Mike Correll here with a few words about my "Abandoned Sulphur, Louisiana" photobook release. Font Hill Media produced the book, and it will be distributed by Arcadia Publishing, with a March 25, 2022 release date. This project will allow me to purchase the minimum number of books (160) from my publisher by the required date otherwise, I will not be able to afford to stock them for book signings and my online store. The Perks correspond with the chapter titles in the book: Rural, Residential, Commercial, and Industrial - see which one is right for you!
An excerpt from the book, "We discovered Sulphur, Louisiana, during the initiation period of full-time RV life. With our home sold and replaced by our RV, dubbed The Steamboat, we charted a southeasterly course from New Mexico, which eventually landed us in Sulphur. We arrived at a small Parish Park, Holbrook, having traveled nearly fourteen hours from Corpus Christi, Texas (our first stop), under the cover of night. Out of respect for the park host, who was likely asleep, we quietly parked in a roundabout near the back of the park." We became very close friends with the park host, Mr. Harry, and his family, all of whom are featured in the book, and if we can exceed the minimum goal and meet the STRETCH GOAL ($7,200), we will travel back to Sulphur, Louisiana for a reunion.
Featured Images & Excerpts
"Mr. Harry’s family has been in the area for a long time, and pieces of their lineage can be found throughout the surrounding rural areas. One such location was his grandfather’s home. Mr. Harry stayed in his truck with a parting warning: stay out of the building and watch for an infestation of bees in the walls."
"The electric hum of cicadas, which was a low drone near the road, become an overwhelming vibration in the neck-deep brush that had taken back what was once a long driveway and front yard. By the time I reached the structure, beads of sweat were rolling off my lips and the tip of my nose, and my skin was covered in the slick of Louisiana humidity."
"Louisiana is well-known for famous abandoned locations, including mental hospitals, jails, and rice silos, but our tours, both with Mr. Harry and a local named Dion Richard (pronounced “ree-shard”), led us to corners not normally explored by the usual crowd of “urbex” enthusiasts."
"A quick inspection of the exterior revealed several open entrances to the abandoned building, and not a single “no trespassing” sign, so we ventured into the depths. The wet floor was difficult to navigate and the musty smell of rot, tinged with ammonia, was sharp in my nose."
"One of the things that has always attracted me to abandoned locations is the austere beauty of the neglected or forgotten. The textures, colors, shadows, and lines speak of a life once lived within the confines, and the absence is as empty as it is filled."
"I can feel the wheel of time turn within these places as nature takes back what was only borrowed, infiltrating the cracks and seams with the tendrils of her vine-fingers, while spray painting the surfaces with moss, mold, and dirt."
"It seemed a long, bouncy ride on dirt roads before we arrived at Ardoin (pronounced “ard-wahn”) Cove Cemetery, the rumbling truck engine often stirring pink-tinged Egrets from the roadside slews."
Book & Shipping Prices
The retail price of "Abandoned Sulphur, Louisiana" is $23.99, so there is only a one-dollar increase to your cost, and bear in mind your book is signed. There are no discounts for purchasing multiple photobooks because this project intends to afford a specific, minimum, number of books (160). You can add-on additional signed or sketched books! If you need a special Reward Tier, with a specific amount of books, just message Mike Correll directly and he will set one up for you.
To encourage overseas Backers and mitigate the extremely high cost of foreign shipping, we have decided to increase domestic Backer shipping prices. Shipping for all books, both foreign and domestic, will cost $8.00. However, domestic Backers can add-on books with no extra increase to the shipping.
Meet the Author
Mike Correll is a full-time RV journalist and photographer, fine artist, inventor (MYSTERIAN), award-winning filmmaker (Chet Zar: I Like to Paint Monsters, Labyrinth of Penumbra, The Many Faces of Homelessness), published author (DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar), eleven-time successful crowdfunding project manager, and co-founder of the Dark Art Society. He graduated with a bachelor of arts from Fairhaven College at Western Washington University, where he pioneered a degree titled “Imaginative Moviemaking.” His studies included screenwriting, film appreciation, video production, and fine arts.
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