She must find a way home...
...and retake the holy land!
Back today!
UNLOCKED: Our special "Korean Mangr" version of the book which is so screwed up TWO printers declined to make the book for us the way we wanted it. The Korean Mangr variant will be completely unreadable! This is the most out of control meme on the internet and it has EVERYONE going crazy, especially in the continent of Australia. The Korean Mangr Variant has a beautiful cover in homage to George Perez's famous Crisis book featuring our brand new character, Fat Orange Haired Man-Baby In A Suit:
What is the A High School Girl In The Crusades + Deus Vult Campaign?
Hello faithful readers! We're back for a quick campaign to give you the most fun in comics. As you are aware, JDA and his team have faithfully delivered on twelve crowdfund campaigns to provide you more than 30 issues of comics. We're the most trusted brand in independent comics for a reason!
We are offering two different full comics:
1. A High School Girl In The Crusadesis a 22-page manga-style isekai parody about a high school girl transported to the crusades (duh!). Art is 100% by The Quaff (Shotgun Samurai, Nuclear Warhead Samurai). Here's the cover:
2. Deus Vult is a 66 page epic fantasy graphic novel about a crusader transported to a magical and evil realm. Art is by Jesse White and Matt Crotts. This is the 2nd chance for this book, and we are offering a brand new cover featuring art by famed fantasy artist, Lolo Guzman:
Both protagonists face a hero's journey, fulfilling an epic quest and trying to get home.
A High School Girl In The Crusades Preview Pages:
Deus Vult Preview Pages:
Each of these books will be exquisitely printed by Jon Del Arroz's printer he uses for his novels. This means a higher quality paper than standard comic books because novels are meant to last!
We also have options available fort-shirts and sketches from The Quaff!
Desu Vult Ultimate Crusader Weeb T-Shirt:
Jon Del Arroz's full complete comic library is also available, including his hit series, FLYING SPARKS! The library is getting big so catch up on your reading today!
Stretch Goals:
$1,000 - Everyone will get digital first issues of Flying Sparks from JDA and Shotgun Smaurai from The Quaff - FREE Comics of our other great works!
$2,500 - We will add a "Sailor Moon Style" pin-up to the book, drawn by the Quaff.
$5,000 - Each book will come with a special crusader cross sticker!
$7,500 - We will add a special one-page backup story to the book, NAOMI: ACE ATTORNEY
$10,000 - We will produce a special "Korean Mangr" Variant of A High School Girl In The Crusades in the traditional printing style A fat guy from Australia pioneered!
$11,000 - Naomi Sticker!
$15,000 - The Quaff and JDA will get together and sign each copy of A High School Girl In The Crusades for backers!
Thank you so much for all of your tremendous support and reading the real alternative to mainstream comics!
Fans of Stealing Solo, Anna ThatStarWarsGirl, Fandom Menace, ComicsGate, Ethan Van Sciver, Cyberfrog: Rekt Planet, Graham Nolan, Alien Alamo FragaBoom, Jon Malin, Graveyard Shift, Shadowbinders, Kamen America, Tim Lim, Micah Curtis, Englewood, Conquest Comics, Vox Day, Godlike, Billy Tucci, Shi Omnibus, Shane Davis, Graham Nolan, Jack The Ripper, Cyberfrog Action Figures, Earthbound, Art Thibert, and more will love Deus Vult! Gaveyard Shift Volume IV, Thin Blue Line, Mike Baron, Chuck Dixon, Noarah's Saga, Mitch Breitweiser, Art Thibert, Black & White, Gabe Eltaeb, Truth Justice American Way, Cerebrum, Brandon Sanderson, White Sand, Giant Sized Two-Fisted Manly Tales, Graham Nolan, Hail Crow, King of Hell!