe
Ted Poppe
1 Campaign |
Quincy, United States
$7,350 USD 74 backers
30% of $24,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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(or more) Full Tax Deduction

$1 USD
Every contribution helps! Not only will your contribution help someone in need receive a free copy of the Sparkly Edition of A Course In Miracles but full funding of this project will allow The Borderland to fulfill its mission for a self sustaining, self-perpetuating ministry that continues to make the Sparkly available to any and all. These pledges are fully tax deductible as well.
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
8 claimed


$10 USD
5 copies of the 20 MINUTE BOOK- the review of the first 50 Lessons of the WORKBOOK OF ACIM in a "back pocket' format. $8 of this pledge is tax deductible along with any amount over you would care to pledge as well.
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
7 out of 1000 of claimed


$25 USD
You will receive one soft cover Sparkly Edition of A Course In Miracles, postage include within the USA. Anything over $25 is fully tax deductible.
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
17 out of 1000 of claimed


$35 USD
You will receive one soft cover Sparkly Edition of A Course In Miracles, International postage included. Any pledge over $35 is fully tax deductible.
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
8 out of 200 of claimed


$275 USD
1 case of 15 soft cover Sparkly Edition of A Course In Miracles (shipped anywhere in the US) along with 20 Minute Books and bonus material. Great for an existing group or start up a new one ($18.35 each for a supporter) when pledged and shipped as a group with any pledge over being fully tax deductible.
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
5 out of 10 of claimed


$300 USD
Dave Monk (Phare) is one of Australia's premier Inksters and student/teacher of ACIM. If you live in Australia or are traveling there, give yourself the gift of a $500 tattoo session and get a earlier printing of a hardcover SPARKLY and the pleasure of a couple hours with a true crusader.
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
0 out of 1 of claimed

GIFT of LILIES ACIM Conference

$400 USD
Admission Ticket for the 2013 ACIM Conference in Chicago, A $400 contribution receives 1 Conference Admission, a copy of the Sparkly Edition and 5 "Twenty Minute" Books. The cost of Admission for this, the penultimate ACIM gathering for 2013, is $499 and will be as high as $649. The list of presenters include Regina Dawn Akers, Gary Renard, David Hoffmeister, Earl Purdy, Joe Wolfe and many more friends of ACIM. *Hotel NOT included*
Estimated Shipping
July 2012
1 out of 5 of claimed


$2,500 USD
Ted Poppe will travel to a location of your choice within the US and provide lunch during a day long gathering for up to 15 people. This will include a case of 15 books, pamphlets and other surprise give aways. (A large portion your $2,500 contribution will be tax deductible. The amount can only be determined after the event.)
Estimated Shipping
July 2012
0 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Conference with the Scribes

$300 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
1 out of 1 of claimed
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