<Soo> is about...!
My name is Eunhye ‘Hong’ Kim. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and work in both South Korea and the United States. I'm a filmmaker and a writer, making movies about social issues that are related to women, teenagers, and marginalized people. I use narrative film as a form of expression, and specifically to the power of narrative film to communicate multiple dimensions of personal experience and social landscape.
<Soo> is the film, portrays a woman who suffers from Postpartum depression. About four years ago, I watched a documentary about a woman filmmaker, who went through Postpartum depression. During that time in Korea, Postpartum depression was considered a simple, mild mood swing that affects new moms, and no one really understood its full effects. I wanted to explore more about the diagnosis because of strong, inner fears I sensed, as a woman. Furthermore, I asked myself what the term “mother’s love” means to us. I feel Postpartum depression has a big stigma in society, and not many want to talk openly about the “mommy guilt” that is exuded in this diagnosis.
In my story <Soo>, the protagonist Soo is suffering from Postpartum depression. As the story progresses, we see her struggles and experience her world.
Some facts to know about Postpartum depression :
1) It can happen to ANYONE. Literally, it can happen to any new moms. By the numbers of research, it happens average 20-30% of new moms with no specific reasons.
2) It usually starts BEFORE giving birth. For new moms, they experience tremendous mood changes before and after the due date. Many of the new moms have reported that they feel something is ‘different’ around 2-3 months before the due date.
3) It has various symptoms. It can be a mild mood swing to suicidal thoughts or form of terrifying to cause harming infant baby. Less than 2% of moms with depression cause harming the baby.
4) Its symptoms are really similar to depression.
I have read lots of research literature and news about Postpartum depression. Recently, I had a wonderful opportunity to interview a woman who suffered from Postpartum for several months. Through the interview, I learned more about the diagnosis and the woman and mother, who experienced it.
The Team
Our team, Hongsoofilms (collaborated with a theater group, Serlem :설렘), is found by four directors and one cinematographer, looking to bring a fresh eye to the conventional narrative cinema. We've been working on each other's project by taking different roles and looking forward to produce authentic independent films.
The Actors
Jin-ah Kang will play 'Soo' and Sang-gyun Kim will play 'Hyun'. They are both experienced actors in theatrical plays and film industry.
<SOO> was able to be developed by priceless support and help from two of wonderful advisors.
Lia Hyunji Kim
Lia Hyunji Kim-Yi is an immigration attorney and the Director of the Immigration Law Practice at the Highland Park Highwood Legal Aid Clinic in Highland Park, IL. As a 1st generation Korean-American, she uses her own immigration experience to help her clients with the difficult and complicated immigration system. She is also the mother of two girls (3 years old and 1 year old) and has been happily married to her husband for over 7 years. Because of her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of her first child, she has been a vocal advocate for postpartum intervention and support for new mothers.
Eunkyung Kim Shin
Eunkyung Kim Shin is an international trade and commercial law attorney. She has been providing support for various independent filmmakers over the years, and currently serves as counsel and advisor for HongSoo Film. Eunkyung is proud to serve as a board member of KAN-WIN, which is a non-profit organization whose mission is to eradicate all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence and sexual assault, by empowering Asian American survivors and engaging the community through culturally competent services, community education and outreach, and advocacy. She is a mother of two small children, and lives in Chicago with her husband and two dogs.
What We Need & What You Get
The campaign goal is $2,500, which will cover equipment rentals, location fees, and cast and crew compensation.
As a thank-you, you will receive:
$10 A set of <Soo> themed post-cards
$25 Post-cards + <Soo> themed Pin button
$50 Post-cards + Pin button + "I Heart Indie Films" Tote bag
$100 All above + Private Online link to the film upon completion
$300 All above + 11"x17" framed <Soo> poster designed and painted by the director
$500 All above + CREATIVE PRODUCER credit
$1000 All above + EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit with festival (or screening) invitation
A set of <Soo> themed post-cards
<Soo> themed Pin button
"I Heart Indie Films" Tote bag
Risks & Challenges
Filmmaking always has its unpredictable challenges. Since I will be working with two-month old baby on set, it will be an extremely sensitive set. Also, the story is about a depressed woman so our team needs to take care of the mental status of the main actress. To overcome these challenges, our team will consider all the possible risks and challenges on set and will talk through before the shoot. The mother of the baby will always be on set with us when there is baby on set.
Other Ways You Can Help
You can spread this post to your social media page; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all sorts :
Friends and family! Please check out this beautiful project by Eunhye Hong Kim @hong_cine for her thesis project at CalArts. The story is about a woman who suffers from Postpartum depression and follows her struggles to reconnect with her society. Please check this following link!