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ALL Controller, Universal & Fully Customizable

ALL Controller, Universal & Fully Customizable

ALL Controller, Universal & Fully Customizable

ALL Controller, Universal & Fully Customizable

ALL Controller, Universal & Fully Customizable

The world's first universal and fully customizable game controller.

The world's first universal and fully customizable game controller.

The world's first universal and fully customizable game controller.

The world's first universal and fully customizable game controller.

Sean Tager
Sean Tager
Sean Tager
Sean Tager
0 Campaigns |
Hamilton, Canada
$230,083 USD 1,734 backers
309% of $59,987 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
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With the ability to seamlessly switch between 11 USB drivers and 7 Bluetooth drivers, the ALL Controller truly is the world’s most versatile gamepad. The ALL Controller can be connected to any PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.


Connecting to consoles will be as easy as plugging in the custom USB adapter. This device will allow the ALL Controller to connect to the XBOX 360, XBOX One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Added support for Nintendo Wii, WiiU and Switch will be added as well. On top of that, the USB adapter will have all 11 USB drivers available for wireless use with any Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android game.

* Wired ALL Controller can work on gaming consoles mentioned above if plugged into the USB Dongle.



Replay with sound
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The ALL Controller was developed by a team of committed gamers, with an extensive background in designing and building gaming peripherals. This team consists of experienced engineers who have designed consumer electronics products with the likes of Polycom, Flextronics and Microsoft. 

Hardware development is in our DNA.

As gamers, we are constantly in pursuit of the perfect gaming experience, and if our years of gaming has taught us anything, it’s that one size does not fit all. We interact with gamers on a daily basis, and from that we’ve learned that gamers have preferences, but not a lot of choices. This is what the ALL Controller truly represents; choices. The freedom to choose your gamepad configuration, the freedom to choose your platform and the freedom to play anywhere.

We’ve spoken to hundreds of gamers who have contributed thousands of ideas that have found their way into our gamepad. So, although we initially designed the ALL Controller for ourselves, it’s everyone’s controller now. And it’s a controller that we’ll never stop improving upon, because it’s not about the product, it’s about the passion. 

So here we are on Kickstarter taking the first step, of what we hope will be a great journey, with you. Your ideas matter, your commitment matters and your passion for gaming matters, which is why we’re asking you to join us.

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Choose your Perk


Wireless ALL Controller

$65 USD
This controller has everything. All USB wired/wireless drivers, Bluetooth drivers and profiles.
Included Items
  • Wireless ALL Controller
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
135 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Wireless ALL+Cell Phone Holder

$90 USD
This contains a wireless ALL Controller and the cell phone holder.
Included Items
  • Wireless ALL Controller
  • Cell Phone Holder
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
17 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Wireless ALL + USB Dongle

$95 USD
This contains the wireless ALL controller and the USB dongle compatible with XBOX 360, XBOX One, PS3 and PS4.
Included Items
  • Wireless ALL Controller
  • USB Dongle
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
170 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Supreme Package

$120 USD
This contains a Wireless ALL Controller, USB dongle and a cell phone holder
Included Items
  • Wireless ALL Controller
  • Cell Phone Holder
  • USB Dongle
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
105 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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