As a pshychology major, I studied children's psychology and I always wanted to find a way to get involved in children's positive development, stimulate their creativity at a young age and help parents bond with their children more.
Parents and teachers have long known that a child's brain can soak up information like a sponge. Our children take in everything they see and store it in their subconscious, creating their personality. What we expose them to is very important. The way each child perceives and senses the world is unique. While the body and mind constantly grow, perceptions also change. Children's sense of the material world and of the space around it also changes.
Publishing a book like this gives me the opportunity to touch people and hopefully raise awareness that creativity in a child is very important and should be nourished at a young age.
How reading to your child helps his development:
1 - Stories can help children cope with many feelings and problems and they learn things about the world just by enjoying the story.
2. Reading books to children at bedtime is a wonderful bonding experience that nourishes emotional development. Parents can also help the child relate the incidents in the story to real events in their lives.
3 - Reading books regularly stimulates children’s imagination and fosters natural curiosity. Children quickly learn to visualize the scenarios mentioned in the stories by reading the text alone. This type of development works even better if a parent assists in the process.
4 - Stories promote the devlopment of empathy. Fiction is a powerful vehicle for the development of empathy because the listeners (readers) automatically identify with one or more of the story's characters. In identifying, the listener experiences vicariously the sorrows, joys, triumphs, defeats and ethical conflicts of the protagonist - and maybe those of the antagonist, too.