I have spent most of my life creating and using herbal remedies - I worked in the beauty industry, owned my own spa in NYC as well as worked behind the scene on commercial and fashion shoots.
In 1999, I began researching natural ingredients and spent six years working with two Licensed chemists, developing a line of organic natural nail products that provided treatment with no carcinogenic chemicals.
Growing up, I never took medicine- when sick, instead my grandmother gave me herbal remedies that were prepared at home. Presently I eat organic food as well as keeping my mind and emotions clear.
Throughout the years, I shared many of these natural remedies with friends and clients and I have had an amazing number of testimonials and words of gratitude of some miraculous healings. Many problems could not be resolved by the medical community, but my grandmother’s solution worked!
I was encouraged by friends and clients to write a book with these recipes and share it with the public as a service to help thousands have healthier choices.
It seems that the population of the world is becoming more aware of natural organic foods and cures and are much more interested in alternative approaches. Our environments are being further polluted with chemicals in the air, soil, and our waters.
I am now compiling the material into a lavishly illustrated 144-page hardcover book.
"Mamanjoon's Secret Potions" - history, legend and natural recipes from the ancient land of Persia.
You can see sample images of the book in the 'gallery' page.
What We Need
Having written the text, taken high-quality photographs and- collected archive photos, I now need to produce the book into a final product.
Your pledge will help fund the following:
• Finishing the text, book design, and artwork.
• A professional book editor to check the work, correct errors, and keep standards high.
• Licensing of additional images
• ISBN book numbering and registration.
• Colour printers proofs.
• Print the books (professionally printed on FSC paper sourced from sustainable forests.)
• Promotional materials and review copies.
What You Get
In return, your pledge will ensure you are among the first to receive a signed copy of this new and fascinating book (or whatever goods you have pledged for), with your name printed on a special contributors page as a thank you. Delivered around March of 2016, in time for Spring. Safe in the knowledge that you have helped bring an independent and worthwhile project to life.
The Impact
When viewed in a single volume, this stunning collection of natural remedies, along with their history, legend and mythology, presents an extraordinary record of the rich variety of ancient remedies worldwide. While also telling a human story. A celebration of my grandmother's legacy, through words and pictures, the book ultimately calls for their preservation.
Risks & Challenges
• As a new author, I was lucky to have successful authors as friends to guide me.
• I need to achieve a printer deadline and finish the book by November.
• I understand the production pitfalls and challenges involved in producing a book.
• I have national distribution lined up to make the book available through all the usual outlets.
This book will happen. Any additional funds raised will help increase the print run.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute financially, please share my project via social media or e-mail, using the Indiegogo link, as spreading the news far and wide will be key for making "Mamanjoon's Secret Potions" a reality.
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