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Short Summary
MIKRO will emphasize the true face and role of nature, as opposed to the Hollywood cliché that depicts insects (arthropods) as scary monsters that terrorize your mind, such as in "Honey I shrunk the kids". If we manage to get everyone's attention with an entertaining show depicting the lives of insects living around us, then we believe that we have a serious chance of making this world a better place by heightening the public's awareness of nature, the value of life, as well as awakening reflections about the big questions of life.
"Oh wow that looks sick!!! That is seriously awesome!!! And the shots look great wow! You must have a lot of patience haha" — Kenneth, 25 [Batangas, PH]
The Impact
It feels good knowing you are doing something useful and respectful for your own planet. With you, we will be carrying a positive message, guiding people to be more interested in nature and preserving it.
We have the skills to pull it off. As brothers, we have worked extremely well and efficiently together all our lives. We have made films for serious companies such as the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, and many viral videos such as this controversial chicken spotted on mars: https://youtu.be/7mOxQghay9w
This is real. We believe this show is going to be unbelievable. As we achieve a better understanding of the lives of these tiny creatures, we may start seeing this planet in a whole new way, and the audience might even notice subtle but positive changes here and there in the world. This is our ambition.
"I haven’t seen insects that up-close. Great concept..." — Rubie [Geumsan, Korea]
"I can’t wait to see episode 1 and how you manage to make the insects communicate to create stories ! I trust you guys 100% !" — Mario S. [Lyon, FR]
The Perks
You might be curious about what we have to offer in exchange for your support.
We believe a project like this can rise up to the occasion, and is worth much more than 18 000 € to produce from beginning to end. This is not the total amount of what it will cost to make this project happen. But your part will play a huge role helping us create spectacular sets for the tiny insects, equipment, travel expenses, staff and production hours to bring to you the most incredible footage. We are also working to collect additional funds, and looking for official partners / funding programs.
Here are some of the rewards you will receive depending on how much you can help:
+ The full Season 1 in HD digital download before everyone else
+ "MIKRO - Look around you" T-shirts
+ You get to decide important things that happen in the story
+ MIKRO badges
+ MIKRO HD Wallpapers of beautiful insects photographed during our filming in the Philippines
+ Your name in the credits as associate producer
Check out the Perks column on the right!
Note: All perks will be sent after the proceeds of the campaign are successfully collected.
- Check out the cool MIKRO T-Shirts you can choose from when you donate a certain amount: http://mikro.spreadshirt.com/
If we don't reach the set goal, the funds will still be used entirely for the project you pledged for. This is a project that matters deeply to us and that we will take to heart to make it come true. With your help, we have a real shot at taking this to the next level.
"Those cloud looking insects look dope" — Makati, 29 [Manila, PH]
Challenges & Risks
- We will meet with local guides and insect experts to optimise our time and get access to the most interesting species for you.
The show must get the audience involved, and to achieve this, we count on your help, opinions and ideas all along the process.
The show must also speak to people who don’t necessarily lead a life in touch with simpler things and the environmental issues of our planet. The show is written to reach a population that doesn't watch many documentaries about nature. It is intended to speak to people who care least about it as much as the ones who care the most.
One of the risks we face, is getting killed by an animal or insect that we don't know in a country that we aren't familiar with, and having to use all our funds to cure one of us from a deadly caterpillar infection in a surgical hut with minimum hygiene, without even having enough money to book a flight back to Europe. (Just kidding here, we will do our best to stay alive and bring you what you’ve been wanting to see!)
"You guys are passionate about this project! Maybe because your our end goal is not money and I have known you guys for a few years now, I have no doubt that your work will be of very good quality.” — message translated from Camille M. [Lyon, France]
"How are you going to film it?? Because insects can be a bit difficult to teach a whole scene...!" — Sarah, 31 [Monticello Colorado, USA]
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't take money out of your pocket right now, that's perfectly understandable and we thank you for your interest in our project. It would be very helpful if you would share this campaign on social media and with friends, encouraging them to check MIKRO out. That would really mean a lot to us.
We want to hear from you! If you think you can bring something to the table, suggestions, experience, help of any kind, do share! We are looking to integrate all kinds of people as part of the creative process. Whether you are a newbie or an artist, you can get in touch with us through our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.world
Thank you, and good luck to all of us!
Our sincere appreciation to the people who are already backing us and helping make this happen:
Sponsors: BrandViews | Skwhere | NoLife TV (Davy)
Friends / Family: Hannah, Cristian Calin (documentary voice-over www.sparfis.com) | Jessica Weevil | M. & Ms Weidner | Alexandra S. | Steven AlienHearts | Ze Moo | John Dezwart | Ian Russel | Sheryll Bacani | Melissa Png l Criz Esguerra
Campaign advisors / Texts editors: Jessica Weevil | Alexandra Stoica | Lili Brink | R. Weirdner
Extra footage: BBC Megacities | How Earth Made us | Micro Worlds | Human Planet | Microcosmos (Claude Nuridsany & Marie Pérennou) | J.P. Vignolo