Is it in the drawer? Under the sofa? In my handbag?
With Pump Point your asthma inhaler will always be in the same place, your wall mounted Pump Point unit.
Pump Point units mount to a wall and ensure that asthma inhalers are immediately accessible in an emergency.
- Stores all MDI inhalers
- Stores one or two inhalers
- Mounted using 3M Command strips
- Doesn't damage your wall
- Easily removed
We have invented two units to store asthma inhalers in your home.
I worked in a primary school in North London for six years. Whilst working at the school I was in charge of ensuring all the children's medication was immediately accessible in an emergency. When I first started at the school all the asthma inhalers were kept in a plastic bag in the school office.
One day a girl ran into the office accompanied by friends and she was desperate for air. Struggling to breath and trying as hard as she could. I ran to the plastic bag and luckily found her asthma inhaler. At this point I realised that something had to change.
That night I went home and built my first unit out of wood. It was rather large, the shelves weren't straight, it had awful white paint and it just leant against the wall, but it did the job. I printed off each asthmatic child's name and stuck them in front of each hole that stored their asthma inhaler. I asked all the children that came into the office if they liked it. They all seemed to (although I did tell most of them that I made it first - which might of swayed their opinion slightly).
When staff from other schools and our school nurse came in they would always comment on what a good idea it was. I had quite an entrepreneurial mind from a young age and always thought maybe I should try to manufacture the unit but inventing, manufacturing and selling a whole new product seemed a bit far-fetched. It took two years but I finally made the decision. Asthma Pump Point units were going to be manufactured and available to schools throughout the United Kingdom to ensure that asthma inhalers are immediately accessible in emergency.
After inventing the first Pump Point unit and during the two years it took me to build the perfect unit for schools, I talked regularly with parents at my school and adults that suffered from asthma and I found out that the problems we faced in schools were the same problems they had at home. They talked about misplacing inhalers, inhalers being ‘tidied away’ and I thought that I can adapt my Pump Point unit to be used in homes as well. It seemed ridiculous that there is a place for cutlery, a place for your phone and even a place for bread but there is no where to store your asthma inhaler.
I invented two units for households. The units hold one or two inhalers. The units mount to the wall using 3M Command adhesive strips that stick to two small plastic tabs that fit seamlessly into the back of the units. The adhesive strips do not damage your walls. It sounds simple, but it took an extraordinarily long amount of time to design, create CAD files, and make the perfect prototype. It has been a long road but I am near completing this project.
I have spent two years trying to get Asthma Pump Point into schools. Along with my brother, I have managed to manufacture and sell to schools within the United Kingdom and we are now trying to make the units available in the USA as well.To pay the mould costs and the manufacturing costs I got a loan from Start-up Loans, a government-backed scheme to help small businesses in the United Kingdom.
I cannot get another loan and I do not have the funds to pay the mould and initial manufacturing costs to meet minimum ordering quantities.That’s why I have turned to Indiegogo , I need your help to get Asthma Pump Point off the ground. We have a website, a manufacturer and a delivery company. To launch Asthma Pump Point and to make it available for households we need help with the initial mould costs and reaching minimum order quantities for manufacturing.
You can visit the Asthma Pump Point website at: www.asthmapumppoint.com. We have been selling to schools since November and have sold over 100 units. We recently conducted a survey and found out the following:
-100% of schools said their Pump Point unit was easy to install
-100% of schools said their Pump Point unit has improved the storage of asthma inhalers in their school
-94.44% would recommend Asthma Pump Point to other schools
and, my favourite:
-94.12% said the asthmatic children in their school liked their new Asthma Pump Point unit
Once we have the funds to cover the mould and initial minimum ordering quantities for manufacturing costs it will take eight weeks before we can send the units to those who have helped fund the project.
What’s in the packaging for a Pump Point unit?
Your Pump Point unit
2 3M Command non-damage adhesive strips
2 mounting blocks
Installation takes approximately two minutes.
Manufacturing of the tooling for the household units will be our first priority. The majority of the money we raise will be spent on this.
In effort to keep production costs and unit prices down, we'll need to meet minimum order quantities with our manufacturer. Exact numbers will be determined by the success of our Indiegogo campaign. Our first order from the manufacturer will include the inventory required to sustain sales for a period of approximately 2-3 months, as well as fulfil your Indiegogo pledges.
E-commerce Site
We're well into the design, and now in need of capital to move things to the next level. Your funding will help us make necessary improvements to our website, as well as implement the SEO needed to generate and maintain website traffic.
Moving Forward
Our current Pump Point units are designed for MDI inhalers only. We are hoping to design more units to help store the other types of asthma inhalers. We also have plans to manufacture a unit that stores spacers- this will be great for schools and households.
In Summary
We have a fully developed, proven, and patented product that is ready for production. We've aligned with a highly qualified manufacturer that has the ideal facilities and capabilities for production of the Asthma Pump Point units for households. The retail packaging has been designed and sourced, and is set for production.
We're now we're ready to hit the 'go' button on production and fulfillment. With your help, Asthma Pump Point will soon be a household brand!
We've prepared a series of reward levels. Based on the amount you contribute, you'll receive a variety of perks including our Asthma Pump Point units, you can even get one of our units named after you!
Make your pledge count! Keep in mind that you're allowed to choose just 1 reward level.
Your contribution, big or small, is vital to the success of our project. It's not going to happen without you. And regardless of whether you're able to contribute or not, if you believe in our Asthma Pump Point units, you can help us a ton by sharing our Indiegogo project with your friends and family.
Spreading the word is essential to a successful campaign. Every person that views our page brings us one step closer to our achieving our goal of ensuring asthma inhalers are immediately accessible in an emergency.
Simply visit our website by 'clicking this link', or click the share button below. We truly appreciate any help you can offer!
Asthma Pump Point!