Animated Teachings of Jesus
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." (Matthew 5:9)
Below is the first scene from the Sermon on the Mount - The Beatitudes, which is the first 12 verses of Matthew chapter 5. The purpose of this crowdfunding campaign is to raise the additional funds we need to finish the rest of the Sermon on the Mount, which is the remainder of Matthew chapter 5, plus chapters 6 and 7. This is an important project and we need your support.
The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus had just been baptized by John, been tempted in the wilderness, called His disciples, and had just started performing healing miracles. The amazing Sermon on the Mount is the first time in the Bible that we experience the actual first-hand teachings of Jesus - that we begin to learn what it means to be a Christian from the source Himself.
This is why we are starting our animation project with the Sermon on the Mount. We have decided to use the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) for this project for two reasons: First, it is statistically the English translation that is read by the most people. It is truly the most beautiful translation available. Second, it is in the public domain, which is helpful in keeping our costs down.
Our intent is to produce a series of high quality Bible videos that will be available free of charge online for anyone to view within about six months of initial publication. Our vision is that these videos will be playing with high frequency (perhaps all day) in many Christian homes for children to watch - and for adults to listen in the background.
The script is 100% Bible. Nothing added. Nothing taken away. No secondary (B) storylines. No cute talking animals. Just the Bible, because it's awesome.
Dual Purpose of These Videos
So, why is this 100% Bible thing important? Because this series of videos has dual purposes: 1) children can watch it and learn about Jesus and His teachings, and 2) since it is 100% Bible-only content, adults can listen to it in the background (while doing other things) like a high-quality "Audio Bible". You can be a listener, not just a viewer.
With your help, we can get the entire Sermon on the Mount finished quickly and available for streaming online. Most of the contributor support levels are tied to some sort of "producer credit," which means that you will be listed in the credits that play at the end of the video. The higher the donation, the higher level of producer you will be.
Most support levels also include an advance digital copy of the video. This is important since it may take six months or more for the published video to be available on free video on demand platforms like YouTube.
For more information or to get on our VIP list list, please visit
The Team
Christopher DeHau Lee is President of SUPERNAL. Chris is a seasoned media and entertainment professional, both on the creative and business sides. Chris has worked at Marvel, Sony, Universal, Paramount, Fox, Disney, Dreamworks, and MGM.
Chris recently left Marvel Entertainment, where he constructed Marvel's digital content distribution strategy across all channels - mobile, TV, PC, game console for OTT / SVOD / AVOD / TVOD - & supported Disney's DTC efforts. Chris launched Marvel's YouTube Kids' channel, where he leveraged financial modeling, data analytics, market research & collaborated across Marvel / Disney LOBs - studios, media networks, international, consumer products, publishing. Chris also led business development & partnerships with digital & mobile platforms.
Dr. Craig Everett serves as a member of the board of directors of SUPERNAL He also teaches corporate finance, film and media finance, and entrepreneurship at a Pepperdine University (a Christian university) and is a mentor to startup businesses nationwide.
June 15, 2019 - Complete the voiceover work and overall sound design
July 31, 2019 - Complete animation
Aug 15, 2019 - Complete post-production (editing, titles, credits, etc)
Aug 31, 2019 - Release completed video to crowdfunding contributors
How Will The Funds Be Used?
We have already reached our original fundraising goal (Thanks you!). But we still very grateful for additional funding. The funds will be used to improve our post-production and to start pre-production for our next Bible project, which will be The First Christmas
Risks and challenges
The biggest risk of this project is the budget. We need enough funding to be able to pay good animators and sound engineers.
Also, it should be noted that f we don't raise enough funds through this campaign, the production quality of the video may be somewhat lower. The subject matter is sacred, so we really want the quality to be high.