Imagine a world where infrastructure doesn't harm the Planet, it heals it!
For the past 5 years this is exactly what Active Housing Standard (AHS) has been doing.
I am Dr. Carmen Borja, I have investigated every corner of the Planet to find the ancestral cultures that managed freshwater in an optimal way, to find the answers to my questions. Our AHS functional pilot is located within the Community "El Mazunte" in Oaxaca, México.
The techniques we have developed, however, can be installed in almost every country. Based on the research findings, me and my team are currently building the second stage of a functional model that offers third-generation eco-techniques for homes and businesses who decide to live auto-sustainable lifestyles. The auto-sustainable infrastructure we suggest, produces its own optimized temperature by being fully bio climatized. It also has an innovative design to collect its own full year's freshwater, biogas for cooking, and produce its own organic food by using earth and hydroponic techniques, while performing the optimal management of every drop of fresh and wastewaters. Last but not least, the infrastructure is powered by the generation of its own renewable-CO2-CERO by using eolic energy, solar energy, and ultimately by the biogas generated for Auto-Sustainable Cities. This unique design includes a biodiversity conservation plan that provides rainwater biopiscinas and freshwater for local wildlife, as well as solid waste management. However, we cannot do it alone. With your support we will have the foundation stone for a more sustainable future - reducing carbon footprints, inspiring Communities globally, and demonstrating that auto-sustainable lifestyles are possible for contemporary societies across cultures. Every contribution counts to bring us closer to this necessary ground-breaking experience, and to build an auto-sustainable legacy for the Planet and for future generations. Support our campaign and be part of this brilliant transformation. Welcome! We very much appreciate your help. Many thanks, and please share to invite others to join Active House Standard Community.