Short Summary
I am Natalia Beard and i decided to create this campaign to support Barbara Giraud with her Orphanage for kids with HIV and AIDS project in Jinja, Uganda. First i heard about her as a "Banana Lady" who decided to raise money by baking and selling her banana bread to build an orphanage in Uganda. Then i met with Barb to donate some books for the kids and after that i kept thinking about her amazing willpower and heart of gold wondering what can I do to support her. The Home of Angels project is already on its way and Barb needs $17,000 to finish construction of the perimeter wall around the orphanage territory to keep kids safe. She is planning to travel to Uganda in December 2012 and I hope the outcome from this campaign will give her the money she needs to complete the construction.
What We Need
$17,000 is the goal for this campaign, exact amount of money needed to complete the construction. All money raised will go directly to the orphanage, I do not get any money for this.
The Impact
Please read Barb's blog (see link to Blog) to understand the impact this project has and will continue to have on the lives of the children affected by HIV and AIDS. The orphanage will provide medical care, education, safe home, and many positive experiences they never had before. This orphanage will save children’s lives.
Other Ways You Can Help
Visit Barb's blog and see whether you can buy a loaf of Banana Bread she bakes in her home every day.
Talk with Barb and see whether you can visit the orphanage one day.
Spread the word and let others know about this project and this amazing woman.