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Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist


Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Be an Activist Supporting an Activist

Martha Hernandez
Martha Hernandez
Martha Hernandez
Martha Hernandez
1 Campaign |
Barranquilla, Colombia
$325 USD 10 backers
6% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Overview

By Contributing to this campaign you would support the experience and formation of an colombian activist/lawyer committed to the defense of human rights. 

What I need

I'm committed to the defense of human rights since a i was in college. Right now I’ve just finished a master in international protection on human rights and i have been selected to do an unpaid internship in CEJIL: Center for Justice and International Law Washington headquarter, one of the most prestigious NGO for litigation in the inter american human rights system. It is a dream for most Hispanic lawyers to work or to do an internship here, unfortunately i don't have enough money to afford this enriched experience. That's the reason I’m asking for your help. I really want to make the best of this amazing opportunity by learning from the most known human rights lawyers in Latin America.  
Estoy comprometida con la defensa de los derechos humanos desde temprana edad. Actualmente estoy finalizando un Master en Proteccion Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y he sido seleccionada para realizar un a pasantia (no paga) en CEJIL: Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional, sede Washington, se trata de una de las ONGs de litigio interamericano mas prestigiosas del continente. Es un sueno para la mayoria de abogados y abõgadas de derechos humanos trabajar y/o realizar una pasantia aqui. desafortunadamente no cuento con suficiente dinero para costear esta enriquecedora experiencia y gran oportunidad. Esta es la razon por la que solicito tu colaboracion. Quiero sacar el mayor provecho de esta experiencia aprendiendo de los abogados ya bogadas mas distinguidas en Latino America. para asi continuar defendiendo los derechos humanos.


Ticket: 1,143.85 USD
Visa: 190 USD
Housing/Vivienda: 2.400 USD
Transport: 300 USD

Giving and Receive.../Dando y recibiendo...

Rewards: 20 USD Be part of the 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist' community / 70 USD 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist' personalized e-postcard / 150 USD The right to ask for human rights topics to be posted in the blog /300 USD Exclusive access to my new academic publications and research about human rights topics.

*Rewards from 70 USD includes the previous ones.

Recompensa: 20 USD Ser parte de la comunidad 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist'  / 70 USD Un postal digital 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist' / 150 USD Derecho de sugerir temas de derechos humanos para ser abordados en el Blog /300 USD Acceso privilegiado a mis publicaciones e investigaciones academicas sobre derechos humanos.

*Recompensas a partir de 70 USD incluyen la que se menciona y las anteriores.

Please help me make my dream come true and keep working for the protection of human rights. Donate and share! Thank you

Por favor Ayudame a hacer mi sueño realidad y a seguir luchando por los drechos humanos. Dona y comparte en redes sociales. Gracias!

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$20 USD
Ser parte de la comunidad 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist'
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 claimed

E- Postcard

$70 USD
Un postal digital 'Be an Activist, Supporting an Activist'
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed

Active Member

$150 USD
Postal digital y derecho de sugerir temas de derechos humanos para ser abordados en el Blog Be an Activist Supporting an Activist
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed

VIP Member

$300 USD
Postal Digital, Derecho a sugerir temas sobre derechos humanos para el blog y acceso privilegiado a mis publicaciones e investigaciones académicas sobre derechos humanos.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed
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