All My Empty Dresses: Memoir of A Strawgirl
A Pitch by Josie Boyce
Does the world need another Transgender Memoir? I say yes we do. We need all the stories we can get.
My name is Josie Boyce and I’m a Transgender woman working on just such a memoir. I have published three books of poetry, and now that I am well into my transition, everyone has been telling me that I should write a memoir.
My mom told me I should write a memoir for gosh sakes. Where my memoir will stand apart from the traditional Trans* memoir is my point of view. I am coming at my story, and stories through the lens of someone who has come to terms with much of the pain and heartache of youth.
There will definitely be some darker stories, but as this is a memoir, not an autobiography, I am not fact checking as much as I am remembering.
I am not just detailing my ‘adventures’ as much as I am putting them in a context of my personal history and who I am now, in this moment. I am not just looking through rose coloured glasses, as I feel that perhaps the more troubling parts of our stories can be where we learn the most about ourselves.
One of the greatest joys of my life has always been sitting around with folks sharing our stories from our lives. This kind of folksy approach is how I have been tackling the book so far.
So why an Indiegogo campaign then, you might be asking yourself. Good question! Well being a 48 year old Trans woman , who was laid off from being a Video store manager a year ago, I have not been able to find much work, other than piecemeal over the last year.
Lucky for me, while I was a manager I was able to squirrel away some savings, and since my unemployment ran out without me getting stable work, I have been living on those savings. As my campaign progresses over the summer I will have exhausted my 9 years worth of savings.
So the money I raise will be mostly (detailed clearly below) to pay my rent and bills while I finish the book, hopefully by December 2015. I am not asking anyone for any kind of free ride, if you contribute, you get my book, and, or some of my art, and some other goodies that I am planning for later in the campaign perks.
What We Need & What You Get
So I am trying to raise $10,000 (Canadian dollars) to pay my rent and bills from September until January, here are the details. Maybe $1500 a month seems like too much for expenses, but i do live in Vancouver, which as you may or may not know is an expensive town to exist in, but it is also awesome, and it is very much my home.
The actual cost of perks are not so high actually, as I will be self publishing like I did my 3 poetry books, using a print on demand model. If i do spectacularly well, i can make a big order of books and save on shipping.
I will be updating my progress and detailing how the money gets spent as I get it, and spend it. Transparency (pun intended) FTW!
monthly expenses
Rent $750 (includes utilities, and internet)
Telephone $72
Health care $80 (prescriptions and monthly BC fees)
Loans/cc bill, misc bank fees: $150
Food etc (ie occasional going out to eat/network included) $350
Bus fare/emergency things $98
$1500 a month x 5 months (August-December) = $7500
Fulfilling perks/fees to indiegogo etc:
$2500 =
$2000 - to fulfil the book orders, and other perks, when the book is complete. (if I get the money I am looking for, this number will go up or down if I surpass, or don't make my goals. (includes small percentage that goes to Indiegogo!)
$500 - professional editing services.
Examples of perks that will be made available:
Digital copies of the memoir
soft cover, or hard cover copies of the memoir
memoir copies, and one of my photos, or digital paintings printed for you
Handmade strawgirl yarn dolls, and many more items that will be rolled out as the campaign happens.
*see the righthand sidebar for details!
Why Contribute?
What Impact will my memoir have on the community, on people?
I am hoping to give folks something of an 'alternative' Transgender memoir. I don't feel like my story fits very neatly or at all into the cliched born in the wrong body narrative. The story I am presenting is one of a search for truth, and my real self, thus some of the details about my spiritual life, my creative life, my wonderful friendships and solid if distant family connection. My quest to understand why, and my acceptance that why I am Trans is not as important as how I live and how honest I am in presenting my self. All My Empty Dresses is an exploration of someone who maybe has had more support from friends and family, than from themselves.
I am hoping that I can entertain, and perhaps educate folks that Trans folks are really just folks.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge, when publishing any book is selling it, and getting the word out that it even exists. This is an area where my friends and extended network will be handy. I have a great many friends doing similar projects and my main team member has worked on other successful Indiegogo campaigns. I am plugged into all the social media, and have some small following.
The other big challenge of course is dealing with negative responses to doing this project, anti trans folks, or random trolls. my plan is to deal with any negativity by either ignoring or deflecting it with positive energy. Being Trans*, i m bound to have to deal with a lot of this, if I get even a smidgen of publicity. My biggest challenge will be to keep my cool with hateful folks, but i feel like I am ready for it. I will not back down.
The worst I can do with this project is not raise enough money to live for the 5 months, I can still fulfill my perks and finish the book. The worst that happens is that it takes me a month or two longer to fulfill my orders, because I need to find work to pay the rent.
Having self published 3 poetry books, and a 'zine' Black & White Comic book back in the day, and never losing money on any of my projects gives me the confidence that with money raised to live, and to be able to give my full attention for a few months, I can make this a winning project.
If I exceed my goal, I will be able to afford to do more publicity, to sell more books, and get the word out. This project is about getting the book done, more than it is selling the book. Once it's done I will be making it available to the wider world, and keeping my publicity train running. My stretch goal is to keep writing, Once launched and available to the wider world, hopefully this is something I can do. I have several nearly finished novels that need my attention as soon as this project is done.
Other Ways You Can Help
Now, a lot of people in my life might not be able to afford to contribute, or feel weird about doing so for some reason. But if you do want to help me out, just share this page, share my updates which I will be doing very often.
To my way of thinking, for this project, helping me get the word out, is even more valuable and appreciated than contributing money. Your time is worth more to me than your money. that said if you can spare it, Please Contribute.