Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
This campaign is closed
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
Imagination never looked so good
“Balloons” is a short experimental film. It focuses on beauty for beauties sake. Just like the movie “The Red Balloon” captured peoples imaginations; and won the Oscar and Golden Palm, this short will likewise inspire.
I will multiple the simplicity of the balloon by incorporating a sea of hundreds of balloons and by placing them in places you would never expect to see them.
The money will go completely to the art itself. As Director I will be doing it solely for the passion, and realizing the vision in my head. The majority of the money will be used to achieve the complex technical aspects needed (the production design) and finding the perfect location that resonates natural beauty.
Also check out my last project to get an idea as to the quality of this next project...