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ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

Find everything you need, or share your things and make a profit

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ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

ALQ: An Airbnb for your stuff

Find everything you need, or share your things and make a profit

Find everything you need, or share your things and make a profit

Find everything you need, or share your things and make a profit

Find everything you need, or share your things and make a profit

ALQ project
ALQ project
ALQ project
ALQ project
2 Campaigns |
Santiago, Chile
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $90,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
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We need you help to launch ALQ! ALQ was born as an application designed to promote the idea of a collaborative market, responsible and friendly with society and the environment. Do you need anything for the camping trip with your friends? For the football match of the weekend? For your party tonight? Buying is not the only option, that's why we created ALQ!



ALQ was born as an application designed to promote the idea of a collaborative market, responsible and friendly with society and the environment. Do you need anything for the camping trip with your friends? For the football match of the weekend? For your party tonight? Buying is not the only option, that's why we created ALQ!

With ALQ you can put your things to generate profits. Your bicycle, your camera, your camping tent, your speakers, a book or anything you have. With just a few clicks you will be generating profits easily.

Is safe: The value of the lease per day of each object, will be added a small fraction to secure it, destined to cover the damages in special cases. Subject to terms and conditions.

Scoring system: Valuation system for lessees , lessors and their objects. So, you can see what the others have scored and decide who to rent.

Responsible App:  With ALQ you are not only responsible with your pocket, you are responsible with the world and you foment a more collaborative economy.

Make private loans: If you lend any of your things to a friend, with the private covenants you make sure that you return the object. You can put a small value per day for unlimited time to your object.


With your help, we can:


- Finish the UI / UX Design stage

-Stage of development and programming

-Finance professional hosting

Rewards system

More than 10 USD: You will receive personal email from ALQ CEO thanking you for your contribution.

More than 50 USD:

- Personal email from ALQ CEO thanking you for your contribution.
-Subscription to our newsletter
-Special code with 5 discounts of 10% on your leases

More than 150 USD:

- Personal email from ALQ CEO thanking you for your contribution.
-Subscription to our newsletter
-Special code with 10 discounts of 10% on your leases
-ALQ special t-shirt

Our effect


We believe that we can collaborate to create a collaborative market, with a social and responsible approach with the environment. ALQ is not just an app, it's a way of seeing the world and of relating to each other.

Risks and challenges


-Internationalization of ALQ: We plan to face it with professional marketing agencies and reward systems to users for advertising.

-Legal Issues: It is essential to think about having the services of lawyers buffets.

-Financial aid: We find ourselves applying to different financial aid programs to be able to solve the project.

-Consultants: we want to have the help of outstanding entrepreneurs, for that we have already organized meetings to share experiences and knowledge. Thus, producing feedback to help us improve.


Other ways you can help:


Sharing our project with your friends on social networks helps us a lot
Contact us if you are interested in collaborating more actively, you can help us in:
- designing graphics for social networks.
-Manage social networks.
-Web design
-Other ideas 



ALQ nace como una aplicación ideada para fomentar la idea de un mercado colaborativo, responsable y amigable con la sociedad y el medio ambiente. ¿Necesitas algo para el paseo de camping con tus amigos? ¿Para el partido de fútbol del fin de semana? ¿Para tu fiesta de esta noche? Comprar no es la única opción, por eso creamos ALQ!

Con ALQ puedes poner tus cosas a generarte ganancias. Tu bicicleta, tu cámara fotográfica, tu tienda de camping, tus parlantes, un libro o cualquier cosa que tengas. Con tan sólo unos cuantos clicks estará generandote ganacias de manera facil. ALQ cuenta con un seguro para proteger tus cosas, también puedes evaluar a arrendatarios y arrendadores, y los objetos ofrecidos.

Es seguro: Al valor del arriendo por día de cada objeto, se le sumará una pequeña fracción considerada como seguro, destinada a cubrir los daños en casos especiales. Ver términos y condiciones.

Sistema de puntuación: Al valor del arriendo por día de cada objeto, se le sumará una pequeña fracción considerada como seguro, destinada a cubrir los daños en casos especiales. Ver términos y condiciones.

App responsable: Con ALQ no sólo eres responsable con tú bolsillo, eres responsable con el mundo y fomentas una economía más colaborativa.

Haz préstamos privados: Si le prestas alguna de tus cosas a algún amigo, con los pactos privados te aseguras que te devuelva el objeto. Puedes poner un pequeño valor por dia por tiempo ilimitado a tu objeto.

Con tu ayuda podremos:


- Finalizar la etapa de diseño UI / UX

-Etapa de desarrollo y programación de la aplicación

-Financiamiento de un hosting profesional para la aplicación


Sistema de recompensas:


Más de 10 USD: Recibirás un email personal del CEO de ALQ agradeciendo por tu colaboración.

Más de 50 USD:

- Recibirás un email personal del CEO de ALQ agradeciendo por tu colaboración.
-Suscripción a nuestro newsletter
-Código especial con 5 descuentos de 10% en tus arriendos

Más de 150 USD:

- Recibirás un email personal del CEO de ALQ agradeciendo por tu colaboración.
-Suscripción a nuestro newsletter
-Código especial con 10 descuentos de 10% en tus arriendos
-ALQ special t-shirt


Nuestro efecto:

Creemos que podemos colaborar a crear un mercado colaborativo, con un enfoque social y responsable con el medio ambiente. ALQ no sólo es una app, es una forma de ver el mundo y de relacionarnos entre nosotros.


Riesgos y desafíos:

 Internacionalizaciónd de AQL: Planeamos hacerle frente con la asesoría de agencias profesionales de marketing y sistema de recompensa para los usuarios que compartan y colaboren con publicidad.

Asuntos legales: Contar con la asesoría de buffets de abogados que puedan solucionar dudas respecto al funcionamiento en distintos países.

Ayuda financiera: Para no quedar cortos de presupuesto, ALQ se encuentra postulando a distintos programas de ayuda financiera para Start Ups.

Consejos: Nosotros bucamos contar con la ayuda de quienes han triunfado en el mundo del emprendimiento, por lo que hemos organizado reuniones con destacados emprendedores para compartir experiencias y producir un feedback que nos ayude.


Otras formas de ayudar:

Compartir nuestro proyecto con tus amigos en redes sociales nos ayudaría muchísimo.
Si te gustó nuestro proyecto y desas ayudar de otra manera, puedes colaborar en:
-Diseño de gráficas para redes sociales
-Manejo de redes sociales
-Diseño web
-Otras ideas



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Choose your Perk

Early access Pack

$5 USD
Along with receiving early access to our application, you will receive personal email from ALQ CEO thanking you for your contribution and we publish your name as the first collaborator of ALQ, on our website
Included Items
  • Personal email from CEO
  • publish your name on website
  • Early access to ALQ
0 claimed

Special donation pack

$25 USD
With this reward you will receive early access, email from the CEO, the publication of your name as first collaborator, subscriptions to our newsletter and special discount codes. This way we make sure that you have a privileged experience with ALQ!
Included Items
  • Personal email from CEO
  • Subscription to our newsletter
  • Special Code
  • publish your name on website
  • Early access to ALQ
0 claimed

Premium member pack

$150 USD
With this reward we try to thank you in the best way for your great contribution! For so much help, we will send you a special ALQ t-shirt, we will give you more discount codes and you will have a special membership card that will serve you to attend events and meetings with our team.
Included Items
  • Personal email from CEO
  • Subscription to our newsletter
  • Special Code
  • ALQ T-shirt
  • Special member card
  • publish your name on website
  • Early access to ALQ
0 claimed
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