Your child is at school or on a trip, and the teacher must remember his allergy or other health information ... You are often on the road or take part in sport and you have an emergency ... Your elderly parents may need some help ... how many situations like these do you recognize yourself?
What about a simple and practical device that contains all the important information for your health and that of your loved ones?
Amyko is a bracelet suitable for any type of wrist and is fully customizable
Amyko is an NFC technology-based modular bracelet. It can communicate with smartphones and tablets and share medical information in case of emergencies in accordance with privacy rules.
Amyko is provided with watchband adapters (modules) that will slide into the band slots of the watch to fit any wrist measure. Watchbands are made of certified hypoallergenic thermoplastic rubber.
NFC (Near Field Communication) is a short-range communication that allows for information sharing between two devices within a short range.
Amyko is customizable in a variety of colours and textures: you can change and add new modules to your watchband and make it suit your own look.
Upload emergency numbers and your medical information (allergies, intolerances, blood type, etc.) on the cloud Amyko. All your data will be protected by an encrypted key!
Wear your bracelet when you practice sport, on holiday, at work, at school, anytime and anywhere, for your and your family's safety.
In case of emergency, anyone can use a smartphone on the bracelet in order to view the information you want to display and your relatives' contacts. (According to your privacy settings)
If you do not have a smartphone with NFC reader, just call the emergency number on the back side of the bracelet and input the ID code: you will be automatically be put in contact with a family member of the user.
If you are alone, tap your smartphone to your bracelet: one of your family members will receive a text message alert as well as your position.
If you need to take your medication at regular intervals, you can set the reminder to alert one of your family members via sms to ensure they will remember to check on you.
Master data
Vaccines and prophylaxis
Blood type
Relatives' contacts (tap to call)
Allergies and intolerances
Medical report
Use of medicines
Personal notes
Current therapies
Contact treating physician
Filippo Scorza | Founder and CEO
I could write here something really great about my career but... I prefer say that I'm a very curious guy, I change my mind often, I love science and physics, design and new entrepreneur projects, I'm diligent, creative and passionate. #life is a continuos pivoting
Riccardo Zanini | Founder and COO
I am a visionary, a serial entrepreneur, I try to do my work contributing to a better future of people; determined to achieve the objectives in respect of ethics and morality on which the life of man is based ... because behind any project there is always the human mind, and only with the sharing of expertise the idea can turn into a big project! #onlygoodthings
The money we raise during our indiegogo campaign will allow us to pay for the validation testing and tooling to manufacture our enclosures, which are an essential part of bringing Amyko to life.
Three different customization for your wristband (green, blue and orange)
Tre cinturini completi in diverse colorazioni (verde, blu e arancio)
1 AMYKO "Special Price"
SAVE 33% on retail price you'll be the first to receive Amyko! One bracelet with three additional wristband colored modules: you can customize it according to your style!
10$ for shipment in Europe, 15$ for shipment USA, 20$ everywhe else
Early Bird: riceverai Amyko prima di tutti! Un braccialetto e moduli aggiuntivi del cinturino in diversi colori per adattarlo al tuo stile e ad ogni situazione: quando pratichi sport, in viago lontano da casa, per regalarlo. Spedizione gratuita in Italia
(EARLY BIRD) SAVE 40% on retail price you'll be the first to receive Amyko! One bracelet with three additional complete wristband (green, blue and orange) and you can customize it according to your style!
10$ for shipment in Europe, 15$ for shipment USA, 20$ everywhere else
Early Bird: riceverai Amyko prima di tutti! Un braccialetto e tre cinturini aggiuntivi in diversi colori per adattarlo al tuo stile e ad ogni situazione!
2 AMYKO "You And Me"
(2 WRISTBAND PACK) SAVE 30% on retail price One bracelet for you and one for your child: you can stay on the safe side when they go to school, on holiday or when they are far from you!
10$ for shipment in Europe, 15$ for shipment USA, 20$ everywhere else
Un braccialetto per te e uno per tuo figlio: tu sarai più tranquillo quando andrà a scuola, in gita o lontano dalla famiglia! Spedizione gratuita in Italia
4 AMYKO "Family Pack"
SAVE 35% on retail price For the safety of your family anytime, anywhere! You will recive the family pack contain four devices.
15$ for shipment in Europe, 20$ for shipment USA, 25$ everywhere else
Per la tua sicurezza e quella di tutta la tua famiglia, sempre ed ovunque! Riceverai il pacchetto famiglia con quattro dispositivi. Spedizione gratuita in Italia
Are you a reseller? Are you a team manager or a coach? Well! Grab this perk which includes twenty devices!
PLEASE add 15$ for shipment in Europe, 20$ for shipment USA, 25$ everywhere else.
Sei un distributore? Oppure hai un gruppo di collaboratori? Un gruppo sportivo? Questo perk di venti dispositivi è giusto per te! Spedizione gratuita in Italia
Are you a Distributor or Retail outlet? Well, we've got you covered!! Grab this perk which includes a whopping 50 devices at a huge discount!
PLEASE add 25$ for shipment in Europe, 35$ for shipment USA, 45$ everywhere else
Sei un distributore o rivenditore? Questo perk che include 50 dispositivi è fatto appositamente per te! Spedizione gratuita in Italia
There are many ways to contribute! Even if you don't have money right now, you can help us turn our campaign into a reality by sharing it with your family and friends. Just click on any of the Facebook, Twitter, and other sharing buttons (up near the video) and let the world know about our awesome project. Thank you!