I am a fifty-two year old mother of seven, grand-mother of two. The name of my company is called P'ZAZ. If you notice, there are seven colors in my logo.
The logo was drawn by my daughter, and it represents a color for each of my children.
This project has been in the works for over eleven years. The idea has been with me for a very long time. Because of it's very nature, the actual product did
not come about until the last five years. I have finally found a company who has come up with a formula, stable enough to allow the block to work.
I really thought this was going to be one of the easiest projects ever...wrong!!!. Now I know why there has only been a "Blue" toilet block on the market..trying to get it made in other colors is hard as hell!!...I was told it could NOT be done, hence the reason for blocks only in blue (and I think there's also green)..not enough
choices for me. I just felt if I wanted something else, there might be others feeling the same way as well. So after many, many setbacks..I think I've got it!!
Trouble is...no one else knows!!!! UGH!!!. This Indigogo Project would help me get the word out Twenty Thousand dollars would do wonders for my company.
I would use the funds to make a commercial, and use the rest
to start on the next color in the P'zaz series. I agree that I have come very far, but there's still quite a ways to go. I am employed part-time, which hinders me
tremendously in expanding the business. With these funds, I will be able to take to company and product to the next level. I thank you in advance for your support
*****I remember what you taught me dad..never give up on what you truly believe in, only one has to believe...you..****