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A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

Lets create a permaculture farm focused on "people care".


A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

A permaculture farm focused on helping people grow

Lets create a permaculture farm focused on "people care".

Lets create a permaculture farm focused on "people care".

Lets create a permaculture farm focused on "people care".

Lets create a permaculture farm focused on "people care".

Amy Lalonde
Amy Lalonde
Amy Lalonde
Amy Lalonde
2 Campaigns |
Guelph, Canada
$63 USD $63 USD 6 backers
0% of $139,029 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Short Summary

Lets do more than grow amazing organic food in an ecologically regenerative way. The second ethic of permaculture is "care of people," and as much as I love the science and design of permaculture, it is the people care side of permaculture that holds my heart.

You see there is this dream I have. Have had for a while now.

Imagine if you will a place of beauty, filled with beautiful fresh organic food. A place of healing, a place where people can come to find peace. A place anyone can come to and feel welcome, feel at home, feel cared for. This is my dream. For me this is the "people care" side of permaculture. 

It is a very very big dream I hold, so lets step back just a little bit. To something a little more attainable in this moment. Something amazing has happened.

My teacher, from whom I learned the science and design of permaculture, has asked my husband and I to buy her farm. The beginings of my big dream? She says she thinks my husband and I could do amazing things with her little place. She likes my vision.

It is a small farm, only an acre. But it is an acre full of potential, as well as mature fruit trees, and gardens. Designed to be productive and in line with the principles of permaculture. It is where I took my design course.

We want to buy this farm, to take it further. We are ambitious, and willing to work hard for what we want. We had been planning to go the normal route, to save and buy a farm later. But this beautiful opportunity has come well before we had enough saved.

Please, help us make this happen. Help us buy our farm.

What We Need & What You Get

We need $200 000 to make this happen. $200k will give us a big enough down payment on the $450k property. It will not pay for the whole farm but it will be enough to let us have the same mortgage payments we have on our current house.

In return we offer lots of pretty cool rewards, from a CSA, to internships and permaculture consultations. More exciting than those we think, however are our stretch goals.

The magic of crowd funding is in the community. Lots and lots of people contributing as little as five dollars really does make dreams come true. Or, even if you can't contribute, the simple act of one person telling another spreads our dream through the community making it stronger. Community is very powerful.

That is why we want to thank our community, and we have created a few stretch goals to do that.

$300 000 – we will get the farm certified organic

$450 000 – We will gift our current house to a local family we have met, who are passionate about growing food and building community. They were interested in buying our house before all this got started, and they very much want to work with the local community to create a community garden in the park next to our current house.

$650 000 – If we reach this level of funding we will: Gift our current house, get the farm certified organic, and Jordan will use his amazing carpentry skills to build a straw bale chemical free building where people can have meetings and teach workshops. There are amazingly talented people in this area who are aching to share there skills but are held back by there chemical sensitivities. We want to create a sanctuary, not just for them, but for anyone to come and learn, or teach. A sanctuary surrounded by beautiful forest gardens.

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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
This is why I love crowd funding! Every little bit really does count when it's done by enough people. Bless you and thank you so much for believing in our dream.
0 claimed

We will remember you always.

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Your fabulous name will go up on a plaque at the farm under the title "These wonderful fabulous people helped make this childhood dream come true." You will also receive a personal thank you card from Amy.
0 claimed

Remembered Forever.

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Your fabulous name will go up on a plaque at the farm under the heading " These wonderful fabulous and amazing people made our dream a reality." You will also receive a personal thank you note from Amy.
0 claimed

Download a workshop video.

Currency Conversion $31 USD
$45 CAD
You will receive all of the above perks, and you can chose a video of a workshop to down load. We will put up a full list later but just to give you an idea some of the video workshops are: how to make your own tea blends, using plants from your garden to make the most amazing truffles ever, how to make calendula cream, how to make your own medicinal salves.
1 claimed

Permaculture consultation.

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
You will get all the same stuff as with a 25$ donation, and you can choose three of the video workshops. And, something extra special. For $100 you will get a one hour permaculture phone consult with Amy. Put her knowledge to work to help you permaculture your life and your garden.
0 claimed

Permaculture consultation.

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
Have you been daydreaming of replacing your urban lawn with a beautiful veggie garden? Or perhaps you find yourself dreaming of straw bale chicken coops, and the cute fluffy hens to fill them. Pets that make you breakfast! Just give Amy a call, and get a whole hour to discuss your burning permaculture questions.
0 claimed

Consult a Shaman.

Currency Conversion $174 USD
$250 CAD
This is a very special perk. Local Shaman and energy healer Ian Ellis has donated his services to our cause. (Ian you are amazing!) There are eight, one hour healing sessions are available. These sessions can be done over Skype if you don't live locally. Here is a link to his wonderful site.
0 out of 8 of claimed

A fruit and vegetable CSA.

Currency Conversion $209 USD
$300 CAD
CSA share. This one is for local people who can come to the farm to pick it up. The farm we want to buy is loaded with mature fruit and nut trees, and there is plenty of pasture space for a huge amazing garden.
0 claimed

Straw Bale Building Workshop.

Currency Conversion $348 USD
$500 CAD
Attend a weekend straw bale building workshop at our farm. Jordan went to Fleming College for sustainable building, and is an amazing carpenter. Let him guide you through the process of straw bale construction.
0 claimed

A CSA For Your Mind.

Currency Conversion $695 USD
$1,000 CAD
Imagine a year long pass to attend any of the workshops we hold at the farm! That is just what you get with this perk. We will put up a full list later but just to give you an idea some of the workshops are: how to make your own tea blends, using plants from your garden to make the most amazing truffles ever, how to make calendula cream, how to make your own medicinal salves. It also includes the Straw Bale workshop.
0 claimed

Permaculture Internship.

Currency Conversion $3,476 USD
$5,000 CAD
A Permaculture Internship at our new farm from May 2015 to October 2015. You will be there on the ground as we work to get this whole thing off the ground, this includes camping on site, and food. The farm we are buying is already well established permaculture property. It is an amazing beautiful place, with so much to teach.
0 out of 10 of claimed
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