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Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. The punishment fits the crime. No more, no less. This is one woman's hellish trek through the justice system.

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Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. The punishment fits the crime. No more, no less. This is one woman's hellish trek through the justice system.

Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. The punishment fits the crime. No more, no less. This is one woman's hellish trek through the justice system.

Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. The punishment fits the crime. No more, no less. This is one woman's hellish trek through the justice system.

Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. The punishment fits the crime. No more, no less. This is one woman's hellish trek through the justice system.

Lee Arnold
Lee Arnold
Lee Arnold
Lee Arnold
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$75 USD 3 backers
0% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Story

Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally and the punishment fits the crime. No more, no less.

Regardless of age, race, or gender, social responsibility is the enforced norm rather than an ideal for a privileged few.

Aequitas follows one woman's hellish journey through the justice system. Join her on her trek.

Starring Emily Schooley (The Dark Knight Rises, One Week in Windchocombe) this is an epic evolution you won't soon forget.

The Impact

Aequitas is a moving, in-your-face social commentary about the current state of our justice system. How many crimes go unreported because of fear of police inaction?

How many false reports are acted on, causing physical and emotional damage to innocent people?

How many people have been beaten - or worse - by police, often unnecessarily?

Aequitas is a call to action. A call for society to open its eyes and push for change.

What We Need & What You Get

We need a total of $10 000 to see this through from start to finish. We have some gear, we have our script, and we have generous donations of space to build our set on and craft services from a great local establishment.

We're chomping at the bit to get started, but this is what we still need help with:

$4000 - covers the cost of remaining sound, lighting, and camera equipment we'll need

$1750 - building of the unique set we need

$1250 - to give to our performers, many of whom are using special skills including weeks of gruelling combat choreography training. We wish we could give them more, but it's a start until the film starts making money.

$1500 - rental of special vehicles needed for this production

$500 - wardrobe rental and special makeup effects

$1000 - post-production costs

Any donation helps us out, seriously. We want to prompt change, and we'd love for you to be along for the ride.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please share our link with others and help spread the word! 

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Choose your Perk

Why Thank You!

$5 USD
Any dream will do - and for just five dollars, you'll get a "thank you" mention on our Facebook Fan Page and our website (when it goes live)
1 claimed

Who's Got the Button?

$10 USD
You do! For just $10, you get a limited edition button as well as a thank you on the fan page and website.
1 claimed

From Us, With Love

$25 USD
Really! For $25 we'll send you an autographed photo with the cast and a DVD of the finished film, as well as a button and thank yous on our social media and website.
0 claimed

Tee for Two?

$50 USD
Want to give more? Cool, coz we want to give you more. For $50, you get an exclusive crew t-shirt in your side, plus all of the above perks.
1 claimed

Join Us!

$100 USD
For $100, you get all of the above, plus a special thank you in the end credits of the film and two tickets to the premiere.
0 claimed

Now We're Talking!

$500 USD
It just keeps getting better and better. $500 gets you all of the above, plus an hour-long Skype conversation with lead actress Emily Schooley, director Kevin Jackal Johnston, and other select members of the creative team.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Let's Do Lunch

$1,000 USD
Or how about dinner? $1000 gets you an exclusive dinner at a great Toronto restaurant with lead actress Emily Schooley, director Kevin Johnston, and other select members of the creative team. (Subject to availability). Plus the button, autograph, t-shirt, tickets to the premiere, thank you mentions online and in the film, and our undying love AND a free website designed by director Kevin Jackal Johnston. (He has over 16 years of design experience.)
0 out of 5 of claimed


$5,000 USD
We just can't get enough of you! So join us on set for a day to watch the magic as it happens. Plus, all of the above, AND... Director Kevin Jackal Johnston has sold, written and produced thousands of radio commercials and will give you 300 radio commercials with this package. The full details of the radio ads will be given to you via telephone, including the station list. These ads have a value of $7500.00, and they are yours FREE with your donation!
0 out of 2 of claimed

Walk of Fame

$10,000 USD
More, dahling, more! The only one available, $10 000 gets you everything so far... PLUS a cameo role in the film and an invite to the afterparty for the premiere. PLUS 700 radio commercials with this package. The full details of the radio ads will be given to you via telephone, including the station list. These ads have a value of $17 500.00, and they are yours FREE with your donation!
0 out of 1 of claimed

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