Short Summary
Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas is company brewed in the classic entrepreneurial tradition. At The 2018 Musical of Hip Hop High -Musical® Producer Z-Man celebrated with the cast and crew and toasted over a bottle of soda, The cast insisted on having an alternative drink so we bought instant Ice tea and created different flavors by using different flavors of Iced Teas & Sports drinks; from there the Sports Iced Tea was born and so was Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas
Lunar Landing is Iced teas mixed with Cranberry , Lemon and Lime and will be just one of the Flavors Out of this World from Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas
What We Need & What You Get
Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas Bottled tea will tastes like tea, but refreshes like a sport drink, that's what we are going for. Somewhere between the pumped-up, sugar-saturated drinks and the tasteless waters, there is a need for a healthier beverage which provides genuine natural taste without the artificially concocted sweeteners and preservatives designed to compensate for lack of taste. Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas allows people to enjoy the world’s second most popular drink as a sports drink or a casual beverage. A Tea that tastes like tea -- A world of flavor freshly brewed and barely sweetened.
Call it a Futuristic taste or call it forward thinking; Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas is something totally different with Flavors Out of The World; Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will truly be something NEW!!
What we need is to create three prototype flavors that we can distribute to stores on the East Coast; your funding will help us to create our intial three flavors; Saturn Rings - Ice Tea with Peach, Cantelope & Cherry, Neptune- Iced Tea with Kiwi , Grape & Watermelon and Lunar Landing -Iced Tea, Lime , Lemon & Cranberry. This is just a start of our trademarked Out of this world flavors which will expand as the company grows.
The Impact
Unlike most of the bottled teas in the marketplace, Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will not made with bricks of tea dust, tea concentrate, or other artificial sweeteners or acids. The tea will have no bitter after taste or sugar kick, and will not leave a syrupy film on the drinker’s teeth. Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will have three other benefits which enhance its acceptance and marketability:
Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will be on the leading edge of marketing. The motosports world will be engulfed with Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas. Like Red Bull and Monster; Alien Octane holds a bold look for the motorsports world. Motocross riders are starting to reach for healthier choices and moms of the younger riders are starting to look for those choices as well. Unlike Red Bull and Monster; Alien Octane® Sports Iced Tea is a soft drink with less sugars and natural flavors is an invited refreshing change from high caffiene energy that comes with warnings.
With your help Alien Octane™ Sports Iced Teas can make an immediate splash onto the Iced Tea Soft Drink market
Low in calories: A 12-ounce serving of Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will only have 17 calories, dramatically less than other bottled teas or comparable beverages. We have found that the low-calorie profile of Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will make the drink attractive to our core customer
Health benefits of brewed tea: The curative properties of tea have been known for thousands of years. Because Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will be brewed from genuine tea leaves it imparts many health benefits not found in tea-flavored drinks. In addition to serving as a digestive aid, tea has powerful antioxidants, which impair the development of free radicals which contribute to cancer and heart disease
Benefits of a Sports Drink: Each Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas flavor has all of the benefits of drinking a sports drink that has enhanced electrolytes to replenish your thirst and bold out of this world flavors
Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will have all Natural fruit flovors like , Kiwi, Peach, Banana and Grape
Risks & Challenges
Since tea is the world’s second most popular beverage, there is an intrinsic international appeal Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas new world of flavor freshly brewed and lightly sweetened. Although our primary energies are directed toward the US market, we will focus will the help of our Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas spokespeople to capture an extensive international market They will be lauching our product on the east coast of the United States as well showing our product in the UK early next year with the intent to sell the bottled tea in the Fall of 2022
Product Development and Future Products. In 2022 we will be introducing at least two new flavors in direct response to feedback from our customers and will continue to release new flavors as the brand grows
Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas will travel all over the Galaxy to bring you Flavors Out of this World®; like Saturn Rings - Ice Tea with Peach, Cantelope & Cherry, Neptune- Iced Tea with Kiwi , Grape & Watermelon and Lunar Landing -Iced Tea, Lime , Lemon & Cranberry
Other Ways You Can Help
We recognize that because we are not as well-financed or as well-established as much of our competition, whenever we play by their marketing rules, we are at a disadvantage. Therefore, instead of spending a lot of money on advertising, Alien Octane® Sports Iced Teas relies instead on opportunistic ways to gain public attention and promote trial of the product.