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Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Bridging the divide, celebrating difference and everyday potential through acceptance and education

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Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Autism acceptance Bus conversion

Bridging the divide, celebrating difference and everyday potential through acceptance and education

Bridging the divide, celebrating difference and everyday potential through acceptance and education

Bridging the divide, celebrating difference and everyday potential through acceptance and education

Bridging the divide, celebrating difference and everyday potential through acceptance and education

Rolo Muir
Rolo Muir
Rolo Muir
Rolo Muir
3 Campaigns |
Colchester, United Kingdom
$37 USD $37 USD 2 backers
0% of $6,184 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects


Hello I am Rolo and I am Autistic. I would like to talk to you about a new social venture I am starting called AutismRolo.

I have OCD and Acute Anxiety Disorder and want to use my past experiences to improve your understanding of what it’s like to live with Autism in the UK.

I believe Austistic people have a positive  and important contribution to make in our communities and with some simple changes to both our built environment and our behaviour towards autism, we can transform the lives of Autistics and create a more productive society for us all.

I am in the process of converting a 1997 Ford Transit van into the AutismRolo tour bus. In Autumn 2015 I intend to travel the UK, offering free and paid for events to help individuals, groups and oganisations to work together, solve problems and inspire positive change. 

Where is your money going?

Insulating the van adding swivel chairs and an awning to give talks in the shade or out of the rain.
Gas electrics  require registered  installation,and a new fridge. Autism friendly lighting ,fuel and running costs, tax, insurance MOT and business startup costs

A converted van is a necessity because as an autistic I am severely affected by sensory stimulus,have a spinal condition and after giving my time to people need a safe environment to recoup and rest  A van would serve as a mini office and enable me to travel further afield, sleep overnight and get to places and people that live in out of the way locations. 

Extra money would also pay for teaching tools information and signboards fuel and any  additional costs

To date there are almost no post diagnostic services for adults diagnosed with ASC autism spectrum condition; I know this because I am one of them. I am working tirelessly to rectify this whilst tackling the stigma and discrimination in the way that Autism is percieved and excluded.

My passion and mission is to get on the road and start a conversation from an autistic perspective highlighting the huge talent pool that is going to waste due to the fear and misunderstanding of our neurodiversity.  I aim to bridge the divide between us all and to celebrate differences, combining all our talents (both autistic and non autistic)which will serve to create a better neurodiverse society built on tolerance, understanding, knowledge and cooperation.

I will be able to achieve this by

▪ Giving talks and to other Autism charities whilst assisting in their training which I already do on a voluntary basis

▪ Providing talks seminars, workshops and training in both the public and private sectors

 ▪ Visiting businesses large and small to encourage and promote employment of Autistic workers whilst providing practical solutions (only 15% of those diagnosed are in gainful employment)

▪ Attending Autism Conferences nationally

▪ Setting up flash workshops in public spaces

Lobbying for change

Our long term ambition is to change the way decisions are made at the
top and to help policy makers create a more productive inclusive society.
I believe we can avoid costly mistakes, saving time and money, improving experiences and enhancing all our lives

▪ Addressing mental health issues which means providing advise for both autistics and non autistic ( 1 in 3 of us will experience mental health issues at some point in our lives and the stigma surrounding this subject in 2015 is still problematic)

All help advice and support in any form would be hugely appreciated by AutismRolo

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Huge thank you

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
A huge thank you for helping what is starting off as a little project
0 out of 1000 of claimed

mention on my blog

Currency Conversion $12 USD
£10 GBP
A huge thank you and a Facebook page thank you
0 claimed

Autsim Rolo Facebook thank you

Currency Conversion $25 USD
£20 GBP
Facebook mention and name on Bus
1 claimed

Name on Blog and Bus

Currency Conversion $62 USD
£50 GBP
A huge thank you a mention on my Facebook page and on my blog once it is up and running as well as name on van if you wish
0 claimed

Facebook mention blog van name

Currency Conversion $124 USD
£100 GBP
A huge thank you for believing in what I am doing-your name will appear on my Facebook page and your name if you wish will feature prominently on the van
0 claimed

Invitation to the launch

Currency Conversion $309 USD
£250 GBP
A huge thank you for showing your believe in this project-you will appear on the van and Facebook page and will receive an invitation to the launch party
0 claimed

Invitation to assist further

Currency Conversion $618 USD
£500 GBP
A huge thank you for such a large sum showing your belief in this project-you will also be asked to contribute further if you wish and will be included in other campaigns-an invitation to the launch party
0 claimed

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