Want To Spend A Night At Westwood Asylum?
Hi everyone. Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons here and I need your help. I'm looking to fund my very first short movie based off my original story, Asylum. This short film will be entered into the Reel Horror Film Festival 2016 and able to be viewed (should we make the final five) at the famous Fright Night event at Warner Bros. Movie World throughout the month of October.
You have been accepted to appear on Paranormal Investigators, the reality television show that sees contestants explore abandoned and haunted locations throughout the world. You, and four others, will be exploring the infamous Westwood Asylum.
But when you get there, things are not as they appear to be. Something is lurking in the grounds of the asylum and it feels like it's watching you.
As you enter the asylum things take a dark turn. An eerie fog fills the asylum and your fellow investigators begin disappearing one by one.
It's now a race against time to survive whatever is lurking inside the asylum.
As the night progresses, the evil within grows stronger.
Something wants you to leave immediately.
The Asylum Scripts
Only $4,000 AUD Is Needed To Bring This Work To Life.
I kid you not. $4,000 is all I need to ensure that my first attempt at making a horror movie will go smoothly.
Asylum is going to be filmed in a rather unconventional way. The movie itself is a POV (point of view) film and thus we're recreating it with the aid of a GoPro. We're hoping this approach will give audiences a sense of actually being a part of the film.
The money raised will go towards paying for filming location, catering (cause actors will work for food, especially if it's good food) and paying for the goods to create the many needed props as well as supplying you all with the awesome perks promised. As this is an amateur production, we're not expecting a lot of expenditure however it's better to be prepared than to be caught short.
Asylum: The Movie
You Can Be Involved!
Every dollar counts. Regardless of where you're located throughout the world, you can get involved in this Australian production. All you need is to click donate for one of our awesome perks.
I know that currency exchange is often a reason why people don't donate, but rest assured, the Australian dollar isn't that strong. At the moment it's approximately at $0.76 US for every dollar. So let's look at this in perk form; Say you purchase the Checking In perk for $20 plus the $5 shipping cost. That's a total of $25 Australian dollars. If I were to convert that to US dollars you'd be looking to part with $19.06. Talk about a bargain.
Here's how the funds will break down:
$750 goes towards our camera and equipment.
$600 goes towards prop building materials.
$500 bond for our location.
$600 for catering costs (over the course of 3 consecutive weekends).
$300 wardrobe budget (including costume creation).
$500 goes towards creating the awesome perks available from this campaign.
$250 goes towards makeup and special effects.
$500 contingency should anything run over budget.
Jarred Nielsen as BRIC
Rhett Morrow as NEIL
Jasmine Maree Carroll as the NURSE
Risks & Challenges
Let's face it, there's always going to be risks and challenges when it comes to any form of creative expression.
Should we not reach our goal of $4,000, we can use what funds we have received to begin. It may be a struggle, but this film will get done and submitted, even if it means I have to pony up the remaining funds myself.
My determination to see this film completed and on the big screen of the Roxy Theater at Warner Bros. Movie World throughout the month of October is why we are going to succeed, regardless of funds raised.
The script is already complete (by yours truly) and the cast is complete (bribed with promises of good food) and our makeup and special effects team are ready to go.
We have a location where the entire film can be shot. I'm pretty pleased by that. This means no running from site to site, dragging our countless props around with us. It also means we can get more done in one go.
Our Makeup Artists (from top to bottom): Caitlin Bailey, Georgina Pethebridge and Alannah Ellem
Can't Donate But Still Want To Help?
I know that some of you simply can't afford to donate any funds and that is perfectly okay! Rather than donating, you can simply share this campaign around. Word of mouth provides a valuable service too. Share this campaign around as much as you can.
Official Asylum movie poster