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Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

A show about comics... a film about a comic reviewer. In space.


Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

A show about comics... a film about a comic reviewer. In space.

A show about comics... a film about a comic reviewer. In space.

A show about comics... a film about a comic reviewer. In space.

A show about comics... a film about a comic reviewer. In space.

Lewis Lovhaug
Lewis Lovhaug
Lewis Lovhaug
Lewis Lovhaug
1 Campaign |
Minneapolis, United States
$63,985 USD 1,059 backers
159% of $40,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
My name is Lewis Lovhaug and for the last six years, I have written, edited, performed, and produced the weekly webseries “Atop the Fourth Wall” ( While the focus of the series is on humorously recapping and reviewing the worst comic books ever made, I have frequently indulged in an ongoing storyline for the show with action, mystery, and character development.

As such, I feel that now is an appropriate time to finally take the storyline to the next level and produce a feature-length Atop the Fourth Wall movie. The script is ready, the actors are willing, space is prepared for filming, sets can be built, props can be readied, makeup can be applied, and the crew is up to the task. All that we need now is the ability to actually PAY for all of this.


Linkara, comic reviewer and sometimes planet-saver, is restless and uneasy. It’s his birthday and he’s beginning to wonder what he’s doing with his life when half the time he’s critiquing crossover comics and the other half getting beaten up by robots. Things aren’t made any easier when Allen, Linkara’s government liaison, informs him that they’ve lost contact with the Caelestis, an independent space flight out to Jupiter. They’d like him to go and investigate (since naturally because Linkara reviews comic books, he owns a space ship). However, what he finds out there may spell the end for Linkara, 90s Kid, Harvey Finevoice, Allen, and the others who accompany them on this trip.


By our estimates, it will cost us $40,000 to make this movie the way we'd like to make it. That amount will go into:

  • A percentage will be given to IndieGoGo for hosting the campaign
  • Paying the Actors
  • Paying the Crew, including makeup, props, and filming ("We Shot First" -
  • Transportation costs for the actors and crew (this includes not only flights to Minnesota, but transporting cast and crew to and from the hotel for shooting)
  • Hotel costs for the actors and crew
  •  The studio where the majority of the movie will be filmed – Studio 1414 in Minneapolis, Minnesota – (
  • Set construction for Comicron One and a few other sets. That’s right, Comicron One will be an actual set as opposed to just a green screen background!
  • CGI for various scenes
  • Music

This is, admittedly, a steep goal to hit and there’s no guarantee we’ll hit it. I’m confident that we will, though. Why? Because if every single regular viewer of Atop the Fourth Wall contributed even $2 to this film’s creation, we’d make the goal and then some. However, even if we don't make the full goal, we can still make the movie... it's just the story will likely be rewritten to reflect the new budget (unless the budget is so low that it cannot support the job).


While this is an Atop the Fourth Wall movie, several of the other actors are my fellow Channel Awesome Producers. This will include:

And while not main characters in the film, there will be a cameo here and there from a few other Channel Awesome producers.


$50,000 – The Movie will be released online, for free, with the option to purchase the movie on DVD for the extra content.

$60,000 – Double-disc DVD with as many extras as we can cram on there (Additional commentaries, reviews, a side story, and behind the scenes)!


When do you plan to start filming?

The current plan is for principal photography to take place in late April of 2015, with any additional shooting to be done in May and June.

When will the film be released?

The HOPE is that it can be done by late July. Realistically? Probably closer to September. I will of course keep all backers updated on the progress.

I'd like to help out with the film as a member of the crew/extra/musician/CG Artist/etc.!

Fantastic! At this time, we're not looking for any additional crew or extras, but if you feel you have talents that would be helpful to the film, feel free to head over to and e-mail me via the Contact page with the subject line "AT4W Movie Help." Just be aware that there's no guarantee you'll be hired.

What's the absolute bare minimum you'll need to make the movie if you don't make the goal?

Hard to say. That will depend entirely on what the final total ends up being. If it looks like we can still do a quality production with that budget, we'll go ahead. If it looks outside the realm of possibility, we will refund all backers. Regardless of either possibility, the support is appreciated!

If you don't make the goal and you  don't think you'll be able to make the movie, will you try again in the near future?

Again hard to say, though it's unlikely. It's possible it's just not in the cards at this time for the show and it'll be put to the side for now and all efforts refocused on the show itself.

Will the movie be the end of Atop the Fourth Wall?!

Not if I can help it. I've got storyline and review ideas for the next several years.

Have any good questions? We'll update the page with answers ASAP!

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Choose your Perk


Back-Issue Level

$24 USD
A signed DVD of Atop the Fourth Wall vol. 1, 2, or the Holiday DVD! (Amount includes shipping cost)
62 claimed

Lil' Petti Level

$5 USD
Your name will be included in the movie's ending credits as a backer!
210 claimed

Internet Sensation Pollo Level

$14 USD
A signed print of your choice (or the Atop the Fourth Wall poster) from Linkara! (Amount includes shipping cost)
96 claimed

Company-Wide Crossover Level

$19 USD
A cast photo signed by the whole cast! (Amount includes shipping cost)
94 out of 200 of claimed

Purdy Hat Level

$34 USD
A copy of the Atop the Fourth Wall movie on DVD once it becomes available! (Amount includes shipping cost)
122 claimed


$60 USD
ALL Atop the Fourth Wall DVDs AND the regular edition Atop the Fourth Wall Movie DVD! (Amount includes shipping cost)
184 claimed


$100 USD
Signed Special edition copy of the Atop the Fourth Wall movie on DVD PLUS PDF copies all script drafts for the film. (Amount includes shipping cost)
44 claimed

Editorial Mandate Level

$250 USD
Producer Credit on the film, ALL Atop the fourth Wall DVDs, a signed copy of the special edition of the film, plus PDF copies all script drafts. (Amount includes shipping cost)
50 claimed
sold out

Holofoil Variant Cover Level

$44 USD
100 out of 100 of claimed
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