All Talk is a band formed in February 2014 that aims to record and release music that is ambitious, honest, and distinctly our own.
Cole Maxwell: vocals, guitars
Tim Mensel: vocals, guitars, bass
Tim Carman: drums, percussion
Together we have compiled 10 songs that we have each set aside and kept from other projects. Through a thoughtful and diligent process of collective editing, this band has produced rightful final arrangements for these songs that we care so much about. Now we are prepared to share the
final products with everyone in a full length LP.
What We Need & What You Get
We want to give these songs the release they deserve and professionally record them in a state of the art studio in Boston. We are locking into a budget that will cost us
- $400 a day in a studio with an engineer
We plan on editing the record down to 8 songs and recording over a period of five to eight days. We also plan on contributing a large portion of our own money to master and produce the physical copies but are in desperate need of your help with recording. In return we are offering:
- copies of demo recordings, photos, and videos as we have been documenting the writing/editing process since our beginning in February
- opportunity to be thanked personally in the liner notes of the physical copy of the album
- a show booked
in your neighborhood so you can hear the songs live
- Executive Producer Credits
- Open doors to hear about and help promote/contribute to your personal fundraising endeavors
Other Ways You Can Help
If you know any of us three personally then you know that it is a life affirming dream for us to record music we are passionate about. And the best way to support us is to donate whatever sized contribution you feel comfortable with. However, we realize that isn't in the cards for everyone and if that is the case for you please share the link to this page in an email or through social media channels and put in a good word for us with your friends.
The three of us know that this project has great potential and that it will not be possible to realize without the support and love of our friends and families. For that, we are truly grateful to everyone that helps us achieve our goal either through donating or sharing. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
All Talk xx