Automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics are increasingly common factors in each of our lives. We may not realize it, but we encounter this technology in some way almost every day.
These technological revolutions have made our lives more efficient and productive. There is a consequence that has developed from them as well: the elimination of jobs.
As work becomes more redundant, our professional activities become increasingly unnecessary.
AI has the ability to perform simple tasks faster and cheaper than humans. In time, we will see more than chatbots and automated customer service. Robotics and automation could replace physicians, engineers, attorneys, and manufacturing professionals in the near future.
This is the problem we face.
Thankfully, there is a solution available that is accessible to all of us. Aatos by Nexeraa will empower future generations to take advantage of the technological evolution of AI.
Why We Must Face the Threat of AI Right Now
AI automation could create $14 trillion in disruptive impacts within the manufacturing sector. Some of these impacts, such as lower wages, fewer jobs, and efficiency gains, are already being experienced.
These are benefits that help the corporation instead of the worker.
Famed scientist Stephen Hawking told the BBC in 2014 and in 2017 that the rise of AI would be “either the best or the worst thing ever to happen to humanity – we do not yet know which.”
AI has the potential to eradicate disease. It can eliminate poverty.
It could also lead to full-scale unemployment.
In a worst-case scenario, autonomous systems could even view humanity as a threat and work to remove us from our planet.
We believe that a positive future, full of potential, is within our reach.
Nexeraa is a socially-conscious software company that acknowledges there are challenges with AI on the horizon. We also know that when it is used to benefit humanity, AI can be a life-changing solution.
We can empower ourselves to create a brighter future.
We Program for People, Not Profits
Aatos is a concept that has generated large-scale interest. It is also something that we feel belongs with everyone. It should not be something that is exclusive to the brand, business, or individual that can pay the most for it.
That is why our motto is, “Programming for people, not for profit.” What kind of future would we create for ourselves if we helped corporations push people toward an economic dead-end?
Our commitment with Aatos is to create a free, open-source, drag-and-drop platform which enables any person with a computer and basic internet knowledge to use the advantages of automation.
There are 5 key benefits that Aatos provides each person who uses it.
- Aatos provides a free and more efficient manner of accessing high-quality training.
- Users can take advantage of automation’s amazing features with current knowledge.
- Automation-enhanced services allow everyone to stay professionally relevant.
- Users can focus on specific automation uses that allow for specific skill enhancements.
- Everyone benefits from AI in the same way, eliminating the competitive advantage of large corporations.
As programmers, we’re inviting other programmers and those with expertise to join our development community. We want Aatos to be the next evolution of what automation could be. That way, everyone benefits from the value-added services it provides.
In doing so, everyone gets the opportunity to prosper.
How We Value Individuality at Nexeraa
One of the most exciting elements of Aatos is the fact that it provides individual experiences, even while it treats each user in the same way. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or what you do for a living.
Everyone benefits from Aatos.
Diversity shouldn’t be feared. It should be celebrated. That’s what Aatos offers. It empowers each user because it can be understood by virtually everyone. If you know how to use a mouse, then you know how to use Aatos.
We’re not the first to bring this idea to the market. We are leading the way in providing open-source robotic process automation resources to the general public.
That is how endless possibilities are created.
We could succumb to greed. We could allow governments and corporations to dictate our culture.
Or we could embrace an alternative. By offering complete access to one and all, everyone gains the opportunity to carve out their own future in a way that suits them best.
That is why Aatos is more than a platform – it is also a community.
Together, we are a community that is working together to ensure we will all have a relevant, welcoming position in a world with AI and automation. Our diversity will help us to leverage new ideas and combine talents to give ourselves an advantage that we individually use to find success.
Machines are only tools. They are fun. They are useful. We are the people who use them.
Now the Decision is Up to You![]()
You could allow yourself to be crushed by evolving technological trends. You can decide to let your employment opportunities fade away as AI influences increase.
Or you can choose to support a platform that will take new opportunities to the next level.
Our goal is raise $10,000 to begin the development process for this platform. Here’s how you can help.
#1. Make a donation. Every amount counts. You can help turn Aatos by Nexeraa into a precious resource that we can all access to maximize our productivity.
#2. Share this campaign. Join with us on your preferred social media platform and let others know about this initiative.
#3. Stay involved. Discuss the issues of AI, robotics, and automation. Develop a plan that will help you and your family counter future issues that could impact your way of life if automation takes over your employment opportunity.
#4. Offer suggestions. We invite all suggestions and technical contributions from our community.
We are honored by your interest in Aatos by Nexeraa. Join our community and let’s make history together.
Campaign FAQs
Can I help with coding in lieu of a donation?
Yes. Aatos by Nexeraa is an open-source platform. Stay tuned while we prepare our community for our official launch. We’re excited to welcome you aboard in the near future.
How can I help if I cannot make a donation?
Sharing our campaign is one of the best ways you can help. Leveraging your networks and helping us spread the word about this important issue will help Aatos grow. Whatever you can do to help will always be greatly appreciated by the Nexeraa team and our growing community.
Do you develop other software platforms?
We are currently looking at several specific options. Contact our team if you are interested in targeted concepts.
What does Aatos do specifically?
Aatos offers numerous applications that users can apply personally. The goal of this platform is to automate processes through a simple, easy-to-use interface, allowing everyone to become more productive.