Bare: A Pop Opera (Off-Broadway production @ York Theatre Company)
June 6th - 16th
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Sponge Theatricals is in partnership with The Midtown Arts Common and the Saint Peters Church to bring the pop opera “bare” back to NYC from June 6th – 16th. “bare” is a benefit performance for Trinity Place Shelter for LGBTQ Youth. All proceeds from the production are given to Trinity Place Shelter, a non-sectarian, 10-bed transitional shelter for homeless LGBTQ youth located in Trinity Lutheran Church. The show is playing at The York Theatre Company at St. Peters on 54th st and Lexington Avenue. This limited engagement Off-Broadway run of “bare” is a beautiful example of the community giving back. The entire cast and crew have volunteered their time and talent to this project. It is dividing the production between the Sanctuary at Saint Peters Church and the York Theatre at Saint Peters.
Director Devon James, who also works as a professional actor and producer in the city has just come off his successful production of Hairspray in Westchester, says “bare” has captured the hearts of so many. I'm honored to bring this story back to the NYC theater community and spread the message of love and self acceptance now in a historic time of change for equality for all.” This production features new Choreography by Christopher Nofkee and original Costume Designs by Angela Borst. Their goal with this production of “bare” is to bring a fresh edgy look to the popular story that fans have come to love.
While this show is hoping to give financial assistance to the shelter, it's also hoping to inspire the audience to be honest and comfortable with their own identity. BARE is set in a co-ed Roman Catholic boarding school where a storied love triangle with female classmate, Ivy, complicates Peter and Jason's closeted relationship. Jason spirals has he faces rejection from his parents, peers, priest, and lover.“It took a show like 'bare"'to give me that final push to accept myself and take the leap of faith that my family and peers may or may not accept me. "bare" moved me and I want to share this show with others in the hopes that they will feel the same way about it as I do. As the show says 'God don't make no trash' “ says Dalles Wilie, who plays Jason in this story of two boys struggling to hide their love from their peers.
Tickets are $25 at the door, $20 online before June 1st at Evening tickets (June 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, & 15th @8pm) are going fast so advanced reservations are strongly suggested. Added matinee tickets (June 6th @ 3pm& 16th @ 2pm) are now available. (The York Theatre & Saint Peter's 619 Lexington Ave. entrance on 54th street. 6, E, & M train at 51st)
"bare" is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW), 1359 Broadway, Suite 914, New York, NY. 10018. (866) 378-9758
![Bare poster]()
"Who are we?"
![sponge logo]()
Sponge Thearicals is a group of creative spirits who have brought many productions to completion in NYC. Sponge performed a limited engagement of the musical "bare" in Albany to celebrate the legalization of Gay Marriage in New York. For more details on Sponge, visit
"What is this "bare" thing about?"
This show has had such an emotional and creative impact on our company and cast. Doing this show even brought one of our cast members out of the closet!
![bare logo]()
“bare” is a pop opera that takes place a private Catholic School. We follow the emotional journey of group of friends as they reach the end of their Senior year. Dealing with currently relevant issues like sexual identity, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, bullying, obesity, and the daunting task of accepting yourself are a few of the show's themes. We follow Jason and Peter, two star crossed lovers who have to hide their same sex relationship from the judgmental voices of their peers and the school.
We now have the opportunity to bring this show back to NYC. This Version hasn't been done in NYC for a very long time. The version we are performing has many differences from the recent Off-Broadway version that played at New World Stages this past year. Both productions beautifully shared the same message and we are thrilled to continue spreading it.
![bare 2007]()
![bare 2013]()
It doesn't matter which Version is the Best, 'cause "God Don't Make No Trash"!
"Why are you doing it"
![trinity logo]()
Sponge theatricals is doing this production as a fundraiser to help support the Trinity Place Shelter in NYC. Trinity Place Shelter is a non-sectarian, 10-bed transitional shelter that is open all year to provide LGBTQ youth/young adults with a safe place to sleep, eat, store belongings, have access to transportation, individual/group counseling, and additional independent living supportive services.
There are as many as 8,000 LGBTQ youth/young adults currently living homeless in NYC and only 250 beds or fewer that are specifically available for this population. These youth often experience abuse and trauma in other shelters and on the streets.
Sponge Theatricals is donating ALL proceeds from this show to Trinity Place Shelter.
The more donations we get, the more shows we can perform and bring in more donations for Trinity.
"What do you Need and what do I get?"
While NYC is the ideal place to bring a full production of "bare" it isn't the cheapest.
We have many things that need financial attention. All of which either need a lot of money to pay for them or the involvement of the community to work together.
Venues cost thousands of dollars. Costumes are being made from scratch. Sets, mics, lights, sound, musicians, and promotional materials are all things that we need to fund.
![team bare wristband]()
We need your help to do this. WITHOUT YOU . . . This becomes a one weekend run instead of a two week limited engagement. This show will have to use pre recorded tracks instead of live instruments. The cast will have to get costumes from Conway rather than custom designed and built items by Angela Borst! We will have to cut down on elaborate staging and choreography because the rehearsal space will be too expensive.
PLEASE help us tell this story.
There are musicals that get your feet tapping or make your eyes sparkle from the pyrotechnics. "bare" is a show that grabs your heart. Just like it grabbed mine.
Hello, my name is Dalles. I play Jason in this production of "bare". I first did this show back in 2011.At that time I was battling my own emotions and insecurities. I spent most of my life hiding the fact that I was gay. It took a show like "bare" to give me that final push to accept myself and take the leap of faith that my family and peers may or may not accept me. "bare" moved me and I want to share this show with others in the hopes that they will feel the same way about it as I do. "Someone gets me" is what I thought when I first discovered this show. The show isn't about being gay, it's about being true to who you are.
"Being someone else for someonelses sake. That would be the greatest mistake" is how the show puts it and has been the driving words that have let me finally see who I am, now that I am being honest about it. I am passionate about bringing this show back to NYC! I want to let this show give others the courage it gave me. I am finally living life without a mask, no walls, and full honesty. I am living "bare".
- Dalles
"Are There Other Ways I Can Help?"
We want you as involved as possible. "bare" is about community and coming together in times of need. We have some perks here to thank you for your donations. But we also encourage you you to contact us with ideas, advice, or the name of someone you know that can help us reach our goals.
please email us at or contact us at our website
Thank you so much for your time and belief in the importance of our project.
Show Facts
Book by Jon Hartmere & Damon Intrabartolo
Music by Damon Intrabartolo
Lyrics by Jon Hartmere
![peter and jason]()
"Forever You and I" Dalles Wilie & Matt Corr. Photographed by Taylor Hooper
bare is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW), 570 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100, New York, NY 10018 (866) 378-9758
![Bare Cast]()