Barbora Lunas first Album
Barbora Lunas first Album
Barbora Lunas first Album
Barbora Lunas first Album
Barbora Lunas first Album
This campaign is closed
Barbora Lunas first Album
To finish my Bachelor in Liberal Arts and Sciences, in which I have focused on the Question: "How does Implicit Cognition affect Physiology and Behavior" I am writing, recording and releasing and Album!
My studies in Psychology, Neurology and Social studies / community health are and have greatly impacted my music and lyrics.
I hope to share everything I've learned and experienced in the past five years with family, friends, lovers and stranger through my music and art.
I spent last year sailing around the south pacific with the Drifting Circus / Alternative World Sailing Community. We busked our way from New Zealand to Papua New Guinea, using music, dance and art as our exchangeable currency. Upon my return to Canada, I am still living as much as I can outside of the monetary system, but some things like tuition and album production are not as dumbster-dyvable as potatoes.
So if you want and can contribute towards my Album that will allow me to share my music with the world, I thank you, I bow to you and I, of course, I will sing for you!
Love and light,