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ABC: Basic Connections - Reference Book for Makers

ABC: Basic Connections - Reference Book for Makers

ABC: Basic Connections - Reference Book for Makers

ABC: Basic Connections - Reference Book for Makers

ABC: Basic Connections - Reference Book for Makers

The essential reference book for makers. Connect almost anything to your Arduino compatible board!

The essential reference book for makers. Connect almost anything to your Arduino compatible board!

The essential reference book for makers. Connect almost anything to your Arduino compatible board!

The essential reference book for makers. Connect almost anything to your Arduino compatible board!

Alberto Piganti
Alberto Piganti
Alberto Piganti
Alberto Piganti
0 Campaigns |
Madrid, Spain
$143,954 USD $143,954 USD 2,707 backers
201% of $53,977 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
ABC: Basic Connections is a collection of neat circuit diagrams that shows you how to properly connect almost anything to your Arduino, ARM mbed, ESP8266, etc. compatible board.


Arduino is the world’s most popular open-source electronics tool, used every day by millions of people for experimenting and learning electronics. Thanks to the support of the maker community, anyone can share their knowledge and learn from thousands of other projects. You can create anything using basic components like switches and LEDs, or more advanced components like digital interfaces and wireless communication modules. The only limit is your imagination!

Makers around the world have asked themselves the same question: where do I find reliable and easy to use circuit diagrams for my projects? I've spent years tinkering and making stuff with Arduino, ARM mbed, ESP8266, etc and one of the things that always annoyed was how difficult it was to find reliable, simple to read and aesthetically pleasing circuit diagrams, reference tables and pinouts.

Back in 2013 I began designing my own and making them available for free on my website I have created so far more than 300 high quality circuit diagrams and pinouts that are used by more than 500,000 makers worldwide. The feedback from the community has been amazing and it has encouraged me to create more and more content. The only problem is that they're not very convenient to use on your computer screen where the programming environment should be the main open window. Also, printing the diagrams can only add more clutter to your desk.

We've been working hard for the past months to deliver a great product that will solve these problems.

ABC: Basic Connections


ABC: Basic Connections is a completely redesigned selection of the best circuit diagrams, reference tables and pinouts from, plus many new unreleased designs.

The book is a collection of neat, easy to read circuit diagrams and pinouts that will show you how to properly connect almost anything to your Arduino, ARM mbed or ESP8266, etc. compatible boards. ABC: Basic Connections is great for both beginners and professionals and it can be used as a resource for teaching electronics.




Learn how to connect LEDs, decoders, shift registers, 7-segment displays, mux/demux, light bulbs, DC motors, solenoids, relays, buzzers, IR detectors and emitters, LCDs, encoders, keypads, temperature sensors, and so much more!

The book will contain more than 100 high quality, 200gsm, coated, A5 (8.27x5.83 in) sheets inside a custom ring binder, with multi-color tab dividers. The sheets are removable giving you the flexibility to use only the ones you need for each project, minimizing the clutter on your desk. There is enough room for 50 additional sheets, allowing you to add your own printed sheets to the collection, as well as additional sheets from the “expansion kits” we are planing to release in the future.


The first pre-release units were delivered to us by our manufacturing partner a couple of weeks ago and I must say they look amazing! The pictures don't do justice to how great it looks and feels. Bear in mind that these pre-release copies were printed using digital printing technology. Also, the colors may look duller due to the color grading applied to the pictures. The books will be printed using offset printing technology, achieving much more vibrant colors and professional quality results!

We want to support local manufacturing in Spain, that's why we partnered with a printing company that has been making high quality print media for more than 35 years in the south of Madrid. By doing this, we can also reduce lead times for manufacturing and shipping, and oversee the full production to ensure that the book will meet our strict quality standards.


Extra content

You're not only receiving a book with high quality circuit diagrams. Every page on the book will have an online tutorial website with additional diagrams, bill of materials, theory, tips, code, etc. We're using our own link shortening service for that purpose.



Fritzing breadboard diagrams can either look good, or look like a total mess, depending on who designs them. But they don't teach you anything about the circuit at first glance, what you do when you use them is copy the diagram on your breadboard mechanically...

Breadboard diagrams will be available online as well, but we encourage you to assemble the board using the circuit diagrams and use the breadboard diagrams only to make sure all the connections are properly made and nothing is missing.

Those who purchased the first edition of ABC (ABC: The Book) will be able to access the online content at no extra cost!


Stretch goals

Two stretch goals were unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign, the following features will also be included with the book!!

Current state of the project

The book is currently undergoing a thorough review process. With the feedback we're receiving from our reviewers, plus your feedback during the campaign, we will be able to have the book ready by the end of the campaign. Our manufacturing partner will be notified in advance and the manufacturing process will begin right after the campaign ends. We are confident that all rewards will be shipped in August.

Shipping will be done with one fo the best global fulfilment companies. We're doing everything we can to offer affordable shipping to all of you, but unfortunately it's not easy to do it for some countries, considering the complexity of the logistics and that the book weighs almost 1kg. ABC: Basic Connections will be shipped from the US to our US backers.

Back in 2013 and thanks to more than 2800 backers on Indiegogo, I was able deliver more than 4000 units of ABC: The Book around the world. Unfortunately, no more copies were printed after the campaign.

ABC: Basic Connections features a completely redesigned version of each circuit diagram found in the 2013 edition of ABC, plus many more unreleased designs. More than 100 sheets (200+ pages!), more than double compared to the 2013 edition of ABC.



I have no relationship with Arduino (the company). When I say "Arduino", I'm referring to the ecosystem and the community.

I would like to remark that right after the rewards of my ABC: The Book campaign back in 2013 were delivered, and after countless headaches and less hair on my head, I severed all ties with smARtMAKER, Inc., the company that was responsible for managing the fulfilment and the campaign. We have absolutely no relationship with them. For this campaign, my team and I are 100% in charge of design, publishing and fulfilment. ;)


Risks and challenges

Our manufacturing partner has proven to be reliable and reachable at all times. It's a family run business that has been producing high quality print media for the past 35 years. They are based in the south of Madrid, a short drive away from our office. We have toured their company and manufacturing facilities and inspected some of the finished products they were making and the results look and feel amazing. However, will be overseeing the manufacturing process actively to make sure everything is done according to our specifications. ;)

Back in 2013 and thanks to more than 2800 backers on Indiegogo, I was able deliver more than 4000 units of ABC: The Book around the world swiftly and hassle-free. For this campaign, lead times will be shorter and everything will be under our direct supervision.

In order to make this book affordable enough, we need to print at least 2000 copies. Printing in Europe is more expensive than doing it in China, we need your help to keep the costs low, please share this campaign with your friends and colleagues and help us spread the word!! :D

With your feedback, we can make the book even better! Please send us your comments at

If the campaign is successful, I will be dedicating much more time to making more and more content. Thank you very much to all of you for supporting the creation of more circuit diagrams and pinouts for the past years! 


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1 x ABC: Basic Connections

Currency Conversion $25 USD
€23 EUR
1 copy of ABC: Basic Connections - The Essential Reference Book for Makers! Thank you for your support! ABC: Basic Connections will retail for €35 after the campaign.
Included Items
  • ABC: Basic Connections
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
793 claimed
Ships worldwide.

2 x ABC: Basic Connections

Currency Conversion $50 USD
€46 EUR
2 copies of ABC: Basic Connections - The essential Reference Book for Makers! Thank you for your support! ABC: Basic Connections will retail for €35 after the campaign.
Included Items
  • ABC: Basic Connections (2)
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
69 claimed
Ships worldwide.

3 x ABC: Basic Connections

Currency Conversion $73 USD
€68 EUR
3 copies of ABC: Basic Connections - The Essential Reference Book for Makers! Thank you for your support! ABC: Basic Connections will retail for €35 after the campaign.
Included Items
  • ABC: Basic Connections (3)
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.

5 x ABC: Basic Connections

Currency Conversion $119 USD
€110 EUR
5 copies of ABC: Basic Connections - The Essential Reference Book for Makers! Thank you for your support! ABC: Basic Connections will retail for €35 after the campaign.
Included Items
  • ABC: Basic Connections (5)
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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