My name is Kim Coleman, I'm a visionary and the founder of Zoe Life LLC. Zoe Life is a company that is passionate about designing unique, innovative, and larger than life products for today's generation of children to live life to the fullest in safety, style, fun and fashion.
Over 48 years ago, creativity has been a part of my life. Beginning at the tender age of five, I was passionate about drawing and designing. I also had a passion to protect children at an early age. I was 12 years old when becoming a play leader for the younger children, making sure they were safe while playing during recess.
With the love I have for children, it's not a wonder that I designed Angel on My Shoulder Backpack! Angel on My Shoulder is no ordinary backpack; it is a backpack designed for style by day and safety by night. It has LED lighted wings with reflectors which can make any child be the coolest little angel on the playground during the day! In the evening, you can turn on the lights on the reflective wings in order for children to be easily seen when it gets dark! Not to mention, the wings are removable. If the lights are not turned on or wings are removed, the trimmings on the backpack will still reflect at night when vehicles are approaching a child. How cool is that!
Angel on My Shoulder Backpack Could Save Lives! Please watch this short this short video
I am passionate about Angel on My Shoulder Backpack being designed for the safety of children. I can't stress it enough about the importance to keep children as safe as possible when they are out in the dark. I pray that you as the contributors feel the same passion I feel. Please buy the backpacks for your loved ones because I know you would want the best for them!
The Impact You Have
I am very grateful to all the supporters, you are an extremely important part in my journey to help me get Angel on My Shoulder Backpacks in the market place and on shoulders of each child that they were designed to be on! Just think how many accidents can be avoided or how many lives can be saved if everyone who has children around the world buy this backpack!
(Prototype) It is designed for "Style by Day and Safety by Night"
The child on the left is barely visible. The child on the right is visible with just the lights turned on while standing in the dark. Prototype made by Dirt Cheap Prototype
Angel on My Shoulder is designed by Zoe Life, LLC
Features of Angel on My Shoulder
The LED bright, lighted, reflective wings on the backpack can be seen well over a block away from the child wearing the backpack
The holographic hot pink backpack is made of PU leather
The true blue backpack is made of 100% polyester
Both backpacks are water resistant
Both backpacks operate on 2 lithium CR2032 batteries located inside the bottom left wing. Also the on/off button is located on the back side of batteries
Wear as a regular backpack. The trimming still reflects for safety
Removable wings
Interchangeable wings
Here's the FUNding Part!
For Angel on My Shoulder to go into production I would need $13,195 and roughly $1,500 for shipment. Please be a part of this project to come to life, making my dreams become a reality in helping aid in safety for children! If the entire goal is not met funds are given back to the supporters.
Help Save Lives and Bring Angel on My Shoulder Backpack to Life
Risks & Challenges
The challenges will be choice of colors for the backpacks. There are only two colors to choose from: True Blue and a Holographic Hot Pink color. But as my business grows more colors and products will be added.
Shipping can be slightly delayed depending on production. Also there will be a small fee for shipping and handling added to the cost. Details for shipping will follow.
Please Help!
If you can't contribute please tell your family and friends! Ask them to share because this is for a great cause, for the safety of our children!