Alexis Wyle
By Jamie McAfee
When the Realm of Hell conquers Earth, a young woman is forced to face her destiny as the chosen one. She must fight against the greatest evil that only desire to consume the world, so she must choose between love and saving what is left of all humanity.
What it is
Alexis Wyle is a 26-page standard-sized comic book.
Who is it for?
The Alexis Wyle readers will have a vivid imagination. They need to hold on to hope while escaping the darkness. People that love a steampunk futuristic vibe will love this story.
The goal
The goal is to raise enough funds to be able to hire a professional comic illustrator, colorist, and letterer to create the first Alexis Wyle book and potentially added funds for the 2nd and 3rd editions. I need to be able to self-publish.
Why you should donate: This is an original story filled with excitement and action. There is an entirely new world to explore. Alexis Wyle is a dominant, dynamic, influential African American female set in a world where time no longer exists, and surviving is the only option. She takes the lead as she is chosen for greatness. She is surrounded by diverse friends and foes. There is more than meets the eye in this dark world.
From the Author
This comic is a dream for me, and one of my favorite projects I have ever written. I need a team and support to help bring it to life. The series is filled with diverse characters of all backgrounds and ethnicities that come together to fight for each other. I wrote the story with a clear vision in mind, and it has developed over the years into something that any person can relate to in a world one can only dream about.
Opening to the book
“What is to desire when all you want is metal; metal to touch, metal to feel, metal to lick. When steam flies over your head it will be time to watch your back. In a world that has nothing but heat and submission for its leader, we self-inflict pain on ourselves and our world with nothing but dirt and seduction.
Like clockwork, our world spins. Devices tell us when it will end and when it will begin. My metal tells me when it will stop. Destruction from the inside out leaves us without valleys, without air, but with steam.
They came from a world unknown, brains of nothing, and machines of everything. The world of life is no longer while the dead walk soulless. They will not take me; they will only parish once I find the end of Aziar.
I walk the streets as a rebel, an X, a project. They took my heart and added a clock that will forever tick inside my brain. What is left of a person still runs. They hide beneath with their dirt and ugly afflictions for domination. My story will stay true, as I could never tell a lie. I am now a predator, hunter, and invader. I use what I need and take what I want even if it is still alive. I am pod, I am elixir, I am Alexis Wyle.”
The World
The Alexis Wyle universe is set in a dystopian steampunk world with a cyber-twist. A dark world has collided with Earth as we know it to take over. The universe is comprised of 4 main cities and different territories that have various threat potentials. Azair is the main city of Hell, Neflapore, Tizon, and Glanier the only part of Earth that remains untouched by Rapsidous.
Lead Character
ALEXIS WYLE grew up on farmlands with her family. She was never fond of big cities but growing up she was always open to change and love. Alexis' mother Rose always taught her to believe what someone's eyes say, but what their mouths say. Alexis was strong and she rode horses. At the age of 15, it caused her to bump into who would have been the love of her life. Kio. After Hell took over the earth, she became only half-human in search of a cure to set her people free and reset the part of the earth that was affected by the transformation take over. Now 10 years later, Alexis fights to hold on to survive the new world while fighting against the love of her life Kio also known as Nehell.
The Good Guys
The Infinity X team is comprised of Alexis, Rain, Caine, and Sav.
Rain grew up as a foster child. She has been through a lot of homes and suffered a lot of heartbreak. Rain always wanted an older sister to lean on so when she ran into Alexis there was an instant bond. She felt comforted knowing Alexis would always have her back in this new world.
Caine was in the United States military at age 18. He has been trained by the best but was not always the brave soldier he is now. He lost his father when he turned 10 in a boating accident and blames himself for that death. The story is that he had the opportunity to save him but was too scared of the water. Caine looks at Infinity X as his new family and a new chance at protecting people he loves. He refuses to lose anyone else.
Sav was a young computer engineer and now thinks of himself as a scientist. He is always trying to figure out what happened to the world, though he knows it defies science. He was always a loner. He is a quick learner physically and mentally. Brains, beauty, and strength he inhabits all and makes sure the team does not miss anything. Much is to be learned about his past, but he never cares to share it. He simply tells Alexis…. One day the world will know my name.
The Villains
Kio always lived a complicated and fast life. He grew up in New York but was moved to the country when he turned 16. He came across a girl on a horse and his life changed forever. Kio always told Alexis a tale of a woman that visited him in his nightmares. He felt different after his visions began but lived life as normal as possible. With a family that never paid attention to him; he instead lived a life surrounded by Alexis and her love.
Leader of evil, He is the hell representative for the Devil. Bringer of all things evil. He leads Aziar, what once was a piece of Earth is not ruins of the hell force future. Before the transformation took over the planet, he was human and in love with Alexis. He was once known as Kio. His human side is still in love with Alexis, but the machine controlling it wants to crush her. He will never kill her knowing she struggles with his former life.
Gehenna is a Hell Queen. We do not know her origin, only that she was created by dark energy. She has had power over Kio since he was 16. Gehenna was the woman in his nightmares and now she has become a reality thanks to Rapsidous.
Styx is an evil Lord with wicked powers. He sometimes struggles when Gehenna takes the lead but can use his sorcery for great evil.
Rapsidous is the devil. Those unlike him do not dare to utter his name. He is all things dark and all things evil. He will do nothing to gain full control over Earth, much like he has done in other realms. “You cannot fight what you cannot see, so Nehell will fight for me”.
Series Issue 1: I am Alexis
The world of Alexis Wyle will take you on a dark ride in a fight between love and hate. The fight to save what is left of humanity falls in Alexis’ hands when the greatest evil Rapsidous takes over the planet wiping out most of the world leaving little behind. The humans that were left in Glinier the untouched lands remained on earth while the humans that were sucked into another dimension in the city of Aziar became what are called Skins in the new world. Alexis was special but did not know why until her heart began to beat differently. Her heart now beats with steel pieces turning. Powers run through her as she is the key to ending it all.
In the first edition of Alexis Wyle we find her waking up to experience a day in the new world 10 years after the takeover. The action introduces us to the streets she now walks, and those that surround her.
Series Issue 2: The Way We Were
The second edition of Alexis Wyle explores the new world and finds Alexis in a dangerous situation. An attack from a new species leads Alexis to learn more about her ever-growing powers.
Series Issue 3: Skin
The third edition of Alexis Wyle dives further into what runs through her blood and finds a new threat to the skins called Dystaria. While trying to figure out how to stop it, Caine struggles with issues from his past.
What I have:
The first 3 issues written. First concept/character designs for main characters.
Special shout out to the artist that did my concept work! You are amazing! Thank you!
Alex Rommel Fernandez
Jorge Marrero