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Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Gaming for a Better World. Learning, awareness & support for the Amazon Rainforest via fun games!

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Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Android Game to Conserve our Amazon Rainforest

Gaming for a Better World. Learning, awareness & support for the Amazon Rainforest via fun games!

Gaming for a Better World. Learning, awareness & support for the Amazon Rainforest via fun games!

Gaming for a Better World. Learning, awareness & support for the Amazon Rainforest via fun games!

Gaming for a Better World. Learning, awareness & support for the Amazon Rainforest via fun games!

Alicia Choo
Alicia Choo
Alicia Choo
Alicia Choo
2 Campaigns |
Mamiraua, Brazil
$756 USD 20 backers
15% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

*Devido à restrição de limite de texto da Indiegogo, consulte o site da levelup4good para informações detalhadas em português sobre as recompensas, os pesquisadores e Pousada Uacari.

Hi! I'm Alicia: just your ordinary IT professional. 

Because of my passion for IT, I always ask, "What IT solutions I use that will improve the overall experience of my life, or the lives of the people I work with, the community I live in, and the world we share?"

When we are financially blessed, it's OK to raise our standard of living; but we must also raise our standard of giving.

Getting a little creative this time with my extra-curricular IT efforts, I developed a couple of environmental conservation themed games for the iOS platform. One of which is Conserve the Amazon for Instituto Mamirauá for their work with the Amazon rainforest of Brazil:

· 5.5 million square kilometers of rainforest,
· Shared by 9 Nations in South America,
· 390 billion trees...from 16,000 species,
· 1/10 of all known life exists in the Amazon:
· MOST BIODIVERSE rainforest on the planet!

The game has a Know The Animal section educating us on why these animals are endangered, and how conservation helps.

We have seen success with the iOS games, so it seems only fair to give the Android community access to these educational games and awareness of their causes.

Development cost for the game is around USD $5,000

Gaming for a better world is our slogan.

When you back this project, I will personally send you a digital video made with my cool flying drone! This will give you a first-hand look at these special places illustrating why they deserve our awareness and protection.

Now, it’s your turn to show us:

  • by backing this campaign, plus
  • we have a whole list of goodies to give you as a way of saying thank you for helping us
  • spread the education and awareness internationally
  • with the Android version of these special games!

Check out the Level-Up 4 Good website for what I hope to achieve through games!

Thank you for your interest & support as a Backer! :D    ~> Tell your friends…

Alicia Choo
Founder & Chief Games4Good Guru

*Click here for details of the scientist you can interact with and Uakari Floating Lodge T&Cs


Olá! Meu nome éAlicia e trabalho na área TI.

Por causa da minha paixão por TI, eu sempre me pergunto: “Que soluções da TI eu posso usar para melhorar minha experiência de vida em geral, ou as vidas dos meus colegas de trabalho, da sociedade da qual faço parte e do mundo em que vivo?”

Quando somos abençoados financeiramente, não tem problema aumentarmos no nosso padrão  de vida; mas isso deve vir acompanhado de um aumento no padrão de doação.

Usando um pouco de criatividade dessa vez com minhas habilidades de TI, eu desenvolvi alguns jogos para a plataforma iOS voltados para a conservação da natureza. Um desses jogos éo Conserve a Amazônia, um aplicativo dedicado ao trabalho do Instituto Mamirauá na floresta amazônica, que contém:

  5,5 milhões de quilômetros quadrados de floresta

  engloba 9 países da América do Sul

  390 bilhões de árvores de ~16.000 espécies

  1/10 de todas as espécies da terra

  a floresta mais biodiversa do planeta!

O jogo possui uma parte educativa, “Os animais" explicando sobre as espécies presentes no jogo, o porque estarem ameaçados e como a conservação pode ajudar.

Os jogos para iOS têm sido bem-sucedidos, e assim gostaríamos que compartilhar a experiência de um jogo educativo e ajudar a divulgar a causa para a comunidade Android.

Os custos de desenvolvimento do jogo são em torno de US$5000

Nosso slogan é “Gaming for a better world”(Jongando para um mundo melhor).

Quando vocêapoiar o projeto, eu lhe enviarei pessoalmente um vídeo que eu fiz com meu drone sobrevoando cada uma desses ecossistemas especiais, e vocêpoderáver por si conferir porque eles merecem nossa atenção e proteção.

Agora ésua vez:

Qual presente vocêgostaria de receber como nosso agradecimento pela sua ajuda em divulgar a conservação da Amazônia internacionalmente com a versão Android do nosso jogo!

Dêuma olhada no site da Level-Up 4 Good para maiores detalhes sobre o propósito dessa iniciativa.

Muito obrigado pelo seu interesse e ajuda como financiador! :D > Conte para os seus amigos…

Alicia Choo
Fundadora & Principal Guru da  Games4Good

*Devido à restrição de limite de texto da Indiegogo, consulte o site da levelup4good para informações detalhadas em português sobre as recompensas, os pesquisadores e Pousada Uacari.

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Choose your Perk

Amazon Rainforest Wallpaper

$5 USD
We will give you high quality digital photo taken by top nature photographers from Instituto Mamiraua and a personal thank you note on your Facebook page. You also get 5% off of your visit to Uakari Lodge.* Remember: Download the Android game for FREE (when released) & tell your friends! *Valid till Dec 31, 2017
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 claimed

Amazon Bird's-Eye View

$15 USD
Receive a special, exclusive and stunningly captivating personal thank you aerial video from my flying drone camera. You will also receive a photo PLUS a personal thank you on your Facebook page! You also get 5% off of your visit to Uakari Lodge.* Remember: Download the Android game for FREE (when released) & tell your friends! *Valid till Dec 31 2017
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
5 claimed

Personalized Smartphone Case!

$50 USD
Receive a cool personalized "I Backed A Good Cause" LEVEL-UP 4 GOOD and Instituto Mamiraua logos smartphone case, featuring any name you want printed on the smartphone case (max # characters: 20)! PLUS, we will send you wallpaper, an aerial video from my flying drone camera, and a personal thank you note on your Facebook page. You also get 5% off of your visit to Uakari Lodge.* Remember: Download the Android game for FREE (when released) & tell your friends! *Valid till Dec 31 2017
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
5 claimed

Amazon Natural History Book ++

$100 USD
Receive a "Mamirauá - A guide to the natural history of the Amazon flooded forest" featuring any name you want printed on the book, PLUS an ultra-exclusive half an hour Skype/Hangout video session with one of the institute's top scientists! Refer to the website for the Scientists Bios. You also get 5% off when you visit Uakari Lodge before 31 Dec 2017. Also receive wallpaper, an aerial video from my flying drone camera, and a personal thank you note on your Facebook page.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 out of 50 of claimed

Vouchers & Talk to a Scientist

$500 USD
Enjoy 5-Star Eco-Tourism at Uakari Floating Lodge with the R$500 voucher. Experience the remarkable magnitude of the being in the heart of the largest & most bio-diverse rainforest in the world! Exclusively: Get to talk with Instituto Mamiraua's top Conservation Scientist for one hour face-to-face, or via Skype/Hangout. Check the website for the Scientist Bios. Tell your friends! * Please also refer to the website for detailed terms and conditions
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Personalized 3-Day Amazon Tour

$1,500 USD
Once-in-a-lifetime: enjoy 3 days of 5-Star Eco-Tourism at Uakari Floating Lodge. Experience the remarkable magnitude of being in the heart of the largest & most bio-diverse rainforest in the world! Exclusively: - Visit the Institute - Talk with the Institute's Top Scientist face to face, or via Skype/Hangout, for 2 hours! Check for the Scientist's Bios. Be sure to tell your friends! * Refer to the website for detailed Terms and Conditions.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 4 of claimed

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