Who am I?
I am a filmmaker from Belarus. Here are some key features from my biography:
* In 2011 I graduated from Minsk Film School as a screenwriter - filmmaker.
* For the next three years I worked as a screenwriter. The works were often the winners of various festivals.
* In 2013 I started shooting my director's debut "The Count in Oranges" - a full-length teenage drama. This film was also a crowdfunding project that finished successfully. It was released in 2015 in Belarus and has already participated at the International Moscow Film Festival and International Turkish Film Festival in Alania. In November it is going to the International Cottbus Film Festival. The film festival story keeps going on.
* In September 2016 I am going to release my second full-length film - the Belarusian-Lebanese comedy "Elie/Elina".
* Now I am working on the pre-production of my new passion - the controversial international drama "ahaha".
Why "ahaha"?
The "ahaha" puzzle appeared due to three my observations:
1. Migration issue. It’s not a secret that a migration topic is very actual and acute for Europe. European dream is becoming a trend. It certainly can be different for everybody but its main common feature is freedom and delicate way of treating a person. People from third countries rush to Europe every year. But what particularly do we know about the Eastern Europeans from the post-soviet states? The girls find themselves out working as prostitutes, the boys with high education level work as hamburger cookers. But don’t feel sorry for them, please – the main thing is that they are really satisfied and they will never come back home. This movie is claimed to show the problems of migration from another perspective.
2. Generation. Nowadays it doesn’t matter if we talk about Poland, Germany or Belarus. People under the age of 22-30 have the same features: love to art – plus everybody is an artist, vegetarians and eco-friendly, travelers – they work for wandering the world, slow to make a family but fast to try various things in relationship and sex. What are the limits and where are they? This movie is claimed to draw the portrait of the generation and depict their tendencies. It will be the Youth Encyclopedia.
3. Gender. Now everybody is free to speak about their sexuality. Everybody is free to try. What is it? Is it fashion or we just started speaking about it aloud? Are we all bisexual but we’ve never thought of it? What does it mean if I’ve always liked girls but my male friend is so dear to me that I can’t stop wanting to kiss him? This film is not about gender but about soul.
The Story
The Belarusian 22-year old EGOR finds him out in an unknown city. He is an actor who decided to move to Europe where the cinema business is more developed. The city of his dream was Rome. So, he got a visa, bought a bus ticket and went away. The only problem now is he isn't in Rome and he is robbed. Shit happens. A passer-by tells him he is in Budapest. With no money or anything.
Egor sits on the bench, lost, with his cactus in hands when suddenly IRINA appears in the story. Irina is a 26-year old reckless Ukranian girl who moved to Budapest to her boyfriend. She dreams never to come back home and looks for a job to help her mother. This evening Irina sits on the bench near Egor. She is drinking rum and crying. They start talking English. Irina swears and he finds out two facts: she talks Russian and she is homeless because her boyfriend has dumped her. Finally the bottle of rum comes to the end and Irina stands up and goes away. "Do you need a special invitation, Belarusian?"
So, Egor follows Irina and they come to the flat of ARTHUR. Arthur is a Russian student, studying politology at Corvinus University. He is mad about fashion and spends all his money on it trying to make an impression on his new mates. Irina rings the door and that totally spoils the life of Arthur trying to have his way with one more chick. He can't remember Irina and she explains she gave him a blow job a year ago at some hostel. She enters without waiting for permission and Egor follows her. Thus, the story of three guys with the same language but from opponent countries starts.
The story is out of politics. We are telling the story about the soul - not about the citizen.
What We Need & What You Get
The Belarusian reality provides no supporting funds for filmmakers. Thus, we are hopefully looking for your help. The money raised will be spent for:
* production
* post-production
* release
We have a qualified crew and talented cast to guarantee the high quality film that will change the mind of people and touch their hearts. Our story is very controversial but it guarantees you a huge catharsis in the end.
We've spent two months to prepare something special for you. We included handmade, author film photography cards, parties and dinners, intimate photobooks and even an apartment. But the most important thing here is for you to know that you've really contributed into something really important and beautiful.
Some Perks Promotion
You can choose 3 out of 12 postcards from our PostcART collection.
The photos are shot by the famous Belarusian author photographer Kate Smuraga who mostly shoots on film which certainly affects the atmosphere capturing the beauty of the moment.
Our special perk is a bow tie made of the vintage textiles by the cast. We spent nights and days creating to make this piece of beauty to make you stylish and happy.
Choose 1 out of 24 styles from our assortment.
We even designed a bow tie necklace. So, you can choose from 2 types of bow ties and take a pair for you and your soulmate.
"A little party never killed nobody". Ok, let's be honest, it's not that little. The unique "ahaha" style party is already waiting for you in Budapest. Do you know what "ahaha" style party means? Just watch our promo video!
How many legend love scenes from films do you remember? How many love scenes have you produced? With us you get a unique opportunity to become a love scene producer. We are really going to make something new and different. Let's do it together!
Find another interesting perks in the special perk area.
Risks & Challenges
"ahaha" will exist anyway. We know our flexible way of campaign funding may be a little bit risky. But we are going to wander the whole Europe and then America to find the money offline. So our plan is to look for financing everywhere to make this project come true.
Thank you for being with us!
Sincerely Yours,
"ahaha" Team.