1st Stretch Goal - $12.5K - UNLOCKED!
If we hit the first goal, the story will be expanded from 28 pages to 32 pages. This means you are getting 4 MORE PAGES of script and art from Chuck Dixon, Brent McKee and Jok. All for the same price you already paid!
+ We will give away one original page of art by Brent McKee from AIRBOY #51 (we will select a random number from however many backers we have at the time we hit the Stretch Goal, and whoever has that number gets the page!)
2nd Stretch Goal - $15K- UNLOCKED!
If we hit the second goal, we will expand the size of the comic from 32 pages to 48 pages. This will allow us to add other content, such as all the incredible AIRBOY sketches you have seen in this campaign, and maybe an essay or two about the history of AIRBOY!
+ We will give away one original page of art by Brent McKee from AIRBOY #51 (we will select a random number from however many backers we have at the time we hit the Stretch Goal, and whoever has that number gets the page!)
3rd Stretch Goal - $17.5K- UNLOCKED!
If we hit the third goal, we will include a back-up story featuring one of the other characters from AIRBOY. Will it be Valkyrie, The Heap, maybe Skywolf? You will only find out if the goal is unlocked!
+ We will give away one original page of art by Brent McKee from AIRBOY #51 (we will select a random number from however many backers we have at the time we hit the Stretch Goal, and whoever has that number gets the page!)
4th Stretch Goal - $20K- UNLOCKED!
If we hit the forth goal, everyone who backed this campaign will receive AIRBOY #51 and AIRBOY #52!!!!!!!!! TWO NEW ISSUES OF AIRBOY WILL BE DELIVERED TO ALL BACKERS!
+ We will give away one original page of art by Brent McKee from AIRBOY #51 (we will select a random number from however many backers we have at the time we hit the Stretch Goal, and whoever has that number gets the page!)