WHO is Samuellla?
Samuella turned 9 years old this April and time is running out for her to have an operation that will greatly improve the quality of her life. Samuella has Spina Bifida and must have an operation before the age of 10. At three days old, Samuella underwent surgery but the operation was not entirely successful. She suffers from a lack of any control over urination and bowel movements. She must wear diapers. She has difficulty walking. Samuella is bright and a good student. She has a fighting spirit and wants to believe that she can have the same dreams as every young girl: that she will grow up to be strong and healthy and find love and have her own family.
Samuella lives in Burundi with her family - her mom, Chantal and her dad, Clement, her grandmother, Josephine, and her brothers. There are no surgeons skilled to perform this operation in Burundi. Burundi is a poor country and there is no healthcare. Samuella and her mom must travel from Burundi to the Artemis Hospital in Delhi, India. The cost to travel, the hospital fees, the medication, the cost of the consultations and the surgeon's fees will come to $15,000 USD.
WHO are We?
We are her family and friends. Some of us are in Burundi and some of us are in Canada. We are doing our best to raise the money for Samuella's treatment. But we need your help.
HOW can you help?
You can help us reach our goal of $15,000. A gift of $5, $10 or $25 would make a tremendous difference. ALL of the money raised will go towards Samuella's treatment. If the worst happens and we do not raise enough money for the operation before Samuella's 10th birthday, all of the money will go towards her on-going health care issues.
Please find it in your heart to help us help our beloved Samuella. If you are unable to give, please tell your friends and family about Samuella - that's helping too!