Hello, my name is Jerry Grannan and I am one of Aegaeon's guitarists. We formed in 2008 in Evansville, Indiana to play the music we love as friends, and have since self-funded 3 album releases, 8 US tours, and countless merch orders, advertising campaigns, transportation, etc. Each and every major expense has been paid out of pocket by us. 2013 seems to be a promising year for us, as we are being bombarded with cross-country and international tour offers and are selling better than ever. Our wish is to continue to do what we love, but at some point we're going to need the assistance of others to fund our dream. Simply, if you contribute to this campaign then you are helping to fulfill literally everything that my brothers and I have worked for for the last five years. Most of us still live with our moms, but all of us dedicate full-time schedules to the band. We are always hungry for growth, and need funding for that now more than ever.
2013 major costs:
$5,000- music video
~$4,000- plane tickets for our drummer and vocalist for touring (Our drummer lives in MA and our vocalist lives in WA)
~$6,000- recording of our self-titled LP
~$10,000- merchandise
~$10,000- advertising
Your contribution will be applied to one of these four categories. While these are certainly not our only expenses, these are the main debt-raisers and are our main focus in attaining sustainable growth. We are fronted NO MONEY to do ANYTHING in this band. Unlike almost all other groups, we have been, and plan to remain, self-funded. We are working harder than ever before on the quality of our products, and the bigger the budget the more time we can spend honing our craft in the studio, shooting music videos and designing merchandise.
Why Aegaeon?
There are thousands of other bands struggling to fund their journeys, and I hope all of them succeed. We have chosen this path and have vowed never to stray from it. As long as breath is left in our bodies, Aegaeon will tour and release albums. I do wish to provide for myself. All of us are in the process of losing our at-home jobs due to our tour schedule becoming much more demanding. Personally, I am not sure how I will pay for my meals in a few months. Money is absolutely not the reason why I or any of my band mates are doing this. But to be realistic, if we all wish to continue this journey then we all have to be capable of sustaining a simple life with it. This is our passion. If you help, you will be remembered and your name will be on a "thank you" list on our next release.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you, like us, have no money, but are passionate about our cause...Post something about this campaign on your social networking sites. Help us get the word out. Aegaeon needs funding! Thank you for your time.