The global pandemic changed people’s lives forever. It killed our motivation. More now than ever, people need to find direction and inspiration to move forward. At a time like this, we turn to the Masters. Dr. Angela Sadler Williamson interviews several of the World's Self-help Masters to gain insights on just how to pick-up the pieces and get our lives back on track to personal wealth and success. Authentic Conversations Deep Talk with the the first in a series of documentaries that can light the imagination of anyone seeking a more rewarding and fulfilled life.
Your donation will allow us to bring these important messages to the world.
It started as three separate interviews, but became so much more.....
In June, I was offered a unique opportunity to interview Jack Canfield, Patty Aubery and Kate Butler at Jack's estate in Santa Barbara for a PBS show I host in Los Angeles. Of course I agreed - who wouldn't want to interview NY Times Best-Selling Authors of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and Best-Selling Author of the "Inspired Impact Series"? In October, fast forward to five days before shooting these amazing motivational speakers, a large wildfire starts close to Jack's home and 24-hours before the shoot - the original production crew pulls out.
Enter Dave Judy and John Wright to save the day and the shoot - literally. We met at Jack’s house where the filming took place and my new production crew filmed individual 30-minute episodes as planned.
What was NOT planned, is what happened next…..While wrapping up our production, I have a conversation with Patty Aubery that would change the entire trajectory of these interviews. She would say, "I have seen Jack interviewed with so many people and this is the most authentic interview I've seen him give." I just knew that I had something special that people needed to see BEYOND my local show - the world needs to hear some of the most influential motivational speakers in ONE documentary special.
The documentary premieres on Sunday, December 26, 2021 at 9 pm PST with encore presentations on Monday, December 27, 2021 at 10 pm PST and Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 4 am PST on KLCS PBS in Los Angeles. It will also be live streaming on during these times.
In one meaningful hour, viewers will experience authentic conversations that empower us to take action. Listen to amazing stories about pivotal moments that led to unprecedented success. Jack Canfield - the Great Educator, Kate Butler - the Intentional Dreamer, and Patty Aubery - the Passionate Cheerleader have dedicated their lives serving others - and many lives have been changed because of it. These deep conversations walk us through their personal journey of loss and triumph to the current life they are living today.
You can help get these inspired stories to the world!
You can help us reach our $250,000 goal so this story goes beyond PBS to every non-broadcast station and streaming channel. We want everyone to be motivated by Jack, Patty and Kate's stories!
We have some great perks that includes YOU as part of this motivational movement.
“Authentic Conversations” Sponsorship Perks
Perk 1 - $25
- Your name or company is mentioned in a “thank you” post on “Authentic Conversations” FB page.
Perk 2 - $50
- The item listed above, plus:
- Your name or company is mentioned in a “thank you” on social media during a special “FB Live” before the premiere.
Perk 3 - $100
- All items listed above, plus:
- Your name or company is mentioned on the “This documentary brought to you by the generous donation of these sponsors” graphic after the credits with other donors.
Perk 4 - $500 and more
- All items listed in Tiers 1 & 2, plus:
- Your name or company is listed on an individual “This documentary is sponsored by” graphic before the credits.
- One free “live screening” of the documentary with the filmmaker(s). Hurry! There are only 15 of these spots available.
We will be adding more PERKS during the campaign!!!!
The Impact of "Authentic Conversations"
I have a mission to produce documentaries that inspire change - but also give people hope. I also love to share "unknown" stories about people we think we know. As the Emmy Nominated Producer, Director and Writer of "My Life with Rosie" I created the first feature documentary about my cousin, Rosa Parks, and my aunt, Carolyn Williamson Green. This film has been on PBS and is currently streaming on Amazon.
Risks & Challenges of Not Meeting Our Goal
We want to make this documentary to be the first installment of exploring "authentic conversations" with the masters. Keeping this series as authentic as possible is our major goal for this documentary. If we try to find a corporate sponsor, I am afraid the authenticity behind the stories we want to share with the world will be diminished.
Other Ways You Can Help Us Reach this Goal!
Yes this is a fundraising campaign, but it's not the only area we need help with... We also need publicity! Please help us by sharing our FB Page on your timeline or share as a message to all your FB friends.
Thank you for helping us make this documentary series a SUCCESS! xoxo