Hello Indiegogo People,
It is awesome that AutoBot can be posted here. We really appreciate it.
Autobot is an amazing product that can perfectly connect your car to
your mobile phone. You only need to plug
it into the OBD port or cigarette lighter of your car, click the app, and you
can instantly view the real time data of your car. Autobot will sync the data to your phone via
Bluetooth, record it, and save the data to cloud storage. It will also function as a well-trusted
“black box” for your car.
The Autobot project was initiated in 2013, and is being developed in
Beijing, China. Our team is comprised of
industrial designers, automotive engineers, as well as experienced iOS and
Android software developers. We have
tested multiple existing OBD products and found them to be lacking in several
functions including mobile connectivity.
Therefore, Autobot was designed to facilitate the synchronization of a
user’s mobile device and their automobile.
Here are our team members:
Edwin How, CEO, Chief iOS and Android Programmer
Liang Cai, Chief Designer
Fendi Cheng, Chief Operation
Ou Chao, Chief Server Programmer
We found that OBD was not a suitable solution for the average
consumer. Not everyone knows how to use
it. There should be an easy way to
connect your car with your mobile device.
So now, we introduce Autobot. It
is a good choice for any automobile, and is not just for technical auto fans,
but for the everyday driver as well.
Both OBD ports and cigarette lighters are compatible with Autobot. Autobot can display all of your car’s data on
your mobile device, as well as accurately track your car via GPS.
We have worked on Autobot’s hardware manufacturing and application
development for one year. It should be
completed and released to the public in the middle of July 2014 as
scheduled. So we have come to Indiegogo
to introduce Autobot to potential customers and get your support. We believe that Autobot will change the way
that you use your car, and bring you a completely new driving experience. Thank you.
Now let's start to know more about AutoBot !
1. What are the primary functions of
Your AutoBot is able to collect detailed
driving data through your vehicle's OBD-II port. It keeps constant track of your fuel
consumption and driving habits to let you know how much you've spent in fuel
per drive, and suggest ways to change your driving habits in order to improve
gas mileage. The AutoBot is able to
watch over your vehicle's major systems and inform you in case of malfunctions. Using low-power Bluetooth 4.0, the AutoBot
syncs vehicle data with your iPhone or Android handset and present all your
vehicle's info in our beautifully designed AutoBot App.
Furthermore, the AutoBot can record your
vehicle's travel route, including stoppage time, location, speed and
acceleration data to form a personalized history of your trip. By combining the geo-tag and time stamp on
your photos, AutoBot can create beautifully detailed trip memories that you can
play back and share with friends and families.
We have been able to improve signal processing
and reduce interference through advanced materials and design. As a result, the AutoBot is able to maintain
the consistent GPS signal reception throughout your travel.
2. Does it support OBD-II interface module?
We've received lots of questions regarding
AutoBot and OBD-II. We have decided to
combine the questions and answer them in this section.
OBD-II, short for On-board diagnostics,
refers to the vehicle's self-diagnostic and reporting capability. It can provide a range of information from
fuel consumption, water temperature, engine speed, to a series of diagnostic
trouble codes. OBD-II is equipped on
vehicles manufactured since 2007.
In short, the AutoBot fully supports OBD-II
interface module. However, AutoBot isn't
limited to only newer vehicles. For
those without OBD-II interface module, the AutoBot will use its internal GPS,
gyroscope and processing unit to calculate your driving habit and fuel
consumption. For those with OBD-II, it
will read the fuel consumption, water temperature, engine speed and other
vehicle data through the interface.
The AutoBot comes with two connectors. If your vehicle is 2007 or newer and supports
OBD-II, then you can connect the AutoBot to said interface. If your vehicle does not support OBD-II, you can
still obtain basic driving data by connecting the AutoBot to your vehicle's
12-V receptacle (commonly known as the cigarette lighter)
3. Questions related to power connector
3.1 Why don't you just make AutoBot connect
directly to the cigarette lighter or OBD-II interface plug? Wouldn't that avoid having to wire the
AutoBot to the vehicle's power source separately?
We have considered doing so. However, the location and placement of the
12-V receptacle and the OBD-II interface plug varies between manufacturers and
vehicle models. This uncertainty means
on some applications the GPS signal reception may be weakened. In order to ensure the best user experience
and stability in signal reception, we have designed the AutoBot to perform at
its best located on the center console.
The carefully crafted unit will complement all types of vehicle cabins
beautifully. The AutoBot is able to
achieve its look and function by using both an internal battery and dedicated
power wiring.
3.2 Why did you choose to use both a
battery and power wire?
The AutoBot is equipped with an internal
battery to ensure that you can still sync its data via Bluetooth within 1-2
hours after you've turned your vehicle off.
We have decided not to use a larger battery
in place of the power wire, once again to ensure we have a consistent, complete
and accurate record of the driving history.
If we use only the battery to power the AutoBot, our users will run the
risk of losing the precious data when the battery runs out.
We also feel that in order for the AutoBot
to truly make a difference in our daily driving habits and keep track of
vehicle functionalities, using it must be intuitive. If we have to constantly remember to recharge
the unit on a regular basis, chances are the data collected won't be complete,
and we would have to deal with the eventual degradation of battery
capacity. If we are able to power the
unit constantly, whether it's through the 12-V receptacle or the OBD-II
connector, then we can guarantee that as long as the vehicle is travelling, the
data will be recorded.
4. How do you transfer data from the
AutoBot, and will it affect my handset battery?
The AutoBot is equipped with internal
memory that can store 60 days worth of vehicle and driving data. Syncing is as simple as turning on your
handset's Bluetooth and has the AutoBot app running. Once paired, the syncing is automatic. The AutoBot uses its own internal GPS
hardware, and will not engage your handset's GPS chipset, so it will not
adversely affect your handset battery life.
5. Can you incorporate dash-cam into
We have received numerous emails requesting
that we combine dash-cam functions into AutoBot. At this early stage, we have decided to focus
our limited resource on the core functionality.
We will take a look at incorporating dash-cam into AutoBot once we are
satisfied with its core performance.
6. Can AutoBot support multiple vehicles?
Yes it can.
AutoBot syncs with your handset, and once it is synchronized, your data
will be stored in the cloud. You can
create different accounts to keep track of different vehicle data.
7. How is AutoBot different from other
OBD-II productions on the market?
Currently, most OBD-II products capture GPS
data through the handset's GPS chipset, so the bulk of the processing is done
by your handset. This means your phone
has to be connected to a power source constantly and the recording app has to
be turned on at all times. As a result,
the users tend to stop using such product after forgetting to turn it on a
couple of times.
Our goal is to give you the most simple way
of capturing your travel log, complete with driving history, habits, and
vehicle diagnostic information, therefore we chose to combine all the data
collection and processing into the AutoBot unit itself, so you won't have to
think about turning anything else on apart from your ignition, and the AutoBot
will collect, process and store automatically.
All your data is just sync away.
Why Indiegogo?
We have developed several
product based on china market. We developed an application-pathbook, which was
also available on the other countries app store and became very popular. We got
many kindly users all over the world. Since then, we start to think about the
international market, we should make our product known by more people, not only
in China. AutoBot is a good product without any geographic restrictions;
Indiegogo is a friendly and open platform. So we just COME!
You can jump to our website to get more information. we will launch the English version of our website very soon.
Our goal is set of $ 10000,
which will allow us to begin serial manufacturing and make AutoBot widely
available as soon as July 2014.
Status updating
We will update our production status here at least once two-weeks. Now we are working on the application development and also the AutoBot scepter.
Use of fund
Every dollar we raised here
will go directly to application development and manufacturing of AutoBot.
Media or Business
We are happy to talk about
AutoBot.Please contact: Fendicheng@vgoapp.com for further conversation.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not only contribution can help us, if you love AutoBot, Please share this link via twitter, Facebook or other social tools to make loud noise for AutoBot.
And welcome to the Chinese social media Weibo & Weixin (Wechat)
Sina Weibo: @AutoBot
Or add AutoBot to your Wechat: 2406037717