Who Are We?
The Thomas Jefferson Center exists for one simple reason: to preserve and protect the principles of free speech and press guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. For the past 25 years, we have pursued this objective in courtrooms, classrooms, and communities around the country.
- Litigation: The Center is a vigorous advocate for First Amendment litigants and issues. To date, we have filed over 150 briefs nationwide, from city courts all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.
- Outreach: Complacency is the death knell of liberty. Therefore, we strive to keep First Amendment principles alive in the day-to-day lives of those around us through a variety of original programs, sponsorships, and creative partnerships.
- Education: The Thomas Jefferson Center works with students of all ages to instill and foster an appreciation for free expression. In addition, we teach a First Amendment practice clinic at the University of Virginia School of Law, training the next generation of free speech advocates.
Recognizing that threats to free speech originate from all over the political spectrum, the Thomas Jefferson Center maintains a strict nonpartisan approach to everything we do.
So... What Is This Thing, Anyway?
The Mobile Monument Project involves transforming a standard issue 20' ISO shipping container into an elegant and engaging representation of our precious First Amendment values.
The exterior features more than 400 sq ft of "chalkboard" space where visitors can express themselves however they wish. On the inside, a beautiful open gallery space provides a backdrop for rotating exhibits, performances, installations—the sky's the limit!
In short, the Mobile Monument is an interactive exploration of what it means to enjoy and exercise our right of free expression.
And because it's so portable, the Mobile Monument takes this important message straight to the people. Once completed, the Monument can go almost anywhere:
- College Campuses
- State Capitols
- Public Parks
- Festivals
- Community Events
- Concerts
Why Us?
We at the Thomas Jefferson Center are well-prepared to create a project like the Mobile Monument. Ten years ago, we set out to build a first-of-its-kind monument to free expression in our namesake's home town of Charlottesville, Virginia. The result was The Community Chalkboard.
ituated directly in front of City Hall, the chalkboard—designed by architects Peter O’Shea and Robert Winstead—consists of a two-sided wall of Buckingham slate, approximately 54 feet long (108’ of writing space) by 7.5 feet high, on which members of the public may express their views, in chalk, on any subject they choose.
Risks & Challenges
We have taken the following steps to ensure that the Mobile Monument Project will be completed quickly and efficiently following funding:
- We have a suitable shipping container "on hold" for us while we raise funds. This means that we will be able to begin construction immediately at the close of the campaign.
- All materials necessary for renovating the container are in place and ready for construction to begin.
- Our architectural consultant, designers, and lead builder have committed to completing the project as soon as the campaign is funded. Construction is expected to take 4 to 6 weeks.
- We have already secured a commitment to display the Mobile Monument at the 2015 Lockn' Music Festival, where more than 30,000 music fans will have the opportunity to express themselves over the course of the three day festival.