Help us fund the full length feature version of the Multiple Festival Award Winning, Western/Sci-Fi/Kung Fu/Comedy with a 70’s vibe, Midnight Movie Cult-Classic Short Film… ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER… The Feature Film Experience The Universe Needs!
“Sometime before yesterday… or after tomorrow, a man called Drifter goes on an existential journey through a maze of outrageous scenarios against malevolent forces with his trusted Sidekick to save the day, the girl, and the Universe!..”
Cancer taught me the most valuable lesson of my existence. That I am not in control. I surrendered to that and decided to only focus on what's really important to me and brings me joy. My family, my friends, and my art.
That is what ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER was born out of. After being on the shelf for three years dealing with my cancer, I was only back to work for one year when the shitstorm known as Covid shut all of us down. But I have this Mantra in life that guides me... "Making Lemonade". Those of you who know me well, know that I have had to do quite a bit of this. I got to work...
Armed with only a wild idea, my wife and kids, and three amazingly talented and game artists, Joe, Andrew and Irena; we made a short film that is a wonderfully outrageous, absurd, and fun piece of art that way overshot our expectations.
The year and a half that I spent traveling from city to city, festival to festival, and convention to convention screening APD was truly the most rewarding experience of my life. The results are in. The sampling has been done. People love ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER! I met so many wonderful new friends. From amazingly talented filmmakers to event organizers to movie lovers, the enthusiasm and joy that they shared with me over Drifter was mind-blowing. Thank you all for that! I carry it with me everyday.
I also met several wonderfully talented, established artists from all components of the industry that absolutely adored DRIFTER and were ready to jump on board with me and see how far we could take this Drifter thing. I got to work again...
Over the past year I have written Parts 1 & 2 of The Drifter Saga (with Part 3 conceptualized). This first one has a real modest budget and can be done now with a little bit of luck and fundraising. The feedback on it has been unanimously, overwhelmingly positive. Over the last few months, I've also put together an amazing production team, cast and crew. All of whom are coming on board because they so believe in ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER, this script, and in me. The best producers in Hollywood couldn't put together a team like I have at this budget size!
Meet Team Drifter:
THE DEAL (What We Need & What You Get)
I have spent the past two years of my life working relentlessly on multiple components of the Astral Plane Drifter experience with absolute joy and pride. This script is soooo GOOD!!! And that’s not just my opinion, but every opinion I’ve gotten back so far. Which is dozens. One particular actor who has worked with an Oscar Winning Writer/Director amongst scores of others said to me, “Mike, I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s the most unique, original, outrageous script I’ve ever read. And The Drifter is Iconic!”
But to make this movie as it is written, and to keep all the extra-special fun parts that will make it a movie for the ages, that is going to take a little extra production value … which takes a little extra funding. And that’s where you guys come in! More funding… More Magic Carpet Ride!!! The Visual Style, Sound, Tone, Color and Character Development are all in tune with creating a cult classic vibe that will have movie lovers watching again and again!
Like myself and The Drifter, this film is a true independent spirit, blazing its own path, and we want to continue along on that wild and free journey and welcome you to take it with us. Reaching our goal will allow us to give you the full Drifting experience you all deserve. We know we don’t need to incentivize you any more than that, but we’re going to anyway!!!
We have some really awesome perks in the stash, although probably not the ones our fellow Drifterers really want, as shipping contraband is illegal… but you are all invited out to my home in the Mojave Desert anytime to Drift with me if you can help us out!
Outside of that, the coolest perks in the stash are actually being in the movie!!! You can remotely record your scene and be part of the epic Astral Projection Montage, or have an actual speaking part on location with us and make the acting debut you’ve been waiting your whole life for!
Now although those are some of the higher end perks, don't feel too bad if you can’t swing it because we have tons of other great stuff ranging from signed poster cards, social media shout outs, thank you’s in the credits, digital downloads, personalized videos, blu-rays, posters, the highly coveted Astral Plane Drifter trucker hat, or even becoming an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!!!
I truly love interacting with all of the friends of ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER and we honestly want you all involved every step of the way. Noticed that I said friends and not fans? Because that is how I truly feel. “Fan”, or in our case, Friend funded films have been starting to make a bit of noise in the market and we believe APD can continue that trend, and take it to the next level. Together, we can truly navigate our own pathway to success in making movies for people who love watching movies.
ASTRAL PLANE DRIFTER, with its absurd, fantastic, and free-spirited approach, is a truly unique experience that the mainstream decision makers don’t understand, and don’t even put an effort into trying to; relying instead completely on formulaic trend following. And that’s ok because we, the Drifterers, don’t need them to. We’re on our own journey man! APD was born, and continues to grow, purely out of my crazy ideas, and your genuine love and support of it!
I mentioned earlier about my surrendering to not being in control. And that is true to an extent. But together with your continued support, we CAN create our own destiny!
In closing, I hope you all decide to drift along with us on this wild journey and get in on some of those awesome perks! Thank you all again so very much for the love and support!
We totally understand that for a lot of you, money is tight and that you cannot contribute right now. But you could be extremely helpful, and just as impactful, if you share this campaign with all of your friends and family on social media, text, or email! The Drifter is much obliged!!!
“For now… I drift alone along this dusty physical trail. But soon my brothers and sisters… soon, [we’ll] be flying…” - The Drifter
Peace, Love & Drifting,
Mike Caravella and Team Drifter