Meet Bill
- Bill Bonnar is a life-long socialist who has travelled the world gathering experience, knowledge and integrity. He is a highly respected chair of the Scottish Socialist Party, as well as its international spokesperson.
- It's essential that we make Bill our representative in Govan, Pollok, Cardonald and the rest of the working people's strongholds in Glasgow South West. He is, without a doubt, the candidate with true principles and values - values that put the people before anything, ever.
- Bill is a true pioneer of the SSP's waged representative policy. As an MP, he would take no more than the average skilled worker's wage of Scotland, which is in the region of £25,000 a year. Not the politician career wage of £66,600... A figure beyond that of most of his constituents.
What we need
- We are by no means a party with much wealth. We do what we can with what little we have and seldom do we ask for money. We are in dire need of campaign funds to encourage as many people to vote for the only left wing candidate in Glasgow SW.
- The sum we ask for is £2,000. This will go towards renting a shop front, hosting events, printing leaflets and literature, as well as creating campaign gear such as badges, stickers and such. Every penny spent takes us one step closer to a just, transparent and fair society.
The Impact
The mood is changing in Scotland. It's now beginning to dawn on the people that we can elect a left wing party to represent Scotland. Ceaselessly, we have campaigned to show this to the world. As the country's most successful socialist party, we can be used to bring about a society that represents every fibre of its people.
The SSP are just ordinary people who have become sickened and angry at how the masses of these islands have been lied to, trodden on and tricked by successive Labour and Conservative governments. We understand that we're swimming against the tide but know, wholeheartedly, that the mood is changing.
Can you begin to imagine how different life would be socialist values in government? Here are just a few of our core policies:
- A national minimum wage of £10 an hour
- The abolition of Council Tax in favour of an income-based service payment
- A free public transport system owned by the national community
- Scottish Independence - we believe that free of the deeply conservative roots in the United Kingdom, Scotland can become a self-sufficient nation with values of the working woman and man at its heart.
- For a full list of our policies, visit
Risks & Challenges
We're not under any illusions in this campaign. We thought long and hard about standing candidates in what is an incredibly unfair and undemocratic voting system. However, there needs to be a time when we can take the plunge and stand against the winds of injustice. If the world had no freedom fighters swimming against the currant, where would we be? Under the arms of autocracy, beaten and forgotten. This is why we need Bill in parliament:
- Bill emanates experience, trust and stamina.
- Bill is a family man, with two daughters Katie and Jenny, and a wife Vivienne.
- Bill has worked in Govan for decades and is a life-long resident south of the River Clyde.
- Bill has courage like no other candidate and represents everything that politicians aspire to be - leadership, trust, democracy and intellect.
- Most of all, Bill is someone you can rely on, he is a friend to all and will serve you like no other candidate for Glasgow SW can.
Other Ways You Can Help
We of the left aren't known to have much riches, so if you cannot afford to contribute then fear not. Here are other ways you can help:
- Talk to people - we need others talking about politics. We need people to wake up and realise that change can actually happen. We can, and will, see that day.
- Support the online campaign by liking and following our social media.