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Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

It's to plant art mangroves in the frontier nation Tuvalu, to reduce loss of land by sea rising.

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Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

Art Mangroves project in Tuvalu

It's to plant art mangroves in the frontier nation Tuvalu, to reduce loss of land by sea rising.

It's to plant art mangroves in the frontier nation Tuvalu, to reduce loss of land by sea rising.

It's to plant art mangroves in the frontier nation Tuvalu, to reduce loss of land by sea rising.

It's to plant art mangroves in the frontier nation Tuvalu, to reduce loss of land by sea rising.

Vincent J.F. HUANG
Vincent J.F. HUANG
Vincent J.F. HUANG
Vincent J.F. HUANG
1 Campaign |
Funafuti, Tuvalu
$1,405 USD 11 backers
4% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
We will plant over 7,000 mangroves on the coast in Tuvalu, to form a giant QR code shape. By scan this QR code you'll be linked to more relevant information about global climate change and sea level rising. As Joseph Beuys's 7,000 oak's project in 1981 in Kassel, Germany, we transfer this idea plant mangroves in Tuvalu. Your participation is important to us, every $10 donation is not only slowing Tuvalu's lost of land, also provide Tuvaluan a chance to save their home.

Taiwanese artist Vincent J.F. Huang,  is an artist and environmental advocate, a frequent traveler to Tuvalu and official representing Tuvalu nation in United Nations Frameworks Convention on Climate Change, Conference of Parties (UNFCCC COP) since 2012, and representing artist for Tuvalu Pavilion at Venice Biennale in 2013 and 2015. He has been working on eco art for very long time and seeking to rise environment awareness of current rapid rising of sea level treating the inhabitants of small pacific island nation of Tuvalu. 


"Year on year, the impacts of climate change are hard to see:air temperatures warming by a few tenths of a degree here, sea levels rising by a few millimeters there. This poses a challenge to the artists who tackle climate change - a challenge that Taiwan's Vincent J.F. Huang address steamrolling right over it..."---The Wall Street Journal

"First New York, then other cities around the world. Now the Occupy movement has spread underwater and it doesn't even involve humans. Taiwanese artist Vincent J.F. Huang has created and installation that uses marine animals to examine the burgeoning protest movement. "          ---Huffington Post

"Tuvalu's entry for the Venice Art Biennale next week will see artist Vincent J. F. Huang raising awareness of the climate crisis engulfing the island with his massive oil pump interactive/slaughter machine. People fill up for "petrol" while simultaneously "guillotining" Barack Obama's head."---The Independent

"The tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu this year has a presence at the Venice Biennale, intent on raising awareness abut the climate crisis threatening to engulf it. Tuvalu's Government has teamed up with Taiwanese artist Vincent J.F. Huang who uses dark humor to convey the nation's environmental messages."---ABC TV NEWS

"In addition to his artistic contribution to the conference, Huang is also an official delegate for the island nation of Tuvalu... Huang was drawn to the country because of what he saw as its tragic situation"a non-industrialised country that produces nearly zero carbon emissions would be perhaps the first to perish as a consequence of emissions... To further press home his message, Huang has arranged for animals 'to host a press conference' today at 1:30pm to convey their message to the human delegates at COP18/CMP8 Doha."---Gulf Times

For more coverages of Vincent please check the links below (at the end of this page).

What are you going to do?

Vincent’s aim is to planting 7000 mangrove trees at Funafala beach, where he will arrange the plants into QR code pattern with a web link to an environmental website for more relevant information.  Like 7,000 oaks by Joseph Beuys, so this project will not only promote awareness to a larger audiences as social sculpture but also at the same time will help to slow down soil erosion causes by raising sea level.

Ice melt caused by a warming atmosphere is making sea levels rise, which will cause problems globally. When we believe this perhaps nowhere more acutely than the low-lying islands like Tuvalu, in fact there are at least 22 more lying island nations like Tuvalu and it influences 7 million people.  What happened to Tuvalu is what happens to our planet tomorrow. We are calling for your action to face the extreme weather together. 

Why Tuvalu? Is Tuvalu a country?

Tuvalu is a island nation located in Pacific Ocean, it's a group of nine tiny islands in the South Pacific, locates between Hawaii and Australia, which won independence from the United Kingdom in 1978. It's population is less than 10,000. Five of the islands are coral atolls, the other four consist of land rising from the sea bed and it's threaten to engulf the nation.

Recently, Tuvalu has gained significant media attention worldwide because its low-lying land is so susceptible to rising sea levels. The beaches surrounding the atolls are sinking due to erosion caused by waves and this is exacerbated by rising sea levels. In addition, because the sea level is rising on the islands, Tuvaluan must continually deal with their homes flooding, as well as soil salinisation. Soil salinisation is a problem because it is making it difficult to get clean drinking water and is harming crops as they cannot grow with the saltier water, and be forced to change their diet habits. As a result, the country is becoming more and more dependent on foreign imports.

Why should I contribute?

This art project will help Tuvalu to face to threaten of sea level rising, and for other island nations too. It’s a part of estimation for extreme weather.

We humbly ask you join us for this eco-friendly event and please spread the words, share Tuvalu's story on your social media! Let’s work together on making our environment a better place, for a better future!

Start it now!

We aim to raise $30,000. Every $10 you donate we plant a Mangrove on the coast for you, and all the mangroves will be arrange to a QR code shape. To scan this QR code you will be lead to more relevant information about climate change. For more donation we are plant more mangroves surely. The more important thing is all the money you spend not only slow up the sea level rising, also help Tuvaluan to save their home.  

Your contribution goes 100% to art materials, mangroves, logistic, transportation, insurance, and a documentary shooting equipment rental for the project. Everyone participating in the project with a commitment to the transformative power of eco art, to against climate change. Our team is so grateful for your contribution and support.



紅樹林巨型QR code護岸 台藝術家巧思救吐瓦魯

環境危機 水筆仔計畫籲正視吐瓦魯危機

Giant barcode on Tuvalu to raise awareness about climate

Artist to plant 7000 trees in Tuvalu

Climate art: Tuvalu plan for giant mangrove QR code

Artist Vincent J.F. Huang embarks on project to protect Tuvalu

Taiwanese Artist Highlights Global Climate Change Through QR-Code Art

Global warming: Thousands flee Pacific islands on front line of climate change – Independent

Paris climate talks: Tuvalu PM Enele Sosene Sopoaga criticises demand for evidence of claims - ABC

South Pacific seeks action to solve climate 'terror' not of its making

Brexit means little to refugees prepared to die fleeing climate change

How are our Pacific Island neighbours facing climate change?


To know more about Vincent J.F. Huang

Getting wet feet for Tuvalu - BBC News

Tiny Tuvalu Gets the Eco-Art Treatment - Scene Asia - WSJ

ABC TV NEWS - Tuvalu teams up with Taiwanese artist for exhibition

DW - Taiwanese artist tries to save Tuvalu in Venice

SBS TV- Venice Biennale installation highlights Tuvalu's battle with rising seas

Blouin artinfo - Island Nations Seize the Venice Biennale Spotlight to Decry Climate Change

One million people expected at Tuvalu's Venice Biennale

Tuvalu takes climate challenge to Venice art festival

Financial Times - The lagoon show

Tuvalu at The Venice Biennale: Exposing the Threat of Global Warming

Crossing the Tide To raise awareness on issues linked to climate change, Taiwanese artist Vincent J.F. Huang has created an installation for the Tuvalu Pavilion that challenges our experience of the landscape.

Tuvalu returns to Venice with first-ever 'sinking' pavilion

The Venice Questionnaire #12: Vincent Huang - Art Review

Taiwanese Artist Opens Tuvalu National Pavilion

With a national population of 12000 tuvalu will participate in the 2015 venice-biennale

Tuvalu Pavilion | 56th Venice Biennale - Artsy

whereartthou with Vincent JF Huang's Sinking ... - Instagram

Crossing the Tide - Tuvalu Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia

Rising waters, disappearing nation - Taipei Times

Taiwan artist to highlight Tuvalu dilemma

Taiwan artist's 'flooded' display highlights Tuvalu crisis

Taiwan artist focuses on global warming in Tuvalu


Selected Chinese Media Reported: 


TVBS〈獨家〉威尼斯雙年展 台藝術家打造吐瓦魯館

藝饗年代  威尼斯雙年展特輯-藝術家黃瑞芳

TVBS創作反思氣候變遷 台藝術家登威尼斯雙年展

台藝術家"動物代表團" 登"卡達永續展" - 公共電視台新聞網

中華文化總會 - 第七屆總統文化獎創意獎得主 黃瑞芳簡介

澳洲ABC TV Venice Biennale 2013 Tuvalu Pavilion and Taiwanese artist

澳洲SBS TV Venice Biennale 2015 Tuvalu Pavilion SBS Television

瑞典國家電視台Swdish National TV video Animal refugees Project 2016



水淹國家館 台灣藝術家為吐瓦魯發聲|時尚生活|即時|天下

兩岸文創誌SmartCulture | 亮點人物| 黃瑞芳:拯救吐瓦魯的藝術家

創作反思氣候變遷台藝術家登威尼斯雙年展| 新聞| TVBS

为图瓦卢奔走的台湾艺术家 DW 德國之聲中文版

水淹國家館黃瑞芳為吐瓦魯求救- 中時電子報

台灣之光!黃瑞芳出征威尼斯雙年展超吸睛- 生活- 自由時報

2014《藝想世界》藝術家黃瑞芳作品諷刺被破壞的自然 ...


環境藝術家黃瑞芳用創作為友邦發聲- Rti 中央廣播電臺





瑞典台灣藝術家打造動物難民船警世 蘋果日報

威尼斯藝術展吐瓦魯邀黃瑞芳參展 中時電子報

黃瑞芳提案水淹威尼斯16世紀古蹟| 聯合影音
來威尼斯看世界最頂尖的展覽 天下雜誌





氣候變遷劇烈吐瓦魯恐滅國 華視新聞

總統文化獎揭曉 黃瑞芳獲創意獎

威尼斯雙年展 台灣藝術家為吐瓦魯發聲

黃瑞芳「再造鐵達尼」 關注全球暖化- Yahoo奇摩新聞

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$10 USD
- We will plaint a mangrove in Tuvalu for you. - Record your name on Sponsor list on web, Short film and catalogue, if you are agreed. - Thank you for your support.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
4 claimed

Gold Sponsor

$100 USD
- We will plaint 10 mangrove in Tuvalu for you. - Record your name on Sponsor list on web, Short film and catalogue, if you are agreed. - Thank you for your support.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
2 claimed

Platinum Sponsor

$1,000 USD
- We will plant 100 pieces of mangrove for you in Tuvalu. - Record your name on the special sponsor list on web, short film and catalogue, if you agreed. - To get one set of photograph of Tuvalu and the project, and catalogue.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 claimed

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