Action Porn
Action Porn
Action Porn
Action Porn
Action Porn
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
This campaign is closed
Action Porn
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
Fights Falls Fire and More!
My name is Tom Greenwood. As a kid I went crazy for Bruce Lee movies and as an adult that lead me to martial arts which lead me to stunts and movie making. Ah the Circle of Life. So now I am making movies and trying to do it right with legit fights and stunts that really help drive the story.
Good movies are amazing and that’s what I want to do is make really good movies. Movies with action and story. Rarely does that happen anymore and I am trying to bring it back. With your help this can start to become a reality again instead of something that film makers used to do.
Small Town Chronicles: Episode 1. Directed.
Afro Thunda. Stunts and Fights.
The Puppets Master. Fight Choreography.\
Rewritten: A delightfuly dark fairy tale. Fight Choreography.
What We Need
We need some very specific stuff.
Fire Burn Materials:$ 471
Thermal Protection Gel- $115 a Gallon. We need three.
CO2 Fire Extinguisher- $106
Fire Accelerant- $20
Gas to get the Actresses here: $295
Oklahoma City to Bloomington IN - Approximately 1500 miles round trip @ 25 mpg= 60 gallons= $225
Chicago to Bloomington IN - 450 miles round trip @ 25 mpg= 18 gallons= $70
Location Rental- $100
The remainder will go into things such as Batteries, Tape, and Coffee. Especially Coffee. No Coffee No Production, that’s a FACT!!!
We need you.
Without your support the odds of this getting completed are lower. Not impossible but much harder. You financial support will make it so the things we listed above get purchased. But it doesn't end there. Maybe you can't make a financial contribution but that doesn't mean you can’t help. Post this to your Facebook page, your twitter feed. Tell your rich uncle, your awesome boss, your kids. Tell people. Because really without the help of people we are just a couple of guys with great ideas sitting around talking about those great ideas.