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Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

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Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

Be Brave - The true story of Daniel Northcott

Thank you for making Be Brave possible! Continue the journey with us at

Thank you for making Be Brave possible! Continue the journey with us at

Thank you for making Be Brave possible! Continue the journey with us at

Thank you for making Be Brave possible! Continue the journey with us at

Erin Northcott
Erin Northcott
Erin Northcott
Erin Northcott
2 Campaigns |
Vancouver, Canada
$184,618 USD 2,117 backers
100% of $183,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

A brother's dying wish. A sister's undying promise. 

“The real miracle is not flying through the air or walking on water, it is to walk upon the Earth at all.” 

Bursting with unquenchable curiosity and a boundless love for life, Daniel Northcott was a one-of-a-kind filmmaker.  Barely 20, he set out on a decade-long quest to travel the world, spreading his infectious enthusiasm across four continents and dozens of cultures. Through ruins and cities, war zones and sacred sites, he captured each precious moment on camera with an eye for colorful characters of every age and description.

In April of 2007, Dan’s journey led him to a greater adventure than he had ever imagined.  Despite warnings of an ancient curse, he brought home a bone from a sacrificial Mayan burial cave in Yucatán, and just months later he was diagnosed with leukemia – cancer of the bone marrow.

When Daniel learned 8 years into his film project that he had only months to live he began a race to complete his unfinished film. Amazingly, he continued to document every detail of the roller-coaster ride that followed —from the doctor delivering the crushing news to every intense medical procedure, losing his hair, and intimate moments with friends and family.

With over a thousand hours of footage and no energy or time left he made a 40-minute sketch of the film he dreamed to make and left the footage in his will to his sister Erin Northcott. His last wish was to request she oversee the completion of his legacy, his film. 

What is crowdfunding?

To make a full feature film, it costs a lot of money (a modest documentary can reach upwards of 1-2 million dollars). Crowdfunding, like this campaign, allows us to raise small amounts of money from many people like you - to bring Dan's dream to the world.

Every amount helps. No contribution is too small.

This little movie holds massive potential for all of us.  Be Brave is a joyful invitation for us to honor the sacredness of life, to reconnect with nature and with each other. It would be a challenge to dream a myth more perfect for this moment on planet Earth, as we stand together at the crossroads and contemplate our options: reunite with nature or be consumed by it. 

Most importantly, Be Brave is about leaping from the ordinary to the extraordinary.  It's about allowing the brilliance of your unique human spirit to fully shine without shame. Dan knew he wasn't the only one who could see beyond the illusion of separation. His goal as an artist was to evoke innate memories that allow us, at our own pace and through our own grace, to remember.  And, ultimately… to re-member.  

“We all have the same dreams, need the same things; we are all more similar than we ever have been different.  These wounds are deep, so equally deep must be the acceptance that frees us from this tolerance.  I will not tolerate you – I will love you.  I will accept you completely, whatever that means.” - Daniel Northcott

In 2012, through a series of fortuitous events, Dan's sister Erin found herself in connection with Mikki Willis, the founder of Elevate Studios, who has made it his mission to create powerful, uplifting media for the world. Mikki is joined by a powerful team of creative producers, including Ben Phelan & Chris Brickler, and a talented production team including Akira Chan (Bloom), and Ian MacKenzie (Occupy Love).


"In early 2012, I got a call from musician and filmmaker Chris Brickler.  He had stumbled upon some footage that he felt I should see immediately.  Chris has never been one to exaggerate, but when he pitched the story to me it sounded too fantastic to be true.  He sent me 40 minutes, which I watched with some of my team. 

When it was over, there was 10 minutes of silence. Only a few deep breaths, sniffles and one barely audible "whoa."  It wasn't until I felt a cold streak down my cheek that I realized I was crying. "What just happened?" It was hard to understand, let alone explain. 

 The footage was shot by and featured a young man named Daniel Northcott. Dan was gifted with the ability to perceive realities deeper than what meets the eye.  In the words of his own mother, "the kid was a star child."

Director Mikki Willis and Elevate Studios are honored and grateful that Erin and the Northcott family have entrusted them to produce Be Brave.

Production Company: ELEVATE (

Raising the money together with all of you allows us to keep the integrity of Dan's film and message intact. We want Be Brave to be a quality film that appeals to a global audience and gets noticed, hence our ambitious goal fundraising goal. 


50% of our goal is based on the 1,000+ hours of film footage Daniel shot on 3 different types of technology over a 10 year period. To do his life's work justice, this footage will need professionals to sort it, edit it, do picture correction, sound enhancement and much more.


We all know music is so important to a visual experience. Daniel had chosen an incredible soundtrack, that we'd like to acquire the rights to, this accounts for 15% of our goal.  


Dan had planned to weave real life animation of planets, cells and nature to bring his message of interconnectedness to life for his audience, so this also accounts for 15% of our goal. 


To honor Dan's wishes we are returning the bone to the sacrificial burial site, deep in the Mayan Cave it was taken from.  As mentioned, and as Dan would have done, we are going to film its return, the filming and editing of this accounts for 10% of our goal. 


The remainder of the budget will go towards a massive and beautiful campaign to get Dan's message out to the world. To do all of this, even the $183,000 is a tight budget, but we are blessed with a dedicated production crew that have their hearts invested in this project and are dedicated to seeing it through even on a tight budget, of course if by some miracle we exceed the goal this would mean an even  better film that could reach even further around our world. 

Everyone that donates, big or small, becomes a part of the team attached to this film's message.  You can choose to give without a reward, or we have lovingly made T-shirts and leather wrist bands that we know you’ll really like.  They are a conversation piece, and you'll get to feel how you actually have to be brave just to wear them … which is a great feeling we’ve all been enjoying. 

Other rewards include: a digital download the finished film, original prints of Daniel's artwork, thank you credit in the film, all expenses paid tour back to the Mayan burial cave... and much more! View them all along the right hand side.


Yes, just click the red button  located below the amount we have raised so far that says "Contribute Now" , this will take you to our list of perks, scroll down to the bottom of the list of perks and select "No Perk, just a Contribution" and enter the amount you want. You can also select a perk and then when we email you to fufill the perk selected, you can decline the perk at that time (we promise not to be offended! :)


Yes, when we contact you to fullfill the rewards, just give us the address you want the items shipped to and we will happily do so.


Yes! We will send rewards anywhere in the world, Dan had friends in over 40 countries, so we are ready for you,and welcome the world to be a part of this.

If you're having any trouble in the in step 4 of making a contribution, make sure you have selected your country in the drop down section where it says "Select Your Country" 


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Choose your Perk

Brave Supporter

$10 USD
A huge “thank you” and your name on our website as part of the Be Brave movement.
278 claimed

Be Brave Downloader

$25 USD
A huge “thank you” with your name on the website, and a download of Be Brave sent to you once it is released for video.
619 claimed

Be Brave on DVD

$35 USD
The full version of the film in a shiny new case with unique art and words from the crew, the family and Daniel plus a Huge thank you on our website. (this will be delivered once Be Brave is out of theaters and released to DVD)
227 claimed

Be in the the Brave Band

$50 USD
A custom-made leather Be Brave wristband in your choice of size and color (black or Brown). Click the gallery tab to see wristband photos! As well as: a download of Be Brave once it’s released for video, a digital excerpt of Daniel’s poetry, a digital copy of Daniel’s artwork and a huge “thank you” with your name on the website.
226 claimed

Bigger Be Bravers

$80 USD
An adult Be Brave T-shirt in your choice of size and color (black or white), We went all out on the T-shirts, they are high quality and so beautifully fitted, think American Apparel but better☺ (Click the gallery tab to see T-shirt photos) As well as: a download of Be Brave once it’s released for video, a digital excerpt of Daniel’s poetry, a digital copy of Daniel’s artwork and a huge “thank you” with your name on the website.
181 claimed

Rock Solid Bravery

$125 USD
Wristband, DVD and A one of a kind small river rock, hand painted by artist Storma Sire that says Be Brave on one side of the rock and has Daniel's symbol of interconnection on the other. ( please see gallery for pictures) *your preference of Download or Be Brave DVD will come once it's released to DVD
35 claimed

Be a Brave Saviour package

$180 USD
Our lastest and greatest new reward to help us make our goal! A signed DVD, POSTER, WRISTBAND or ROCK and PHOTO BOOK, Photo book is a limited edition book with poetry and art by Daniel and stories from the crew and family of their experiences in Mexico. (all these make great gifts too!)
9 claimed

Special Brave Supporter

$308 USD
Special edition DVD or download (your preference) of Daniel’s original “sketch film” titled Sketches for Roam, your name in the special Thank You credits of the film. As well as all that's offered in the As Well As section in the 50$ and 80$ perks!
29 claimed

Be Brave and Chat with us!

$500 USD
A phone call with Mikki Willis or Erin (up to 30 minutes long), 4 tickets to a showing of Be Brave in Theaters nearest to you, and your name in the special Thank You credits of the film. As well as absolutely everything offered in the Perks above.
17 out of 50 of claimed

Premiere Be Brave with us!

$1,500 USD
OUR NEWEST PERK: You and a guest attend the Premiere of Be Brave in Vancouver or Los Angeles, and an all expenses paid celebration dinner w Erin and the Elevate Crew in the Southern California or Dinner in the Greater Vancouver area with Erin and her loved ones. (airfare not provided) Your Name in the Special Thanks section of the film Credits, as well as absolutely everything offered in the rewards above!
6 claimed

Enter the Brave Cave

$5,000 USD
A 5 day all expenses paid tour to explore the Yucatán and a visit to the Mayan burial cave, just don't take any souvenirs from the cave! Food and lodging provided (Not including Airfare) Your name in the extra special Thank You credits As well as absolutely everything offered in the Perks above.
6 out of 50 of claimed

Bravest Executive Producer

$10,000 USD
a HUUUGE Thank you, Executive Producer credit on Be Brave, Yucatan Adventure for 2 as seen above in"Enter the Brave Cave", 2 nights stay at a brand new cozy Bed and Breakfast on Lake Okanagan in Peachland, BC (Dan’s favorite summer spot). 2 Tickets to the Premire w dinner -as seen in perk “Premiere Be Brave with us!” or 6 movie tickets to the Premiere nearest you, plus all other perks: Tshirt, wristband, Be Brave rock, DVD n more * See trip details in gallery under FILES. (airfare not incl.)
2 claimed
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