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Alas and Alack in Alaska

Help us produce "Alas and Alack in Alaska" at the Rogue Festival.

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Alas and Alack in Alaska

Alas and Alack in Alaska

Alas and Alack in Alaska

Alas and Alack in Alaska

Alas and Alack in Alaska

Help us produce "Alas and Alack in Alaska" at the Rogue Festival.

Help us produce "Alas and Alack in Alaska" at the Rogue Festival.

Help us produce "Alas and Alack in Alaska" at the Rogue Festival.

Help us produce "Alas and Alack in Alaska" at the Rogue Festival.

Jonathan Samarro
Jonathan Samarro
Jonathan Samarro
Jonathan Samarro
3 Campaigns |
Hackensack, United States
$425 USD 6 backers
21% of $2,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
"Alas and Alack in Alaska" is a one-act play by Jonathan J. Samarro that will be presented at the Rogue Theater Festival on July 2nd.  The story is:
Seeking relief from the tormentors of her school drama club—including its lackluster director—twelve-year-old Squirm attempts to run away in order to find the mother she doesn't quite remember. Perhaps she's in Alaska? Or maybe she's just in Squirm's head? Squirm’s a little confused about the story and situation of her family. Squirm also doesn't have a lot figured out about “her” own identity or gender or sexuality. A little selfless compassion, acceptance, and support would definitely ease some of her panic. Will her siblings stop fighting long enough to figure out how to quell Squirm's agitation at this very critical moment?

What We Need

These funds will be used for the following:

  • Rental of rehearsal space.
  • Insurance for use of rehearsal space.
  • Marketing (posters, postcards, and playbills).
With your assistance, we will be able to perform this darkly poetic piece and help us move the piece toward future productions.


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Choose your Perk


$25 USD
With your donation, and by adding your name to our mailing list, we will send you a gorgeous postcard commemorating this first production of the play. For mailing list:
Included Items
  • You will receive a postcard!
Estimated Shipping
July 2022
1 claimed

A Frozen Alaskan!

$100 USD
As a perk for your donation, you will receive a signed copy of the script. Submit your mailing address here:
Included Items
  • Signed copy of the script.
Estimated Shipping
July 2022
3 claimed

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