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A Song Heard in the Mountains

A short drama about brotherhood, grief, a mountain and a song.

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A Song Heard in the Mountains

A Song Heard in the Mountains

A Song Heard in the Mountains

A Song Heard in the Mountains

A Song Heard in the Mountains

A short drama about brotherhood, grief, a mountain and a song.

A short drama about brotherhood, grief, a mountain and a song.

A short drama about brotherhood, grief, a mountain and a song.

A short drama about brotherhood, grief, a mountain and a song.

Lisa Herbers
Lisa Herbers
Lisa Herbers
Lisa Herbers
1 Campaign |
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
£1,605 GBP by 50 backers
£1,605 GBP by 50 backers on Aug 13, 2019
We're making a 10 minute short film that tells the story of Ed and Sam, two brothers waiting for news from their sister who is in hospital. As they try to come to terms with the potentiality of losing her, they go on a hike that will bring them closer than ever. Dans notre court-métrage, Ed et Sam attendent des nouvelles de leur soeur qui est hospitalisée. Alors qu’ils essayent d’accepter qu’ils puissent la perdre, ils partent faire une longue marche qui les rapprochera plus que jamais.


“Years pass by and they're gone with the speed of birds in flight

Our life like the verse of a song heard in the mountains”

"Les années passent et partent à la vitesse des oiseaux qui s'envolent

Notre vie telle le couplet d'une chanson entendue dans la montagne"

Ewan MacColl, The Joy of Living



A Song Heard in the Mountains is our graduation short film for the MA Film program at Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University.

 A Song heard in the mountains est un court-métrage produit en tant que projet de diplôme pour notre master à Screen Academy Scotland à Edimbourg. 


It tells the story of two brothers, Sam and Ed, who go on a hike together to try and come to terms with the fact that their sister is in hospital. They learn how to open up to each other and that, if tough times are ahead, they will be able to rely on one another. 

C’est l’histoire de deux frères, Sam et Ed, qui partent en randonnée ensemble pour essayer de comprendre et d’accepter le fait que leur soeur soit malade. Ils apprennent à s’ouvrir l’un à l’autre et que, si le pire devait arriver, ils sauront compter l’un sur l’autre. 


A Song Heard in the Mountains is about two confused people who have to deal with emotions that are too big for them, and how their love for each other can help them accept the idea of losing someone so dear. It’s a bitter-sweet reflection on how life and death work hand in hand, and the former cannot be without the latter. 

A song heard in the mountains parle de deux jeunes hommes perdus, qui doivent faire face à des émotions qui les dépassent, et de comment leur amour mutuel peut les aider à accepter la perte d’un être si cher. C’est une réflexion douce-amère sur la vie et la mort, et à quel point l’une et l’autre sont entremêlées. 


Lucie Trémolières - Writer & Director

I am a writer director who studies directing at Screen Academy Scotland. After studying History in London and writing and directing several stage plays, I started working in Film and TV production in Paris and London while writing and directing self-funded shorts, a web series, and theatre plays. I decided to take the plunge and focus on film directing last September when I moved to Edinburgh for my course. The short film I made in my second term, Donna, premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. 

Je suis réalisatrice et auteure, étudiante en master à Screen Academy Scotland. Après des études d’histoire à Londres où j’ai écrit et mis en scène plusieurs pièces de théâtre, j’ai enchaîné différentes expériences de production à Paris et à Londres tout en réalisant des projets personnels autoproduits (court-métrages, websérie et théâtre). J’ai décidé en septembre de consacrer tout mon temps à la réalisation et ai déménagé à Edimbourg pour mon master. Le court-métrage que j’ai réalisé pendant mon second semestre, Donna, a été projeté au Festival International du Film d’Edimbourg. 

Lisa Marie Herbers - Producer

Having completed a BSc in Business Studies at the University of Hamburg, spending some time abroad in New Zealand, the UK &Taiwan and gaining experience in Journalism, I finally decided to follow my passion and am now studying an MA Film at Screen Academy Scotland specialising in producing. I have produced multiple short films, including Donna, directed by Lucie, which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival this year. 

Après une licence en business à l’université de Hambourg, qui me permet de voyager en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Royaume-Uni et à Taiwan, et avoir travaillé dans le journalisme, j’ai décidé de suivre ma passion et j’étudie maintenant un master de production à Screen Academy Scotland. J’ai produit de nombreux court-métrages, notamment Donna, réalisé par Lucie, dont la Première a eu lieu au Festival International du Film d’Edimbourg.

Evangelos Lalusis - Cinematographer

I am from Athens, Greece. I have an intMA in Audio and Visual Arts from the Ionian University in Corfu, where I specialised in Photography. There, I took my first steps towards the moving image and theatre directing. I’m currently a student in the MA Film at Screen Academy Scotland in Edinburgh specialising in Cinematography. This is one of two current projects that I’m working on this summer. 

Je viens d’Athènes en Grèce. J’ai un master en arts audio et visuels de l’université ionienne de Corfou où je me suis spécialisé dans la photographie. J’y ai fait mes premiers pas vers le cinéma et le théâtre. J’étudie aujourd’hui un master de direction de la photographie à Screen Academy Scotland. Ce projet est l’un des deux films de diplôme auxquels je participe. 

Cedric Gall - Editor

Born in Mexico City, I started my creative career as a stills photographer and gradually gravitated towards filmmaking, naturally adopting cinematography as my preferred role, but missing some of the control over my images. Then, while studying a Communications BA with a major in Filmmaking, I explored both the editing and directing roles to compliment my cinematography skills. I am currently studying MA Film at Screen Academy Scotland, specialising in Editing. I’m passionate about delving deep into the characters’ personalities and what makes them human. 

Né à Mexico, j'ai commencé ma carrière en tant que photographe de plateau, puis j'ai peu à peu glissé vers la production de films, choisissant naturellement la direction de la photographie comme discipline préférée, mais en ressentant un besoin de contrôler plus mes images. C'est en étudiant une licence de communications, spécialité cinéma, que j'ai exploré à la fois le montage et la réalisation pour compléter mes compétences en photographie. J'étudie à présent à Screen Academy Scotland, spécialité montage. Me plonger dans les personnalités des personnages et ce qui les rend humains est ma passion.


In order to bring this story to life we need your support! We are lucky enough to get the equipment and a large part of our crew for free through our university but there are still some things we will have to pay for, such as transport, locations and cast. Being poor students, we can only put in so much money. Because this is our graduation film (and we do want to graduate) the project will go ahead no matter how much money we will raise. But the more money you give the better a film we can make and live up to the potential of the script. 

Pour que cette histoire prenne vie, nous avons besoin de votre soutien! Heureusement, nous avons accès à un équipement professionnel et toute une équipe technique presque entièrement gratuitement grâce à notre école. Mais il reste certaines choses que nous devons payer comme le transport, les lieux de tournage et une somme symbolique pour nos acteurs. Nous sommes de pauvres étudiants, et nous n’avons pas les fonds. C’est notre film de diplôme (et on veut l’avoir ce diplôme) et nous ferons le film coûte que coûte. Mais la qualité du film dépendra beaucoup de l’argent que nous aurons, et nous souhaitons vraiment faire honneur à ce scénario qui nous plaît à tous.

Here is a short overview on what we’ll be spending the money on:

Voici un graphique qui vous donne une idée de nos dépenses: 


In exchange for your support you not only help us make an amazing film, you also have the chance to get some of our very special perks. Among them are:

  • Many different versions of the script (digital, paper, or just different)
  • A postcard which is pretty cool because no one gets postcards anymore
  • The debut album of young fiddler James Patrick Gavin whose music inspired the script
  • A personalised FLASK to put your favourite drink in
  • A short story written just for you by our writer-director in French or English on a theme of your choice
  • And many other perks just have a look --->

Also, ALL our backers get a credit in the film and a social media shoutout!! Because literally every gesture helps and we’re thankful for any amount!

En échange de votre soutien, vous ne nous aidez pas seulement à faire un super film! Vous avez aussi l’opportunité de recevoir des avantages exclusifs pour nos donateurs: 

  • Différentes versions du scénario (signées, plus anciennes...-)
  • Une carte postale et ça c’est cool parce que plus personne n’en envoie
  • L’album du jeune violoniste folk James Patrick Gavin dont la musique a inspirée le scénario
  • Une flasque personnalisée pour votre liqueur préférée
  • Une nouvelle écrite spécialement pour vous en français ou en anglais sur un thème de votre choix
  • Et plein d’autres choses, cliquez à droite --->

Enfin, tous nos donateurs auront leurs noms au générique du film et sur les réseaux sociaux. Parce que tout geste compte et que nous vous remercions quoique vous nous donniez!

Other Ways You Can Help

You work all night, you work all day and still there never seems a single penny left? No problem! We understand if you cannot support us financially. If you would still like to help us, get the word out there & make some noise about our campaign!
Give us a like and share on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!
Or even better, send an email or a personal message to your family and friends to let them know about us!

Vous travaillez jour et nuit et pourtant il ne vous reste plus rien un sous pour nous? Pas de problème! On comprend parfaitement que vous ne puissiez pas nous soutenir financièrement. Si vous voulez quand même nous aider, faites connaître notre campagne!
Donnez-nous un “like” ou partagez ce lien ou notre page sur facebook, instagram ou twitter!
Ou encore mieux, envoyez un mail ou un message privé à vos proches pour qu’ils entendent parler de nous! Eux peuvent peut-être nous aider financièrement!


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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

£5 GBP
Thank you so much from everyone in the team!
Included Items
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Your name in the credits
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
8 claimed

Read the script!

£10 GBP
Read the script that the cast and crew used on set, and you can compare what you read and what you'll see.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital copy of the script
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
10 claimed

Hear the Title Song!

£20 GBP
Our film and its title were inspired by the the amazing song THE JOY OF LIVING by Ewan MacColl, specifically by the up-and-coming fiddler James Patrick Gavin's cover version. We are lucky enough to work with this extraordinary artist on the soundtrack for our film. This is your chance to get a free download! You'll also get all the other things.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital copy of the script
  • Digital copy of the title song
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
6 claimed

Digital Preview!!!

£30 GBP
WOW! You get to watch the film before everyone else! And if that's not exciting enough, you get a digital download of the theme song as well, which you'll be listening to on repeat.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital file of the theme song
  • Digital Preview of the film
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
9 claimed

Special hello from Edinburgh

£50 GBP
You'll get a lovely handwritten postcard in the mail like in the good old days with loads of lovely words from Edinburgh AND the cast will personally thank you on social media. And you'll get to see the film before everyone else.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Personal Postcard
  • Personal cast shoutout
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Signed Copy of the script

£75 GBP
OMG! You can have a signed paper copy of the script that you can sell for MILLIONS when we're famous and sit and watch the film with the script to check whether the actors got their lines right. You'll also get the song!
Included Items
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital file of the theme song
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Signed paper script
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Chewing the Fat Album

£100 GBP
Hitting the three figures with something exciting! You'll get wonderful folk fiddler James Patrick Gavin's debut album Chewing the Fat (digitally or a CD) sent to you. There's the song that inspired this film on it as well as loads of mind-blowing compositions. You'll also get many other things, have a look!
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Personal Postcard
  • Personal cast shoutout
  • Signed paper script
  • Chewing the Fat Album
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A short story...

£200 GBP
That's a lot of money you're giving us, so we've got something special for you: a short story (one or two pages) written EXCLUSIVELY for you by our writer-director Lucie in English ou en français, on a theme of your choice (just email us the theme you choose), as well as loads of other perks.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Personal Postcard
  • Personal cast shoutout
  • Signed paper script
  • Chewing the Fat Album
  • A short story
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
2 out of 8 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Flask and Previous script

£500 GBP
To celebrate donating almost a third of our goal we'll send you a personalised (empty) liquor flask, to drink to Film, Music, Love, and Scotland! You'll also get a version of the script from long ago, that had no mountain and no hiking, if you're curious about how the project evolved. And all the other stuff!
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Personal Postcard
  • Personal cast shoutout
  • Signed paper script
  • Chewing the Fat Album
  • Personalised Liquor Flask
  • Very different script
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 claimed

Exec Producer Bundle

£1,000 GBP
YOUR NAME IN BIG LETTERS ON A CINEMA SCREEN AS EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!!!! As well as our eternal gratitude as shown by all the perks put together, like a flask, a short story written just for you, a CD, several versions of the script, a postcard, just see below!
Included Items
  • Digital Preview of the film
  • Personal Postcard
  • Personal cast shoutout
  • Signed paper script
  • Chewing the Fat Album
  • A short story
  • Personalised Liquor Flask
  • Very different script
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 out of 2 of claimed

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